Academic Staff Award Winners Oral History Project
This oral history project exists to interview the winners of the annual UW-Madison Academic Staff Awards.
Available 9 a.m.–10 p.m.
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This oral history project exists to interview the winners of the annual UW-Madison Academic Staff Awards.
UW-Madison Oral History Program’s oral history project documenting the stories and memories of African-American Athletes.
The Oral History Program is proud to help the department of Art History celebrate 100 years at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In […]
From WWII to the Today Since its inception in 1848, the University of Wisconsin in Madison has been home to current and […]
This project tells the story of Badger Village, a housing community for married student veterans and their families located at the Badger Ordnance Works […]
These exhibits and special projects were completed by Archives staff and UW-Madison SLIS students, and feature a variety of topics that illuminate our campus history.
The University of Wisconsin Oral History Program–part of the UW-Madison Archives & Records Management–presents the incredible career and extraordinary life and work of Dr. Frederic E. Mohs, M.D. Developed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1936, Mohs surgery is now practiced worldwide and has been proven to be one of the most effective procedures for treating skin cancer.
Between 1951 and 1957, an experimental scholarship program brought some of the brightest high school students from across the country to the […]
Introduction The Madison General Hospital School of Nursing trained many nurses over its 80 years. Students learned the art of nursing while […]
The LGBTQ Archive contains oral histories, personal papers, photographs, ephemera and organizational records related to LGBTQ life in Madison and Dane County from the 1940s to today.
Background: Forestry emerged as a special political concern within resource management in the late-nineteenth century. In 1891, during the administration of Benjamin […]
This project was conceived to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the bombing of Sterling Hall which took place on August 24, 1970. The […]
This collection includes digital audio recorded interviews with 52 current and former employees of the U.S. Forest Products Laboratory located in Madison, Wisconsin. […]
Pre-Merger Information Before merger, the Coordinating Council of Higher Education (CCHE) existed as a board meant to provide oversight to the two […]
The Model and Role of the Former UW Colleges In November 2017, an initiative was begun to restructure the UW Colleges and […]
Introduction Since the 1960s, faculty in UW-Madison’s Art Department nurtured artists interested in bookmaking. Students learned techniques in letterpress printing, typography, printmaking, […]
The project was conceived to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the 1970 Teaching Assistants Association strike. Oral History Interviews To browse the […]
This series relates the experiences of women who have worked in science, engineering, medicine and mathematics at the University of Wisconsin from […]
About The primary goal of the Oral History Program at UW-Madison has always been to gather and preserve, through in-depth, recorded interviews, […]