Third Annual Bernstein Book Arts Lecture

Stories: the Moonkosh Press

Lecture by Diane Fine

Tuesday, March 14, 2017 at 11:30 a.m. Memorial Library room 126
728 State Street, Madison WI 53706

Diane Fine is a distinguished book artist, printmaker, and educator. Under her imprint Moonkosh Press the artist has produced over twenty-five limited edition books that explore the search for meaning, and speak to the need for beauty in our lives. Fine will discuss her artist’s books, and make observations about working alone versus working collaboratively. Her rich and imaginative books combine letterpress printing with a variety of print media. Employing color, pattern, symbols, and inventive structures, Fine’s books address topics such as feminism, breast cancer, ritual, nature, solitude, and memory.

An exhibition, Words & Pictures: Artist’s Books by Diane Fine, will be on view at the Kohler Art Library March 1–June 30, 2017.

Funded by the Leonora G. Bernstein Artists’ Book Endowment and sponsored by Kohler Art Library, UW–Madison Libraries.

Lecture is free and open to the public. Image details: Red, 2008