Goal 1: Establish assessment as a continual and integral program
Metric: Assessment plans for each Associate University Librarian portfolio have been established
Develop comprehensive disciplinary and research profiles based on user assessments
Develop ongoing assessments for resources and services
What has been accomplished
In collections, a series of tools have been developed to aid in assessment. These have been initiated by the Collection Management Reports Group and the AUL of Collections and Research Services. Significant support and development for these tools have been provided by the libraries’ data strategist.
The Libraries have undertaken a comprehensive assessment of the content of our web services and have initiated projects to improve the quality, consistency, comprehensiveness, and coherence of resource and services discovery and support.
In efforts towards the establishment of an assessment program we have identified 5 domains of the UW-Madison espoused assessment program and identified preliminary priorities within:
Collections (electronic and physical) and their usage
Library contributions to student learning (impact/outcomes)
User experiences (including the impact of library services/resources on their research and scholarship)
Discovery/Access/Usage of research materials in the digital networked environment/ecosystem
Library spaces and usage, including the impact of library spaces on emerging pedagogies
Foundational work completed for establishment of an assessment program.
The Research Services Needs Assessment Committee (RSNAC) was established and charged to A) Develop a plan for assessing research needs across campus B) Use the plan to initiate needs assessment efforts. RSNAC has undertaken a component of the effort to assess research needs across campus, by completing the Ithaka Study of UW-Madison Civil & Environmental Engineers. The Ithaka study will yield disciplinary research profile of civil & environmental engineers, and form a strong basis for tailoring library support for the constituency. RSNAC has also engaged with researchers to document their research process and workflows. These efforts contribute to the effort of developing comprehensive disciplinary and research profiles based on user assessments.
The Libraries established the Library Ambassadors Program to facilitate, among other things, student feedback in assessment efforts needing student input, or in usability studies, etc.
In partnership with the Office of Academic Planning and Institutional Research, Sheila Stoeckel, Steve Meyer, and Heather Weltin completed an analytics study of the rate of proliferation of library instruction across the campus disciplines. The pleasing results of this study have not only led to a second phase of the assessment study but also led to an expanded effort to engage broadly with analytics efforts in pursuit of data that reflects the libraries performance, impact, etc.
Yet to be accomplished
Executive Team to be presented with and approve the 2019-22 Diversity Strategic Plan which includes goals and assessment for EDC efforts.