National Poetry Month Display
In 1996, April was selected National Poetry Month – determined by experts as the best month of the year to encourage engagement with poetry across all grades and ages. Meanwhile, the average college student is spending this month recovering from spring break and locking in on upcoming finals. With that in mind, our ISIP intern Bella has curated a collection of poetry books that are mostly full of short poems that will refresh your mind, give you inspiration, and encourage you to consider reading poetry or, perhaps, writing a few poems of your own.
Two books that are currently part of the 3rd Floor display are Bird Eating Bird by Kristin Naca and Vivas To Those Who Have Failed by Martín Espada. If you are someone who speaks Spanish, or are interested in poetry in other languages, definitely consider checking out these titles. Both contain poetic descriptions of life stories of people with Latin heritage. If you’re looking for a book that sparks creative inspiration, see Newspaper Blackout by Austin Kleon. The author demonstrates the power of subtracting words from ordinary discourse. In addition to these volumes, there are more titles on display that have equally rich and inspiring content. If you’re someone who prefers online content, consider subscribing to Poem-A-Day, the daily digital poetry series featuring over 250 new, previously unpublished poems by today’s talented poets.
Take a moment to stop by the 3rd Floor of College Library to see the display right outside of Room 3250. You’ll leave inspired!