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The Reimagined Book: Julie Chen & Flying Fish Press
Distinguished book artist Julie Chen has produced nearly 60 limited edition works that focus on the reading experience and the materiality of the book. Her quest to merge structure and meaning creates intimate, yet bold works. Chen uses inventive book forms (game boards, dioramas, and pop-ups, among others) combining personal narrative to comment on the human condition and
the environment. Chen will discuss the work of her Flying Fish Press (Berkeley, CA) which began in 1987. Complex, robust, and surprising, her book art is nonpareil.
An exhibition, The Reimagined Book: Julie Chen & Flying Fish Press, will be on view at the Kohler Art Library, March 14–June 8, 2018.
Funded by the Leonora G. Bernstein Artists’ Book Endowment and sponsored by Kohler Art Library, UW–Madison Libraries.
Image details: Panorama, 2008.