The Visual Narrative: Book Arts and Photography

Artists have incorporated photographs into book arts since the late 1960s and continue to use evolving forms of this medium in their work. This exhibition represents artists’ books covering the last forty-five years that construct visual stories through the use of photography and/or photography combined with text.

Popped Architecture

On view are thirteen specimens of pop-up books on the theme of architecture. The three-dimensional paper models range from the Forbidden City in Beijing, China to a Victorian dollhouse in the round; from ancient, Medieval, and Renaissance buildings to modern works by Antonio Gaudí and Frank Lloyd Wright.

Mobile Devices: Conveying Movement in Text, Image, and Material

This exhibition explores the theme of mobility—physical, mental, poetic, social, economic, and geographic—within a collection of artists’ books at the Kohler Art Library.

Mesoamerican Manuscript Facsimiles

This exhibition showcases the Mesoamerican manuscript facsimiles that are located in the Kohler Art Library. The Aztec (Codex Borgia, Codex Fejérváry-Mayer, Codex Borbonicus, and Codex Vaticanus Lat. 3773), Mayan (Codex Dresdensis Maya), and Mixtec (Codex Edgerton and Codex Colombino) facsimiles have been published to replicate the original Pre-Columbian and early Spanish conquest era books.