An Innovation Fund was established “to explore, deploy and learn from the creation of new services, programming, technology and staff opportunities."
The original discussion providing grants through the Innovation Fund happened late in FY 2018. Expenditures occurred in 2019 and another round of the innovation exercise occurred in 2020. Nine proposed projects were funded in 2019 which included a mobile makerspace/exploration carts at Steenbock Library,
student campus historian-in-residence in Archives,
publicly accessible lactation space at College Library and a research data management undergraduate study group. Another round of funding occurred in FY 2020 which included projects such as an
escape room toolkit, Raspberry Pi display boards, software for Bibliophonix and a music software workstation. Funding for these projects prioritized individual growth, capacity, and experimentation. Funding came from Wisconsin TechSearch revenue.
Additional contact: Operational Leadership Team