Game Consoles
Now available for check out from the College Library Computer & Media Center (CMC) are three video game consoles in a variety of platforms. The Microsoft Xbox 360 unit comes with 4 rechargeable controllers, 2 cables, and Kinect. The Sony Playstation 3 console also has 4 rechargeable controllers and 4 recharging cables, while the Wii console comes with 4 rechargeable Wii-motes, 2 nunchucks, an ethernet to USB adapter, and a recharging dock.
Game consoles are loaned for three days and are available to UW students, faculty, and staff. To reserve an item, simply check the loan calendar to see if the item is available, and submit a reservation. Stop by the CMC, Room 2250, to collect your equipment at the designated time.
Use the UW-Madison Libraries catalog to browse a list of video games that are currently available for check out. Video games have a loan period of two weeks. If you have any questions about how to reserve a console, don’t hesitate to Ask a Librarian.
Game on!