Policies and Charges

Will accept requests by

  • OCLC, Rapido, or web request only. Contact us to set up first-time access to our web form, or if you would like to become a Rapido partner. We do not accept ALA forms.

Loan period & limits

  • 4 weeks for U.S libraries
  • 2 weeks upon receipt for international libraries
  • Two-week renewals possible
  • Limit of 5 volumes or 6 reels of a single title per request

Lost or damaged materials

UW-Madison ILL abides by ALA Interlibrary Loan Code section 4.9, whereby the borrowing library will: Assume responsibility for borrowed material from the time it leaves the supplying library until it has been returned to and received by the supplying library. This includes all material shipped directly to and/or returned by the user. If damage or loss occurs, provide compensation or replacement, in accordance with the preference of the supplying library. 

UW-Madison ILL will charge borrowing libraries the cost of replacement and/or processing fees for lost or damaged materials. Once compensation is received and deposited by UW-Madison, refunds are not possible. In cases where lost items are found, UW-Madison expects the borrowing library to return the material regardless of invoice payment status.

Basic charges

  • Articles/Chapters and Loans to U.S. Libraries: $20.00
  • Loans to International Libraries: $35 for the first volume; $15 each additional volume
  • Payment accepted via OCLC IFM (preferred), check (U.S. Libraries only), credit card, or IFLA voucher

Extra charges

  • Masters Theses: $8.00


UW-Madison has reciprocal relationships with BTAA (Big Ten Academic Alliance) libraries, Stanford University Library, the Library of Congress, Iowa State University Library, University of Connecticut, and the Smithsonian Institution.

Non-Circulating Materials

Several collections and/or materials located within the UW-Madison Libraries’ collections do not circulate. Note that the lists below are not necessarily comprehensive.

Non-circulating collections include:

  • African Studies
  • American Indian Studies Library
  • Cooperative Children’s Book Center (CCBC)
  • Limnology Library
  • Max Kade Institute
  • Robinson Map Library

Scanning from these collections is not permitted:

  • African Studies
  • Max Kade Institute, Robinson Map Library