Academic Resource Fair
On Wednesday, Sept. 27, from 3:30 to 6pm, College Library welcomes a number of campus partners to an academic resource fair in Open Book, Room 1250 and the 2nd floor Computer Lab, Room 2250. The event, co-sponsored by First-Year Interest Groups (FIGs), the Center for the First Year Experience (CFYE) and the library, provides students with the opportunity to meet staff and learn about a number of support services available at UW-Madison.
The organizations committed to participating include:
• Center for Academic Excellence
• Cross College Advising Service
• DDEEA Academic Support Services
• DesignLab
• Greater University Tutoring Service (GUTS)
• History Lab
• Mathematics Tutorial Program
• McBurney Disability Resource Center
• Peer Learning Association
• Physics Learning Center
• Statistics Tutorial Lab
• WISCIENCE/BioCommons
• Writing Center
Ian’s Pizza and Glass Nickel will be providing pizza for the event. Visit the 2nd floor for a sweet treat from Insomnia Cookies and a photo op at the Retro Photo Booth.
We are partnering with the UW Sustainability Interns to plan a low waste event. Please bring your own water bottle and take advantage of our water bottle refill stations. Additionally, we will be using compostable food supplies and staffing waste receptacles to answer recycling and composting questions at the point of need.
Scan your Wiscard and be automatically entered for door prizes – a $50 gift card from Fontana Sports, a $25 gift card to the University Book Store, a $10 DoIT Tech Store gift card, and much more. Stop by and get a head-start on success! Or, if you can’t make the fair, find an online representation of the resources on the Undergraduate Advising website.