New Furniture in Room 2191!

October 22, 2024 By Library Communications

Last week, College Library installed new furniture in room 2191 which provides over 100 additional seats and several new seating styles. (And every piece of furniture provides access to power!) This is the second of three scheduled installs which will replace nearly all of the furniture in College 2191.

The first installation occurred at the beginning of the summer and involved replacing most of the standard 1970’s-era tables and chairs with tables and chairs on casters to improve flexibility of the space.

While table seating tends to be the most popular choice in library spaces, sometimes you need something different. A variety of other study options have been added to provide alternative choices:

For people who need more focused space, the previous single-person carrels are being replaced with larger workspaces that are wrapped in a fabric shell to provide better sound isolation. Also, the 6 carrels just inside the entrance are height-adjustable for people who prefer to stand while studying.

Sixteen more study carrels will be added in November. They will be located farther back in the room, near the study rooms, and provide even wider study space and power for your laptops!

This work at College Library is a reflection of the importance we place on providing quality study spaces that support your learning needs. As you explore this updated space, please feel free to provide us feedback by stopping at the front desk, or sending us your comments.