Librarian of the Year – Kelli Keclik
Our very own late-evening librarian, Kelli Keclik, received the award for Librarian of the Year for under 10 years of service. Kelli’s nominators cited her original thinking and innovations as reasons to receive this award. To quote, “she drives change. She embraces new ideas and thinks about how they can improve service. She balances cost against function and user need.” There are many projects and initiatives that would not exist if it weren’t for Kelli’s vision and drive including: finals week events, the undergraduate research award, College Library’s video game collection, the College Library Improvement Committee, and numerous research guides. One example that deserves highlighting is last September’s Welcome Week House Party at College Library. Under her leadership and guidance, Kelli planned, got grant funding for, and saw a team through a hugely successful and fun event.