First Annual Bernstein Book Arts Lecture

Artist as Archivist: The Work of Maureen Cummins

Lecture by Maureen Cummins

Thursday, March 19, 2015 at 11:30 a.m.

Memorial Library room 126

728 State Street, Madison WI 53706

Cummins is a native New Yorker who has produced over 30 limited edition artists’ books.  Her work tackles such difficult social issues as women’s rights, race relations, human oppression and torture, poverty, identity, and mental illness.   She utilizes original photographs, business documents, slave narratives, hospital records, gay love letters, and other historical archival material to explore new and disturbing meanings in and around these issues. 

She has received numerous grants and funded residencies, including the prestigious Pollock-Krasner award. 

During her visit to campus Maureen will also teach a workshop for students in the Department of Art on the topic of creating work using historical ephemera.

In conjunction to these events, see the related exhibition at the Kohler Art Library showcasing its collection of artists’ books by Maureen Cummins: Artist as Archivist: The Work of Maureen Cummins, which runs from March 15 – June 30, 2015.

Sponsored by UW-Madison’s Kohler Art Library, the lecture and workshop are funded by the Leonora G. Bernstein Artists’ Book Endowment.