Library Updates
Winter interim brought a number of changes to College Library. Returning students will find new carpeting in Room 3191. A look at the old carpet squares demonstrates why their replacement was a priority for the library. To keep the space accessible and reduce tripping hazards, we installed new carpeting that also serves to demarcate the “quiet” and “silent” zones of this room.
Another update is the transition from white print cards to using Wiscard to pay for printing and copying at the library. New readers have been attached to copiers that allow library patrons to pay for photocopy jobs using their Wiscards. You can easily add money to either your Campus Cash or your Wiscard Print Account.
If you have funds in excess of $5 on your white print card, you can transfer the full amount to your Wiscard account. For amounts less that $5, you can still use the cards at these locations until June 2015. For more information on how to transfer funds and other questions related to this transition, please see the main library website.
Finally, the WisCEL Center in Room 3250 has been outfitted with all new Windows laptop computers. By improving sight lines, instructors are better positioned to use the space effectively. Each pod also has a designated large monitor to facilitate group work. They provide all of the functionality of a group study room, without those annoying walls.
College Library constantly strives to improve its spaces and resources to bring undergraduate students using the library the best possible experience. If you have any suggestions for improving the library, please email us.