Making Buttons
College Library now circulates two button-makers, one which makes 1-inch buttons, while the other produces 2¼-inch versions. Purchased for finals events, the button-makers proved to be very popular and the library decided to make them available for circulation.
In the past, patrons could check out the machines on a 3-day loan, but had to purchase their own supplies from a company in Texas. Kelli Hughes, the librarian on staff who coordinates access to the button-makers, recently solved the problem of getting supplies to UW students, faculty, and staff. She reports, “College Library is delighted to offer button-making supplies, at cost, in the library’s 2nd floor vending machine (located just outside the entrance to the computer lab).”
The vending machine dispenses a card which can be redeemed at the desk in the InfoLab (Room 2250) for the component pieces of 25 buttons. The 1-inch button supplies sell for $1, while the 2¼-inch sell for $1.50. According to Kelli, “This gives students the opportunity to purchase as much as is needed, without having to plan a couple of weeks in advance.”
To check out one or both button-makers, please see the library’s “Other Equipment” page. If you have suggestions about other items the library might circulate, please contact us.