Equipment FAQ

Some information is available here, but for more specific information please call the circulation desk at the checkout locations, the staff will be glad to answer your questions.

Most loan periods are 1 day or 1 week, but loan periods on equipment can vary, especially for reserve equipment. Please call the location you intend to borrow equipment from for more information.

Most locations share a common set of software running on both Windows and MacOS. Both operating systems come pre-installed with the most recent version of Microsoft Office, Skype, and commonly used media players, browsers and utilities. Patrons are free to install additional software that they would like.

Yes. This is done with certain types of equipment at College and MERIT Library. See the College Library reservation page for more details.

Yes. You will have administrative permissions on the laptop to make whatever changes you want.

All data is wiped off the device before checking out to the next patron.