
TRIAL: UW-Madison Libraries has access to a three month trial of Constellate beginning on February 1, 2024 and running through April 30, 2024. The trial includes access to 50,000 item datasets, all of the Constellate visualizations, the Constellate Lab (Jupyter), and invitations to Constellate classes.

Constellate, a text and data analytics service from JSTOR and Portico, is a platform for learning and performing text analysis, building datasets, and sharing analytics course materials. The platform provides support in three core areas – users can teach and learn text analytics, build datasets from across multiple content sources, and visualize and analyze their datasets.

  • Content: Constellate offers access to a variety of content types so that students and faculty can find topics of interest to explore and learn how to analyze different types of content. Sources include JSTOR, Portico, primary source material from Reveal Digital and South Asian Open Archive, and historic newspapers from Chronicling America. Users are able to work with all content available in Constellate and are not limited to content to which their institution is subscribed.
  • Data visualization/Analysis: Users get individual access to the Constellate Lab to run Jupyter Notebooks and R scripts in RStudio.
  • Classes/Tutorials: Constellate offers Jupyter notebooks with tutorials on how to use the platform, coding skills, and text analysis methods, as well as advanced topics such as working with large language models. Users also get access to Constellate’s online synchronous classes.

Creating an account

  1. Go to
  2. Click the “Log in” button at the top right of the page
  3. Select the option to register a JSTOR account if you don’t already have one
  4. All users must create an account using a valid email account
  5. Sign in using your JSTOR credentials