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A comprehensive list of reference and research databases is available in the Database Library.
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PREPStep for Colleges (EBSCOlearning)
Online platform of tutorials, practice tests, skill-building courses, and e-books designed to improve test preparation and test-taking skills for college placement and graduate admissions tests. Platform formerly known as LearningExpress. Registration required.
Nichi-Ro senshi / 日露戰史 (Bunsei Shoin)
Digital Maps of the Russo-Japanese War Compiled by the General Staff Headquarters. All 10 volumes and 496 maps in the appendix of the Russo-Japanese War are included in high-definition digital format.
History Vault: Civil Rights and the Black Freedom Struggle (ProQuest)
Primary source materials on social and political events of the 20th century Black Freedom Struggle from the perspective of people directly involved in the movement. Includes complete NAACP papers.
History Vault: Southern Life, Slavery, and the Civil War (ProQuest)
Primary source materials on Slavery and Southern plantations document the functioning of the slave system through ledgers, correspondence, petitions, photographs, diaries, legal documents, and more.
New content: added module History Vault: Southern Life and African American History, 1775-1915, Plantation Records, Part 3.
JAMAevidence (McGraw-Hill Medical)
Evidence-based Medicine (EBM) tools allow clinicians to recommend, and patients to make, informed choices about their care. Includes textbooks, guides, calculators, worksheets, and more.
AccessSurgery (McGraw-Hill Medical)
Comprehensive online surgery resource of surgical textbooks, instructional videos, images for diagnosis and step-by-step procedures, an interactive board review tool, and an integrated drug database.
AccessPharmacy (McGraw-Hill Medical)
Online pharmacy resource of pharmacy textbooks; quick reference; extensive Q&A covering pharmacotherapy and NAPLEX review; and materials on drug therapy cases, research drugs, and supplements.
AccessCardiology (McGraw-Hill Medical)
Cardiology resource with coverage from textbooks, book chapters, quick reference, audio, video and image collections, reviews of medical studies, integrated drug database, and patient education.
kweliTV (kweliTV)
Streaming media platform of Black stories from around the world, with over 800 independent films, documentaries, web series, animation, historical fiction, visual podcasts, and audio stories.
Web of Science Data Set (Clarivate)
A full extract of UW-Madison Libraries’ subscription to the Web of Science citation database in XML and JSON formats, for academic research and data science projects.
Note: The related Web of Science database is the searchable web-based interface to the same information found in this data set.
The Lens Data Set (Cambia / Lens)
Data set of patent data and related scholarly article records in JSON files for academic research and data science projects, sourced from the USPTO, WIPO, and other international patent offices.
Note: The related Lens database is the searchable web-based interface to the same information found in this data set.
Trade in Early Modern London: Livery Company Records, 1450-1750 (Adam Matthew)
Primary source collection of court and financial records from early modern London document its economic, social, cultural, and political life through the lens of trade guilds active from 1450-1750.
American Committee on Africa: Liberation Movements, Solidarity and Activism (Adam Matthew)
Primary source collection of a US organization’s involvement in African liberation struggles; covers social justice, civil rights, decolonization, US anti-apartheid movements, Africa in the Cold War.
Airiti Library = 華藝線上圖書館 (Airiti)
Collection of Chinese periodicals, conference proceedings, and eBooks from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and elsewhere; covers humanities, science, social sciences, technology, medicine, and life sciences.
New content: Added sub-collection National Palace Museums Periodicals Online.
National population census of China database / 中国人口普查数据库 (CNKI)
Census data on aspects of the population and life in China.
New content: Added third to fifth censuses (1982-2000) and the sixth census supplement (2010).
Oxford Bibliographies. Chinese Studies (Oxford University Press)
A comprehensive reference tool offering authoritative research guides for Chinese studies, combining in-depth analysis of an annotated bibliography with the scope of an encyclopedia.
Oxford Bibliographies. Biblical Studies (Oxford University Press)
Reference tool of authoritative research guides on biblical studies combine aspects of an annotated bibliography and high-level encyclopedia, with core and foundational sources, and expert commentary.
Oxford Bibliographies. Music (Oxford University Press)
Frequently updated, authoritative articles on topics in music, combine aspects of an annotated bibliography and encyclopedia, listing important and foundational sources, with expert commentary.
CathayPlay (CathayPlay)
Streaming video collection of 700 independent films and documentaries from China, presented in their original language with English captions or subtitles.
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online: Classics (Oxford University Press)
Collection of original Latin and Greek texts with English translations, commentaries, and research tools; Includes: Latin History, Latin Drama, Homer, Latin Poetry, Greek Tragedy, and Greek Comedy.
New content: Added Greek Comedy module.
Gale Literature: LitFinder (Gale)
Collection of literary works and authors throughout history, with full-text poems and poetry citations, short stories, speeches, and plays; Includes secondary materials like biographies, and images.
The Olympic Movement: Sport, Global Politics and Identity (Adam Matthew)
Multimedia archival collection documents the global history of the Olympic movement – from the organization of the first modern Olympic Games in 1896, to the 1992 Summer Olympics and Paralympics.
History Commons: World War I: Military Camp Newspapers (Coherent Digital)
Collection of American military camp newspapers from World War I covers social insights into the war, attitudes among military personnel, politics of the time, training, and news about the enemy.
History Commons: Colonial Newspapers, 1728-1835 (Coherent Digital)
Digitized newspapers from colonial America: The Virginia Gazette, The Pennsylvania Gazette, The Pennsylvania Packet, The Maryland Gazette, and five South Carolina newspapers.
History Commons: American County Histories (Coherent Digital)
Collection of 2,500 digitized volumes of county histories from across the United States.
The Documentary History of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America: Digital Edition (University of Virginia Press – Rotunda)
Official records, unofficially reported debates, and correspondence related to the of the First Federal Congress of the United States of America.
Global Press Archive (East View)
Growing archive of digitized print newspapers in more than 30 languages from around the world, ultimately including titles from over 80 countries. New content is continually being added.
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online: Classics (Oxford University Press)
Collection of original Latin and Greek texts with English translations, commentaries, and research tools; Included modules: Latin History, Latin Drama, Homer, Latin Poetry, Greek Tragedy.
New content: Added Latin History, Latin Poetry, and Greek Tragedy modules.
South Asia Commons: South Asian History and Culture (Coherent Digital)
Curated portal of documents and media from and about South Asia from 500 collections worldwide, with links to content on original sites. Includes books, journals, video, audio, newspapers, and more.
Mexico in History: Colonialism to Revolution (Adam Matthew)
Document archive of a wide variety of topics related to Mexican history (1500-1929), from Spanish colonization and “New Spain”, through the Mexican War of Independence to the Mexican Revolution.
Africa Commons: Southern African Films & Documentaries (Coherent Digital)
Streaming video collection focused on Southern African history, politics, and culture, as seen through documentaries, feature films, propaganda, and newsreels (1916-2011).
Africa Commons: Black South African Magazines (Coherent Digital)
Collection of rare, historically significant magazines, written and targeted specifically for Black Africans, with coverage of major events and prominent figures, from 1937-1973.
Africa Commons: African History and Culture (Coherent Digital)
Curated portal of digital artifacts from and about Africa from 4,300 collections worldwide, with links to content on original sites. Includes images, multimedia, books, articles, and more.
History Commons: Secret Files from World Wars to Cold War (Coherent Digital)
Archive of British government secret intelligence and foreign policy files from 1936 to 1953, with a focus on World War II, with perspectives on events from 1873 to 1951 through an intelligence lens.
History Commons: Weimar and Nazi Germany (Coherent Digital)
Primary source archive of declassified documents in English about Germany (1918 to 1939) from the UK Foreign Office and British Embassy reports, correspondence, transcripts of speeches, and more.
Policy Commons: Public Health & Social Care (Coherent Digital)
Hard-to-find public health and social care research materials from health providers, hospital systems, foundations, patient groups, practitioners, governments, think tanks, and other organizations.
Policy Commons: World Governments (Coherent Digital)
Collection of research documents from national, provincial, and state governments from around the world allows comparison of policies across regions.
Bates’ Visual Guide to Physical Examination (Wolters Kluwer)
Videos of head-to-toe and systems-based physical examination techniques for the clinical setting.
Policy Commons: World Cities (Coherent Digital)
Collection of over 1.4 million rare and hard-to-find research reports from more than 1,000 of the world’s major cities show how municipalities are tackling issues that transcend national boundaries.
Policy Commons: North American City Reports (Coherent Digital)
Database of in-depth surveys, reports, and research from more than six hundred cities and urban agencies and non-governmental organizations in the United States and Canada.
Policy Commons: Global Think Tanks (Coherent Digital)
Database of current public policy gray literature – objective, fact-based research on wide ranging topics from the policy experts, think tanks, IGOs, and NGOs from around the world.
Medieval and Early Modern Studies (Adam Matthew)
Primary source collection on life in medieval and early modern Europe and the Americas.
Apartheid South Africa 1948-1994 (Adam Matthew)
Archive of British government files containing letters, diplomatic dispatches, reports, trial papers, activists’ biographies and first-hand accounts of events during South Africa’s apartheid regime.
New content: Added materials from 1981-1988 (archive is not yet complete – 1989 – 1994 not yet available).
The Transformation of Shopping: Department Stores, Social Change and Consumerism 1830 – 1994 (Adam Matthew)
Primary source material covering social and cultural history of the retail industry and consumers (19th-20th centuries), with content from company archives, trade journals, and union records.
East India Company (Adam Matthew Digital)
Digitized primary source materials (1600 to 1947) held by the British Library document British imperial history, maritime trade, global commerce, and the first multinational corporation.
New content: Added Module 6: Board of Commissioners, offers insight into the political, financial and military aspects of controlling the East India Company’s vast territory.
Colonial Caribbean (Adam Matthew)
Digitized records from British colonial governance of Caribbean territories (1624 to 1870). Includes administrative, trade and shipping records, and details of colonial settlement and plantation life.
History Commons: Cold War Eastern Europe (Coherent Digital)
Collection of declassified files from the British Foreign Office related to political, economic, cultural, social, and dissident life in countries behind the Iron Curtain during the post-Stalin era.
History Commons: British Society, 1939-1951 (Coherent Digital)
Primary source materials on life in Britain during World War II (1939-1951), cover topics of food, morale, crime, life in bomb shelters, trauma after air raids, racism, and economic hardships.
Women’s Voices and Life Writing, 1600-1968 (Adam Matthew)
Primary source collection of diaries and oral histories of women in the UK and Ireland offers contemporary views of conditions in which women have lived, in their own words, over four centuries.
Hindi Cinema: Histories of Film-making (Adam Matthew)
Video collection of unedited interviews and on-set actuality films related to Hindi film industry producing Hindi/Urdu language films from 1950-2010 in Mumbai, India, popularly known as ‘Bollywood’.
British Newsreels, 1911-1930: Culture and Society on Film (Adam Matthew)
Silent film collection of early 20th century British newsreels created to inform and entertain the public, with coverage of British life, culture, the Royal Family, and World War I propaganda.
Amnesty International Archives: A Global Movement for Human Rights (Adam Matthew)
Digitized records of an organization focused on campaigning for an end to human rights violations and abuses of all kinds in all parts of the world.
Africa Commons: East African Magazines, Newspapers, and Films: The Hilary Ng’weno Archive (Coherent Digital)
Collection of full-run magazines, newspapers, and films of Kenya, from legendary Kenyan journalist, Hilary Ng’weno.
History Vault: Workers, Labor Unions, Progressives, and Radicals (ProQuest)
Primary source materials on workers and the post-Civil War American labor movement, progressive and radical social movements, and their efforts to impact American and international politics.
Broadcasting America: The Rise of Mass Media and Communications (Adam Matthew)
Primary source material chronicling the expansion of radio and television technology, and the mass media industry in the United States (1920s – 1980s).
Royal Shakespeare Company Archives: From Playwrights to Performance, 1889-2013 (Adam Matthew)
Digitized archives of Royal Shakespeare Company (RSC) document the history of theater performance, set and costume designs, prompt books, music, props, photographs, production records, and more.
Africa and the New Imperialism: European Borders on the African Continent, 1870-1914 (Adam Matthew)
Printed works, diaries and journals, correspondence, maps, photographs, and film footage for researching the history of European colonization and exploitation across the African continent.
1980s Culture and Society (Adam Matthew)
Eclectic collection of archival materials representing key social, cultural, and political concerns of the decade from the United States, United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.
Church Missionary Society Archive (Adam Matthew)
Digitized records of a foundational organization in the Anglican evangelical movement, covering its missionary activities in Africa, East Asia, India, Americas, and Middle East (1799-1970s).
History Vault: American Indians and the American West (ProQuest)
Digitized records, correspondence, and personal narratives document Indian Wars, westward migration, and the interaction among white settlers, the U.S. federal government, and Indian tribes (1809-1971).
History Vault: American Politics and Society (ProQuest)
Broad collection of records and manuscripts on American politics in the 19th and 20th centuries, covering presidential and FBI records, elections, immigration, and Robert M. Lafollette’s papers.
Women’s Studies (Adam Matthew)
Collection of printed and manuscript sources offer a variety of perspectives on the social, political and cultural history of notable and influential women, primarily in the 18th and 19th centuries.
History Vault: Women’s Studies (ProQuest)
Documents and personal papers relevant to women’s history in the U.S., covering voting rights, the National Woman’s Party, national politics, reproductive rights, and the Equal Rights Amendment.
History Vault: Latinx History (ProQuest)
Primary source collection of documents from the White House Office of Hispanic Affairs on Latino Civil Rights during the Carter Administration (1979-1981).
History Vault: International Relations and Military Conflicts (ProQuest)
Archive of documents and files from the U.S. State Department and British Foreign Office related to diplomatic and military issues in various countries and regions around the world from 1911-1975.
In Response to the AIDS Crisis: Records of the National Commission on Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, 1983-1994 (Gale)
Archive of hearing and meeting transcripts, reports, and press clippings of the independent body advising Congress and the President on the development of national policy concerning the HIV epidemic.
Empire Studies (Adam Matthew)
Primary source archive of materials on British colonial policy and government; perspectives on life in British colonies; the relationship between gender and empire; race; and class.
Interwar Culture (Adam Matthew)
Archive of UK and US periodicals published between 1919-1939, on arts and culture, fashion, family life, travel, current affairs, social and welfare issues, and writing of prominent literary figures.
New content: Added Module 2: 1930-1939
Missionary Studies (Adam Matthew)
Historical primary source materials related to missionary work around the world, including educational work, medical work, evangelism, political conflict, and the emergence of indigenous churches.
Slavic and Eastern European Studies in Video (Alexander Street)
Documentary films related to Eastern Europe’s history, cultures, and contemporary landscape, exploring pivotal moments that shaped these countries, political upheavals, wars, and geopolitical shifts.
Music Online: Classical Scores Library (ProQuest)
Digital scores from a wide range of classical music genres, from the Medieval period to the 21st century.
New content: Added Volume VI – The Boosey & Hawkes Collection.
Latin American Women Writers (ProQuest)
Collection of literary works, memoirs and essays, in their original language, by Latin American women from the colonial period in the 17th century to the present.
Entertainment Industry Magazine Archive (ProQuest)
Core archive of trade magazines in the fields of film, music, broadcasting, theater, and video games through 2020.
New content: Added 5th collection, expanding available content through 2020.
North American Indian Drama: Second Edition (Alexander Street)
Collection of plays representing the stories and diversity of tribal traditions and approaches to drama of American Indian and First Nation playwrights of the twentieth century.
African Diaspora, 1860-Present (Alexander Street)
Collection of primary source documents, secondary sources and videos that focus on communities of people of African descent in the Caribbean, Brazil, India, United Kingdom, and France.
Caribbean Studies in Video: The Banyan Archive (Alexander Street)
Streaming video collection of oral and visual history of the culture, society, and identity of the Caribbean people, by the Caribbean people; includes music, dance, interviews, cultural programming.
Business, Economic and Labour History (Adam Matthew)
Primary source materials covering Keynesian economic policy in post-war Britain; international labor movements; the London Stock Exchange; and the papers of important economists.
Literary Studies (Adam Matthew)
Primary source collection of British and American literary manuscripts, rare printed works, and personal papers of a range of literary figures.
States of India (CMIE – Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)
Comprehensive compilation of state-level statistics and regional news of India supported by official statistical documents from state governments. Requires registration.
Consumer Pyramids Dx (CMIE – Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy)
Anonymized household survey data (2016- ) from an all-India representative sample as part of the Consumer Pyramids Household Survey. Requires registration.
Black Short Fiction and Folklore (ProQuest)
Collection of works of short fiction produced by writers from Africa and the African Diaspora, compiled from early literary magazines, archives, and the personal collections of the authors.
Latinx Thought and Culture: The NPR Archive, 1979-1990 (ProQuest)
Digitized audio and transcript archive of two radio programs focused on Latinx issues related to politics, sociology, human rights, the arts and more, from National Public Radio.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: St. Louis American (ProQuest)
Digital newspaper archive of St Louis American (1949-2010), an important voice of the area’s African American community, with coverage of the politics, society, and events of the time.
CBS News Video Archive (Alexander Street)
Archive of video segments from six decades of news programming and journalistic coverage of American and world history events, as they were originally reported by CBS News, 1950s-2010s.
Black Drama: Third Edition (Alexander Street)
Collection of plays written between the 1850s to present by Black dramatists from North America, English-speaking Africa, the Caribbean, and other African diaspora countries.
New content: Upgrade to Third Edition.
Swank Digital Campus (Swank)
Streaming video collection of commercial and independent films and documentaries.
New content: UW-Madison users now have access to the Swank Top 1500 Collection.
Queer Pasts (Alexander Street)
Digital queer history project of primary source document collections and curatorial essays for students and scholars of queer history and culture.
The Pragda Complete Film Collection (Docuseek)
Streaming video collection of 500 films about Spain and Latin America from over 30 countries, presented in their original language with English captions or subtitles.
The GOOD DOCS Complete Collection (Docuseek)
Streaming films and documentaries featuring stories about individuals and communities working towards a more equitable world, and which provoke critical thinking.
South and Southeastern Asian Literature in English (ProQuest)
Text-based collection of fiction, short fiction, and poems in English by South Asian and Southeast Asian writers, from the end of the colonial era to the present.
Women Make Movies Collection (Docuseek)
Streaming video collection of award-winning films from Women Make Movies, the leading distributor of independent films by and about women.
Music Online: The Qwest TV Collection (Alexander Street)
Curated digital video collection of live concert and global music performances of jazz, funk, soul, hip hop, folk, indie, electronic, and other world genres.
New content: Volume II adds 139 videos on jazz’s influence within music styles of the 21st century.
Area Studies: India (Adam Matthew)
Collection of primary source materials related to the British Indian Empire and the colonial history, culture and literature of the Indian subcontinent from 1712 to 1942.
Area Studies: China and Southeast Asia (Adam Matthew)
Primary source records of Western traders, travelers, missionaries and diplomats document Chinese culture and society, and economic development in East Asia and Southeast Asia (17th-20th century).
World War Two Studies (Adam Matthew)
Primary sources related to World War II; covers government policy, the war in the Pacific, and the war in Europe, records of the Special Operations Executive, private diaries, and Russian propaganda.
Icarus Films Collection (Docuseek)
Streaming video collection of social, political, and historical documentaries on the Docuseek platform.
New content: 2nd edition of collection (560 titles in total)
Docuseek (Docuseek)
Streaming video collection of independent, social-issue and environmental films from renowned leaders in documentary film distribution.
New content: added 4th Edition collection (116 titles).
New York Times (New York Times)
New York Times newspaper on (1851-present); includes International, Spanish, Chinese editions; Requires registration with email account.
New content: added access to NYTimes Games, Cooking, Wirecutter, and The Athletic.
Conflict in Indochina: Foreign Office Files for Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos, 1959 – 1979 (Adam Matthew)
Archive of British government diplomatic files related to the crisis in Southeast Asia (1959-1979), covering communist governments, cultural issues, foreign policy, human rights, military and warfare.
Area Studies: Japan (Adam Matthew)
Primary source collection of materials documenting the political, cultural and social history of Japan, from 1400 to the 20th century.
Digital National Security Archive (ProQuest)
Collection of declassified government documents covering U.S. policy toward critical world events, including their military, intelligence, diplomatic and human rights dimensions, 1945 to the present.
New content: added Collection 63 – U.S.-Russia Relations: From the Fall of the Soviet Union to the Rise of Putin, 1991-2000; and Collection 62 – U.S. Foreign Policy in the Carter Years, 1977-1981: Highest-Level Memos to the President
Women and Social Movements in the United States (Alexander Street)
Resource supporting the study of history of women in social movements in the United States between 1600 and 2024, featuring document projects with primary sources, audio-video, images, teaching tools.
New content: added updates for 2023 and 2024
Psychological Warfare and Propaganda in World War II: Air Dropped and Shelled Leaflets and Periodicals (Gale)
Collection of World War II leaflets and periodicals in over 10 languages, mostly created by the Allies, that were air dropped, or fired by artillery shell over German occupied territory.
Middle East Online: Arab-Israeli Relations, 1917-1970, The (Gale)
Curated collection of primary source documents from the British Foreign Office and UK National Archives related to key developments of Palestine and the Arab-Israeli conflict, from 1917 to 1970.
Middle East Online: Iraq, 1914-1974, The (Gale)
Collection of diplomatic documents from the British Foreign Office, Colonial Office, War Office and Cabinet Papers related to Iraq, from 1914 to 1974.
Persian Gulf States and Yemen, 1950-1959, The (Gale)
Archive of U.S. State Department Central Classified files relating to the internal affairs of the Persian Gulf states and Yemen, from 1950 to 1959.
Army Quarterly and Defence Journal, 1920-1983 (Gale)
Digital archive of a British military journal, published from just after WWI through the Cold War era, covering British perspectives of army defense policy locally and in regions throughout the world.
U.S. and Iraqi Relations: U.S. Technical Aid, 1950-1958 (Gale)
Collection of documents related to U.S. Operations Mission (USOM) and its technical mission in Iraq prior to the Revolution of 1958, and the efforts of the Point Four development program in Iraq.
U.S. Middle East Peace Policy and America’s Role in the Middle East Peace Process, 1991-1992 (Gale)
Archive of correspondence, memoranda, and reports from the Bush presidential administration, Congress, and federal agencies about American Middle East peace policy and the U.S. role in the process.
U.S. Operations Mission to Saudi Arabia, 1950-1955: Correspondence and Subject Files of the Office of the Director (Gale)
Primary source archive of files from the U.S. Operations Mission in Saudi Arabia related to diplomatic, political, security, and economic issues of the area during the early Cold War period.
Records of the Persian Gulf War (Gale)
Primary source collection of materials related to the diplomatic and military response by the United States (as part of a multi-national force) to the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait on August 2, 1990.
Palestine Statehood Committee Records, 1939-1949 (Gale)
Primary source archive of correspondence, memoranda, reports, and publications from U.S. and European committees working to establish a Jewish state in Palestine during and after WWII.
King and the People in Morocco, 1950-1959 (Gale)
Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats on the internal and foreign affairs of Morocco, from 1950 to 1956.
China and the Modern World (Gale)
Primary source archive related to history of China (early 1800s to 1990s), with monographs, manuscripts, periodicals, letters, historical photos, ephemera, and other historical documents.
Iran (Persia): Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1883-1959 (Gale)
Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats on the internal and foreign affairs of Iran (Persia), from 1883-1959.
Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Trans-Jordan: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1836-1944 (Gale)
Archive of U.S. State Department records and despatches related to internal affairs of Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Trans-Jordan, from 1836 to 1944.
Libya: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1796-1885 (Gale)
Archive of documents and correspondence from the U.S. Consulate in Libya from 1796-1885.
Morocco: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1797-1929 (Gale)
Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats on the internal and foreign affairs of Morocco, from 1797-1929.
Palestine and Israel: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1945-1959 (Gale)
Archive of U.S. State Department documents and files related to politics, laws, military, economy, industry, natural resources, public works, and media of Palestine and Israel, from 1945 to 1959.
Turkey: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1802-1949 (Gale)
Archive of diplomatic records from U.S. Consulates across Turkey (1802 to 1949), from late Ottoman roots in the early 19th-century to its emergence as a republic following WWI.
Iraq: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1888-1944 (Gale)
Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats on the internal and foreign affairs of Iraq, from 1888 to 1944, from Ottoman rule through British colonial occupation and independence.
French Mandate in Lebanon, Christian-Muslim Relations, and the U.S. Consulate at Beirut, 1919-1935, The (Gale)
Collection of diplomatic correspondence and telegrams received and sent by the American consular post in Beirut during the French Mandate in Syria-Lebanon (1919-1935).
Cyprus Crisis in 1967, The (Gale)
Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats about the Cyprus Crisis of 1967, including the U.S. and the United Nation’s response to the civil war and the threat to NATO.
British Mandate in Palestine, Arab-Jewish Relations, and the U.S. Consulate at Jerusalem, 1920-1944, The (Gale)
Correspondence and telegrams received and sent by the American consular post in Jerusalem during the British Mandate in Palestine (1920-1944).
Reports of the Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry Palestine, 1944-1946 (Gale)
Archive of government records related to the work of the committee studying the situation of Jewish survivors in port-war Europe and the issues connected with their resettlement in Palestine.
Liberty Magazine Historical Archive, 1924-1950 (Gale)
Digital archive of Liberty: A Weekly for Everybody, an illustrated magazine covering the moods, attitudes, lifestyles, fads, and values of middle America, published from 1924 to 1950.
Indian Army and Colonial Warfare on the Frontiers of India, 1914-1920 (Gale)
Historical document collection on the military history of South Asia and the British military experience in India.
U.S. Declassified Documents Online (Gale)
Collection of previously classified federal records (1945 to present) sourced from all of the presidential libraries and numerous executive agencies.
New content: Added Supplement 8
AM Research Skills (Adam Matthew)
A platform of online learning tools designed to introduce humanities and social science students to key approaches and methodologies of working with primary source material.
New content: Added module Interrogating Colonial Documents and Narratives.
International Climatic Changes and Global Warming (Gale)
Archival collection of studies, reports, and analyses of the U.S. response to the threat posed by climatic change and global warming, covering facts, causes, and economic and political implications.
International War on Drugs, The (Gale)
Archival collection of studies, reports, and analyses compiled by governmental and military agencies cover the U.S. Government’s response to the global illicit drug trade from 1980s to 2010s.
Development of Environmental Health Policy: Pope A. Lawrence Papers 1924-1983 (Gale)
Primary source materials of an environmental health specialist who researched environmental and industrial hygiene; radon; uranium mining; and toxicological, biological and chemical weapon systems.
Johnson Presidency Administrative Histories: Health, Education and Welfare (Gale)
Archival collection of government agency and departmental documents on a variety of presidential programs and initiatives during the administration of Lyndon B. Johnson (1963-1969).
Narcotic Addiction and Mental Health: The Clinical Papers of Lawrence Kolb Sr. (Gale)
Document archive (correspondence, reports, clippings, photos) of a U.S. pioneer in the medical approach to narcotics addiction treatment and in public health research and treatment of mental illness.
Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990: Reduction of Acid Rain, Urban Air Pollution, and Environmental Policy, The (Gale)
Documents related to the passing and implementation of the Clean Air Act Amendments (CAAA) of 1990 from and other environmental issues including endangered species and protection of American wetlands.
Global Environmental History (Gale)
Collection of primary source documents covering the history of the environment and conservation efforts across the globe from the late 1800s onwards.
Mobilizing East Asia Online (Brill)
Collection of English-language newspapers, magazines, and books from East and Southeast Asia, from the 1900s-1950s.
Latino Literature: Poetry, Drama, and Fiction (ProQuest)
Collection of more than 100,000 pages of poetry, short fiction, novels, and more than 450 plays by people of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central American, and South American heritage.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Leftist Newspapers and Periodicals (ProQuest)
Collection of news publications in English covering Communist, Socialist and Marxist thought, theory and practice (1845 to 2015).
Political Extremism and Radicalism (Gale)
Primary source materials about far-right and radical left political groups; covers philosophical, social, political, and economic ideologies, gender, sexuality, race, religion, civil rights, and more.
Update: Added Part III: Global Communist and Socialist Movements.
Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, 1941-1945 (Gale)
English translation of the complete official Soviet history of World War II, originally published in Russian in 1960 by the USSR Ministry of Defense.
Dance Online : Dance in Video (Alexander Street)
Streaming video of dance performances, documentaries, and interviews with performers and choreographers.
New content: Added Volumes 3 and 4.
Embase (Elsevier)
Large medicine and biomedical science database of millions of journal articles back to 1974, including from 2,900 journals not indexed in PubMed; includes coverage of Allied Health subjects.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Minnesota Collection (ProQuest)
Digital newspaper archive of 22 publications from Minnesota (and neighboring Wisconsin) offer cover-to-cover full-page access to local, regional, national, and international news (1867-present).
BookRail = 북레일 (BookRail Co. Ltd)
Collection of Korean-language academic ebooks and historical critiques from over 100 Korean publishers; user interface in both Korean and English, and search in Korean.
Bōei seisakushi shiryō = 防衛政策史資料 (J-DAC)
Archive of government documents, proceedings of high level executive meetings, personal memoirs, and testimonies related to Japan’s defense and policy history from 1960 to 1980.
Naichō shiryō = 内調資料 (J-DAC)
Archive of documents and diaries related to Japan’s intelligence history and National Police Agency, collected by Tamo Shigaki, the chief of the Cabinet Information Research Office (CIRO).
Cambridge Histories (Cambridge University Press)
Expanded subject coverage. Online reference collection covering the humanities and social sciences, with a concentration on political and cultural history, literature, philosophy, religious studies, music and the arts.
Underground and Independent Comics (Alexander Street)
Scholarly primary-source collection of adult comic books and graphic novels covers the full spectrum of this visual art form from around the world; with interviews, commentary, theory, and criticism.
New content: Added Volumes 2 and 3.
60 Minutes: 1997-2025 (Alexander Street)
Ten years of content added (2015-2025). Archive of video segments from the CBS News television program, with news coverage, investigative reporting, and feature segments on national and global issues.
Women’s Magazine Archive (ProQuest)
Backfiles of leading women’s interest consumer magazines from the late-19th century through to 2005.
New content: Added Volume III.
George H. W. Bush and Foreign Affairs: The Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid (Gale)
Collection of materials covering the planning and organization of the October 1991 Middle East Peace Conference in Madrid, including correspondence, memoranda, diplomatic dispatches, cables, and maps.
FBI File on Eleanor Roosevelt (Gale)
Documents from the FBI investigation on Eleanor Roosevelt (1941 – 1965), who was known as an outspoken woman and humanitarian; archive includes correspondence, memos, letters, and newspaper clippings.
Egypt: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1853-1962 (Gale)
Archive of diplomatic documents on the internal and foreign affairs of Egypt, from the years before the opening of the Suez Canal through British domination, Egyptian nationalism, and independence.
Democracy in Turkey, 1950-1959: Records of the U.S. State Department Classified Files (Gale)
Archive of documents collected by U.S. diplomats on the political, economic and social development of Turkey during a period of democratization in the 1950s.
British Campaign in Mesopotamia, 1914-1918 (Gale)
Archive of correspondence, minutes, memoranda and confidential prints related to the British/Indian Army expedition to Mesopotamia during World War I.
Afghanistan in 1919: The Third Anglo-Afghan War (Gale)
Archive of official British government confidential correspondence, memoranda, orders, and reports related to British military policy and administration during the Third Anglo-Afghan War in 1919.
Afghanistan and the U.S., 1945-1963: Records of the U.S. State Department Central Classified Files (Gale)
Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats on the internal and foreign affairs of Afghanistan, from 1945 to 1963.
Aden: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1880-1906 (Gale)
Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats from 1880 to 1906 related to Aden, a strategically located port city in Yemen, on the route from the Mediterranean to India via the Suez Canal.
Oxford Bibliographies. Psychology (Oxford University Press)
Frequently updated, authoritative research guides on topics in psychology, combining aspects of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Includes expert commentary.
National Geographic Virtual Library (Gale)
Complete cover-to-cover archive (1888 to 2020) of National Geographic Magazine, including all articles, photographs, maps, and advertisements.
The Stuart and Cumberland Papers from the Royal Archives, Windsor Castle module has been added to State Papers Online: Early Modern Government in Britain and Europe (1509-1782) (Gale)
Archive of government documents from Great Britain covers politics, international relations with Western Europe and the colonial world, from the 16th through the late 18th centuries.
Science, Technology, and Medicine, 1780-1925, parts 1 and 2 have been added to Nineteenth Century Collections Online (Gale)
Primary source collection of 19th century books, newspapers and periodicals, diaries and personal letters, manuscripts, photographs, pamphlets, and maps sourced from world libraries and archives.
Part 6: Community and Identity in North America has been added to Archives of Sexuality and Gender (Gale)
Gale resource that contains primary sources on social, political, health, and legal issues impacting LGBTQ communities.
British Library Newspapers, Part VI: Ireland, 1783-1950 module has been added to British Library Newspapers (Gale)
Daily and weekly national and regional newspapers from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland from the 19th century. Materials provide a broad, yet detailed view of Victorian British life and culture.
Saudi Arabia: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1930-1959 (Gale)
Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats on the internal and foreign affairs of Saudia Arabia, from 1930 to 1959.
WAVES, Records for the Asst. Chief, Naval Personnel for Women, 1942–1972 (Gale)
Digital military history archive of wartime and postwar records related to activities of WAVES (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) branch of the U.S. Naval Reserve.
Oxford Bibliographies. Classics (Oxford University Press)
Reference tool of authoritative research guides for the study of Classical Studies and Ancient History, combining aspects of an annotated bibliography and encyclopedia. Includes expert commentary.
Oxford Encyclopedia of American Cultural and Intellectual History (Oxford University Press)
Online encyclopedia covers values, aspirations, anxieties, and beliefs in the U.S., whether expressed in everyday life or formal bodies of thought, from early days of settlement to the 21st century.
Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Science, Medicine, and Technology (Oxford University Press)
Online encyclopedia explores the changing nature of science, medicine, and technology in the U.S.; key individuals, institutions, and organizations; concepts, practices, and processes behind changes.
Oxford Encyclopedia of American Social History (Oxford University Press)
Online encyclopedia covers the social experience of Americans throughout history, from population movements, work, racial divides, women’s suffrage, voting, leisure, consumption patterns, and more.
BBC Monitoring: Summary of World Broadcasts (Readex / Newsbank)
Collection of summary intelligence briefing reports prepared for Britain and its allies starting prior to WWII, based on broadcast data from open, publicly available sources.
History of Disabilities: Disabilities in Society, Seventeenth to Twentieth Century (Gale)
Digital primary source collection of books, manuscripts, and ephemera focused on disabilities studies and societal attitudes across several centuries.
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online: Classics. Latin Drama (Oxford University Press)
Collection of original Latin drama texts in original Latin, English translations, commentaries, and research tools; covers works of Plautus, Terence, and Seneca. Access limited to Latin Drama module.
C19: The Nineteenth Century Index (ProQuest)
Integrated collection of records supports 19th century research; includes indexes and finding aids for books, periodicals, official publications, newspapers, archives, and reference material.
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online: Homer (Oxford University Press)
Collection of authoritative editions of the writings of the ancient Greek poet Homer in original Greek text and English translations; includes commentaries and research tools.
Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies (Yale University Library)
Video testimonies of first-hand experiences of Nazi persecutions, including those in hiding, survivors, bystanders, resisters, and liberators; recorded in the language preferred by the witness.
NOTE: Registration required. All users must create an account from an authorized UW-Madison IP address. Videos marked as “restricted” are not included in UW-Madison’s access.
BAR Digital Collection (BAR Publishing)
Collection of academic ebooks related to archaeology cover data-rich studies from all periods from prehistory, through classical archaeology, to historical periods, and up to the 21st century.
Encyclopedia of Taiwan Studies Online (Brill)
Online encyclopedia of essays on Taiwan, covering history, society, culture, economy, politics, international relations, Indigenous studies, literature, gender studies, media studies, music, and art.
RIPM Jazz Periodicals (RIPM)
Full text article database of over 125 jazz periodicals and magazines from the 20th and 21st centuries; includes historic jazz magazines Down Beat, Jazz, The Grackle, The Jazz Review, and Jazzbeat.
Oxford Scholarship Online (Oxford University Press)
Collection of ebooks (research monographs, reference, textbooks) published by Oxford University Press, covering a wide range of disciplines. Access limited to subscribed subject collections.
Al-Ahram Digital Archive / الاهرام (East View)
Digitized archive (1876 – 2020) of one of the longest-running newspapers in the Middle East; nationalized in 1960, it is considered by many to be the de facto voice of the central government of Egypt.
ProQuest History Vault. Southern Life and African American History, 1775-1915, Plantation Records, Part 4 (ProQuest)
Digitized records of enslaved people and plantations in North Carolina and Virginia. Includes lists of enslaved people, plantation diaries, correspondence, and financial and legal papers.
Oxford Bibliographies. International Law (Oxford University Press)
Frequently updated, authoritative research guides on topics in international law, combining aspects of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Includes expert commentary.
APA PsycTherapy (Ebsco)
Streaming videos of therapy demonstrations featuring known therapists showing various treatment approaches in psychotherapy.
Underline Digital Video Library (Underline Science)
Streaming video platform of scientific lectures, research, discussion and conference live-streaming, covering topics in Engineering and Technology, Health Sciences, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences.
Oxford Bibliographies. African Studies (Oxford University Press)
Reference tool of authoritative research guides on African Studies that combines aspects of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Includes expert commentary.
China Comprehensive Gazetteers = 中國綜合方誌庫 (East View)
Collection of Chinese local gazetteers, or difangzhi, spans eight centuries (1229-1949) of China’s political history, literature, and religion, as well as its geography and natural history.
JoVE: Journal of Visualized Experiments (JoVE)
Information platform of streaming science video “articles” covering biological, medical, psychological, chemical, and physical research content for scientific research and education.
Swank Digital Campus (Swank)
Streaming video collection of commercial and independent films and documentaries.
Multimedia Fluid Mechanics Online (Cambridge University Press)
Online tool supports the study of mathematics behind fluid flows through experimental and computational demonstrations and animations, virtual labs and simulations, and videos.
Comprehensive Yiddish-English Dictionary / אַרומנעמיק ייִדיש־ענגליש װערטערבוך (Verterbukh)
Searchable online Yiddish-English dictionary, includes idioms, examples of usage, and dialect forms; with coverage of Yiddish words of all origins: Hebrew-Aramaic, Slavic, Romance, and Germanic.
African American Newspapers in the South, 1870-1926 (Coherent Digital)
Collection of U.S. newspapers published and written by African Americans for African Americans in the South, from Reconstruction through the Jim Crow period (1870-1926).
Grand secretariat archives / 內閣大庫檔案 (Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica)
Collection of materials from the Ming and Qing dynasties includes imperial decrees, edicts, memorials, tribute documents, examination papers, and documents from the offices of the Grand Secretariat.
Woman’s Tribune, The (Coherent Digital)
Archive of the second longest running woman suffrage newspaper covering women’s civil and political rights, and international issues, published in Nebraska by Clara Bewick Colby from 1883 to 1909.
Victorians on Film: Entertainment, Innovation & Everyday Life (Adam Matthew)
Early films made between 1895 and 1913 document the works of early filmmakers and daily life of late Victorian culture and society in Britain and locations in Europe.
Service Newspapers of World War Two (Adam Matthew)
Wartime newspapers (1939-1948) for soldiers serving in major theaters around the world, published in the US, Canada, New Zealand, India, and the countries of Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
Interwar Culture (Adam Matthew)
Archive of UK and US periodicals published between 1919-1939, on arts and culture, fashion, family life, travel, current affairs, social and welfare issues, and writing of prominent literary figures.
Market Research & American Business, 1935-1965 (Adam Matthew)
Archive of market research materials of Ernest Dichter, a 20th century market research pioneer recognised ‘father’ of Motivational Research, includes proposals, pilot studies, reports, and memoranda.
J. Walter Thompson: Advertising America (Adam Matthew)
Digital archive of one of the world’s oldest advertising firms (1887 to 2014) documents cultural, social, business, marketing, consumer and economic history, and the human psyche.
Migration to New Worlds (Adam Matthew)
Primary source collection covers British, European and Asian migration through personal accounts, shipping logs, printed literature, and organizational papers, as well as teaching and research aids.
American History, 1493-1945 (Adam Matthew)
Collection of primary source materials covering American history from early settlers to the end of World War II (1493-1945); includes letters, diaries, government documents, newspapers, images, maps.
TDM Studio (ProQuest)
Online text and data mining tool to collect and analyze ProQuest content available through UW-Madison Libraries subscriptions.
AM Explorer (Adam Matthew)
Federated search portal across all primary source materials in our subscribed social sciences and humanities collections (15th – 21st century) from Adam Matthew.
The Lens (Cambia)
Open access database combines scholarly article data (PubMed, CrossRef) with patent data from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, World Intellectual Property Organization, and other patent offices. Users must create an account using a valid email account to access The Lens Toolkit.
America in World War Two: Oral Histories and Personal Accounts (Adam Matthew)
Collection of oral history video interviews and artifacts from American military personnel and civilians during the Second World War (1937-1949).
Chinese Art Treasure Database / 观箴·云简 (Chinese Art Treasure LLC (中艺观箴·云简))
Primary source collection of royal art archives in the Qing Dynasty; supports the study of history, art history, arts, and Chinese studies.
Nineteenth Century Literary Society: the John Murray Publishing Archive (Adam Matthew)
Digitized literary archive of 19th century publisher, includes Lord Byron’s archive, Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of Species, Jane Austen correspondence, travel writing of Isabella Bird, and more.
Romanticism: Life, Literature and Landscape: the Manuscript Collections of the Wordsworth Trust (Adam Matthew)
Working notebooks, verse manuscripts and correspondence of William Wordsworth and fellow writers, including Dorothy Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Thomas De Quincey and Robert Southey.
Literary Print Culture: The Stationers’ Company Archive, 1554-2007 (Adam Matthew)
Digitized primary source collection of documents related to the early history of the printed book in England, the development of copyright and the British publishing industry.
Literary Manuscripts. 17th and 18th Century Poetry from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds (Adam Matthew)
Collection of seventeenth and eighteenth-century manuscript publications containing over 6,600 poems and other text; Verse index allows searching by first and last lines, author, date, and verse form.
Literary Manuscripts. Victorian Manuscripts from the Henry W. and Albert A. Berg Collection of the New York Public Library (Adam Matthew)
Digitized collection of unique manuscripts and associated rare, printed materials related to fifteen authors recognized for the importance of their contribution to Victorian literature.
Eighteenth Century Drama: Censorship, Society and the Stage (Adam Matthew)
Archive of play manuscripts submitted for license in the United Kingdom (1737-1824); related documents and visual materials; London Stage list of performances (1660-1800); biographical dictionary.
Apartheid South Africa 1948-1980 (Adam Matthew)
Archive of British government files containing letters, diplomatic dispatches, reports, trial papers, activists’ biographies and first-hand accounts of events during South Africa’s apartheid regime.
Popular Medicine in America, 1800-1900 (Adam Matthew)
Archival collection showcases the development of ‘popular’ medicine in 19th century America, in books, pamphlets, trade cards, and advertising for remedies and treatments aimed at the general public.
Medical Services and Warfare (Adam Matthew)
Archival collection on the history of injury, treatment and disease during wartime and interwar periods, documenting how war shaped medical practice and scientific advances between 1850 to 1949.
The Grand Tour (Adam Matthew)
Collection of manuscripts, printed text, illustrations, and maps that document travel to and daily life on the European continent, as seen and experienced by many wealthy Britons of the 18th century.
Early Modern England: Society, Culture & Everyday Life, 1500-1700 (Adam Matthew)
Primary source collection supports the study of everyday life and material culture in England from 1500-1700 through correspondence, legal records, wills, inventories, books, and objects.
Global Commodities: Trade, Exploration & Cultural Exchange (Adam Matthew)
Visual, manuscript and printed materials of 15 major commodities : chocolate, coffee, cotton, fur, opium, oil, porcelain, silver and gold, spices, sugar, tea, timber, tobacco, wheat and wine/spirits.
Travel Writing, Spectacle and World History (Adam Matthew)
Collection of accounts by women of their travels across the globe (early 19th century to late 20th century), from manuscripts, diaries and correspondence to drawings, guidebooks, and photographs.
Food and Drink in History (Adam Matthew)
Primary source material documenting the story of food and drink throughout history, illustrating links between food and identity, politics, power, gender, race, and socio-economic status.
World’s Fairs: A Global History of Expositions (Adam Matthew)
Collection of official records, monographs, publicity, and artifacts related to 200 international expositions and world’s fairs, with extensive materials from 12 “case-study” fairs.
Nixon Years, 1969-1974 (Adam Matthew)
British Foreign and Colonial Offices (FCO) government documents from Richard Nixon’s presidency covering Anglo-American discussions, US Policy, social conditions, domestic reforms, and more.
Gilded Age and Progressive Era (Adam Matthew)
Archival materials cover the transformation from the post-Civil War period of the Gilded Age with its technological progress, through the reform movement and social problems of the Progressive Era.
Poverty, Philanthropy and Social Conditions in Victorian Britain (Adam Matthew)
Archival collection documents social climate, working conditions, and public policy in Britain between the introduction of the New Poor Law in 1834 and the abolition of the workhouse system in 1930.
Life at Sea: Seafaring in the Anglo-American Maritime World, 1600-1900 (Adam Matthew)
Primary sources in maritime archives and collections document the lives of seafarers in the Anglo-American maritime world from 1600-1900, from personal memoirs, ships’ logs, and court records.
Children’s Literature and Culture (Adam Matthew)
Digitized collection of rare books, chapbooks, games, ephemera, and artwork produced for, about and, in some cases, by children during the golden age of children’s literature, between 1810 to 1930.
Slavery, Abolition & Social Justice, 1490-2007 (Adam Matthew)
Collection of primary source documents related to slavery and abolition studies dating from 1490 to 2007, supported by scholarly essays, tutorials, a visual sources, chronology and bibliography.
Leisure, Travel & Mass Culture: This History of Tourism (Adam Matthew)
Collection of guidebooks, brochures, periodicals, travel agency correspondence, photographs and personal travel journals documenting the growth of tourism for the masses.
Frontier Life: Borderlands, Settlement & Colonial Encounters (Adam Matthew)
Primary source collection of documents related to European and colonial frontier regions of North America, Africa and Australasia reveal the lives of settlers and indigenous peoples of the areas.
Perdita Manuscripts (Adam Matthew)
Digitized collection of manuscripts written or compiled by women in the British Isles during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries.
Trade Catalogues and the American Home (Adam Matthew)
Primary source collection of illustrated trade catalogues, trade cards and marketing ephemera document commercial tastes and consumer trends in America from 1850 to 1950.
Women in The National Archives (Adam Matthew)
Searchable finding aid of women’s studies resources in the National Archives, UK, and digitized documents on the suffrage question in Britain, the Empire and colonial territories, 1903-1962.
China: Culture and Society: The Wason Pamphlet Collection, Cornell University (Adam Matthew)
Digitized archive of rare pamphlets from the Charles W. Wason Collection on East Asia at Cornell University Library.
China, America and the Pacific: Trade & Cultural Exchange (Adam Matthew)
Collection of archival material connected to the trading and cultural relationships that emerged between China, America and the Pacific region between the 18th and early 20th centuries.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Cleveland Call and Post (1934-2010) (ProQuest)
Digital newspaper archive of various editions of Cleveland Call and Post, with coverage from 1934 to 2010.
Central Asia, Persia and Afghanistan 1834-1922: From Silk Road to Soviet Rule (Adam Matthew)
Archive of official government correspondence, reports, and maps from the British Foreign Office concerning Persia (Iran), Central Asia and Afghanistan, from 1834 and 1922.
Jewish Life in America, c1654-1954: Sources from the American Jewish Historical Society, New York (Adam Matthew)
Digitized primary source collection of personal papers from the American Jewish Historical Society in New York documents the history of Jewish communities in America from 1654 to today.
Foreign Office Files for South East Asia, 1963-1980 (Adam Matthew)
Archive of memoranda, correspondence, maps, government reports, and speech transcripts from the British Foreign Office related to Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore and the Philippines, from 1963 to 1980
Colonial Caribbean (Adam Matthew)
Digitized records from British colonial governance of Caribbean territories (1624 to 1870). Includes administrative, trade and shipping records, and details of colonial settlement and plantation life.
Korea Pro (NK Consulting, Inc.)
Current news and analysis provides comprehensive and timely insights into South Korea’s socio-economic landscape, political dynamics, and international relations.
The Fashion and Race Database (Artis Solomon, LLC)
Collection of articles, reading lists, object collections, podcast episodes, and essays, at the intersection of fashion and race that examine the fashion industry.
Sage Knowledge (Sage)
Information platform covering the social sciences, with e-books, reference works, and streaming video content published by Sage and CQ Press.
Sage Video: Sociology (Sage)
Streaming videos of experts in sociology discussing various aspects of sociological research from diverse perspectives.
Sage Video: Psychology (Sage)
Streaming videos of psychologists and academics discussing core concepts and research approaches in the field of psychology.
Sage Video: Counseling & Psychotherapy (Sage)
Streaming videos of experts and practitioners discussing various aspects of counseling and psychotherapy research and practice.
Film Platform Collection (Alexander Street)
Multidisciplinary streaming video collection of documentary films from around the world; includes Oscar-nominated documentaries and film festival winners.
South Asia Open Archives (SAOA) | Print (JSTOR / Center for Research Libraries)
Collection of open access materials for the study of South Asia, including newspapers, journals, reports, and government documents; works of art, history, and literature; reference works, and more.
O’Reilly for Higher Education (O’Reilly)
Collection of ebooks, audiobooks, videos, case studies, courses, and playlists on business, data, design, hardware, IT operations, math, science, engineering, security, software development, and more.
Trade and Globalization Studies Online (Alexander Street)
Multimedia collection of books, documentaries, case studies, and archival material focused on global trade and how it has been shaped by political, economic, and social forces over time.
LGBT Magazine Archive (ProQuest)
Digital historical archive of over 40 magazines devoted to LGBTQ+ interests, including The Advocate and Gay Times, document over 50 years of LGBTQ+ history, gay cultures, lives, and events.
Contemporary Global Issues in Video (Alexander Street)
Documentary video collection on global themes, humanitarian, and environmental issues, such as pollution, child trafficking, refugee camps, LGBTQ+ rights, indigenous people’s movements, and more.
Music Online: The Qwest TV Collection (Alexander Street)
Curated digital video collection of live concert and global music performances of jazz, funk, soul, hip hop, folk, indie, electronic, and world genres.
Rolling Stone Archive (ProQuest)
Digital archive of Rolling Stone magazine (1967-present), which focuses on rock and popular music journalism, and covers topics such as politics, media, and society.
Youth and Popular Culture Magazine Archive (ProQuest)
Digital archive of magazines published for teen and pre-teen audiences (1940 – 2020), focusing on the history of youth culture, including fashion, rock and roll, sexuality, and dating.
Voting Rights & Election Law (HeinOnline)
Books and government documents covering the electoral process and specific elections conducted both in the United States and around the world.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Barron’s (1921-2010) (ProQuest)
Digital magazine archive of Barron’s (1921-2010), which reports financial news, in-depth analysis and commentary on stocks and investments.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: Kansas City Call (1919-2010) (ProQuest)
Digital archive of Black weekly newspaper covered civil rights issues, segregation, discrimination, and other issues of the African American community. Archive in progress, content still being added.
CNN Video Collection (Alexander Street)
Archive of video segments from Cable News Network (CNN) specials and feature programming on business, economics, technology, environmental studies, health, women’s studies, and human rights.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers: The Washington Post (1877-2006) (ProQuest)
Digital newspaper archive of various editions of the Washington Post, with coverage from 1877 to 2006.
Vanity Fair Magazine Archive (Ebsco)
Digital magazine archive (1913-1936, 1983-2015) providing social commentary and covering pop culture, fashion, celebrities, and politics.
The National Review Archive (Ebsco)
Digital magazine archive (1955-2020) with a focus on American conservative analysis of political, social, and cultural affairs.
The New Republic Archive (Ebsco)
Digital magazine archive (1914-2020) providing commentary on politics, foreign policy, culture, and the arts.
The Nation Archive (Ebsco)
Digital archive of a weekly magazine (1865-2020) of political and cultural news and opinions on America and the world. Subjects include society, politics, economy, environment, activism, and more.
JET Magazine Archive (Ebsco)
Digital magazine archive (1951-2014) covering news, culture, the civil rights movement, and entertainment related to the Black community.
Esquire Magazine Archive (Ebsco)
Digital magazine archive (1933-2014) covering politics, men’s fashion, entertainment, fiction, and pop culture.
Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL)
Collection of academic journals, ebooks and Grey Literature documents in Humanities and Social Sciences from and about Central, East and Southeast Europe.
Ebony Magazine Archive (Ebsco)
Digital magazine archive (1945-2014) covering news, culture, and entertainment with a spotlight on Black life in America and worldwide.
The Atlantic Magazine Archive (Ebsco)
Digital magazine archive (1857-2014) covering news, politics, culture, technology, health, and more.
Time Magazine Archive (Ebsco)
Digital archive of news magazine (1923-2000) that covers current events, national and international news, politics, entertainment, and sports.
Life Magazine Archive (Ebsco)
Digital magazine archive (1936-2000) with a focus on photojournalism and covering 20th Century current events, politics, and culture.
House Beautiful Archive (Ebsco)
Digital archive of magazine which focuses on decorating and the domestic arts, 1896-present.
Repbase (Genetic Information Research Institute – GIRI)
Database of prototypic sequences representing repetitive DNA from different eukaryotic species and is used in genome sequencing projects.
Shintei Zoho Kokushi Taikei = 新訂增補国史大系 (Yoshikawa Kobunkan / Kinokuniya)
Compendium of Japanese history that systematically covers the fundamental pre-modern Japanese works of Japanese history research.
Japan: U.S. Economic Relations Group Records, 1979-1981 (Gale)
Archive of documents and reports of the Japan-U.S. Economic Relations Group, established in 1979 to maintain a healthy bilateral economic relationship between the two countries.
Japan : U.S. Naval Technical Mission, 1945-1946 (Gale)
U.S. Government reports on surveys of Japanese scientific and technological developments of interest to the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps in Japan, China, and parts of Korea, following World War II.
Country Intelligence Reports/State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research Reports Japan (1941-1961) (Gale)
Collection of government intelligence research and reports prepared between 1941 and 1961 on various topics related to the Japan by the U.S. Department of State.
Records of the Far Eastern Commission 1945-1952 (Gale)
This archive contains documents related to the activities of the Far Eastern Commission (FEC), which oversaw the postwar governing and reconstruction of Japan following World War II.
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State, 1950-1959 (Gale)
Archive of U.S. State Department documents and files related to diplomatic, political and economic issues in Japan, from 1950-1959.
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Political Relations, 1945-1949 (Gale)
Archive of U.S. State Department documents and files related to political relations between the United States and Japan, from 1945-1949.
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Political Relations, 1940-1944 (Gale)
Archive of U.S. State Department documents and files related to political relations between the United States and Japan, from 1940-1944.
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Political Relations, 1930-1939 (Gale)
Archive of U.S. State Department documents and files related to political relations between the United States and Japan, from 1930-1939.
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Internal Affairs, 1955-1959 (Gale)
Archive of materials collected by U.S. diplomats on the internal and foreign affairs of Japan, from 1955 to 1959.
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Commercial Relations, 1950-1963 (Gale)
Archive of U.S. State Department documents and files related to commercial relations between the United States and Japan, from 1950-1963.
Japan: Records of the U.S. Department of State Relating to Commercial Relations, 1910-1949 (Gale)
Archive of U.S. State Department documents and files related to commercial relations between the United States and Japan, from 1910-1949.
Oxford Bibliographies. Literary and Critical Theory (Oxford University Press)
Reference tool of authoritative research guides on Literary and Critical Theory that combines aspects of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Includes expert commentary.
Airiti Library = 華藝線上圖書館 (Airiti)
Collection of Chinese periodicals, conference proceedings, and eBooks from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and elsewhere; covers humanities, science, social sciences, technology, medicine, and life sciences.
Mediae Latinitatis Lexicon Minus Online (Brill)
Online version of J.F. Niermeyer’s concise dictionary of medieval Latin, with French, English and German translations for every entry of a Medieval Latin concept and searches on lemma and full text.
War on Poverty Community Profiles: Midwestern States (Gale)
Materials from the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library document the in-depth analysis of poverty in the Midwestern States (1960 to 1968) with an extensive inventory of historical data at a local level.
War on Poverty: Office of Civil Rights, 1965-1968 (Gale)
Collection of correspondence, memoranda, reports, and other government records concerning activities of the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) and its work on community-based antipoverty programs.
War on Poverty and the Office of Economic Opportunity: Administration of Antipoverty Programs and Civil Rights, 1964-1967 (Gale)
Documents and records pertaining to the Office of Economic Opportunity (OEO) collections which highlight efforts to meld the issue of civil rights and antipoverty initiatives.
Women’s Periodicals: Social and Political Issues (Gale)
A collection of historical periodicals published and written for or by women in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
Neues Deutschland Digital Archive (East View)
Digitized archive of a German-language daily newspaper, originally offering a socialist perspective during the Cold War, and a contemporary communist and socialist perspectives since reunification.
Food History: Printed and Manuscript Recipe Books, 1669-1990 (Gale)
Collection of full cookbooks and recipes in manuscripts from the collections of the Winterthur Museum and Library, from 1669 to 1990. Includes recipes for the kitchen, medicinal formulas, and more.
Etiquette and Advice, 1631-1969 (Gale)
Archives Unbound collection from the Winterthur Museum covers over 400 British and American books on etiquette, dating from 1631 through well into the 20th century.
Oxford Bibliographies. Cinema and Media Studies (Oxford University Press)
Reference tool of authoritative research guides on Cinema and Media Studies that combines aspects of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Includes expert commentary.
Passport (Euromonitor International)
Global market research database providing insight on industries, economies, and consumers worldwide, to assist users to analyze market context and identify future trends impacting businesses globally. Access restriction: All access requires a Madison NetID to log in. You must be a current UW Madison faculty member, student, or staff to use this database from on and off-campus.
Oxford Bibliographies. Latin American Studies (Oxford University Press)
Reference tool of authoritative research guides on Latin American Studies that combines aspects of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia. Includes expert commentary.
Labor and Employment: The American Worker (HeinOnline)
Government documents, books, and articles on legal aspects of the American workplace, including labor rights movement, minimum wage, the workweek, workplace hazards, safety regulation, and equity.
Wisconsin Citizen Petitions, 1836-1891 (Wisconsin Historical Society)
Digitized citizen petitions written to the legislatures of the Wisconsin Territory and later the State of Wisconsin, from 1836 to 1891. (Open access)
History of International Law (HeinOnline)
Resources related to the history of international law, focusing on war and peace, law of the sea, international arbitration, the Nuremberg Trials, the Hague Conference and Conventions, and more.
U.S. International Trade Library (HeinOnline)
Current and historical resources related to U.S. international trade including USITC Publications Archive, legislative histories, CFR & U.S. Code Title 15 and Title 19, notable publications, and scholarly articles.
The Wall Street Journal (Dow Jones)
Access to the Wall Street Journal newspaper online, including Japanese and Chinese editions, the WSJ app, newsletters and podcasts; requires registration with email account.
National Population Census of China Database / 中国人口普查数据库 (CNKI)
Now includes 7th (2020) data. Census data on aspects of the population and life in China.
Zhongguo fang zhi ku = 中國方志庫 / Database of Chinese Local Records (Erudition)
Access expanded to include Parts II and III. Collections of local gazetteers from the Song Dynasty to the Republican era.
State Papers Online: Early Modern Government in Britain and Europe (1509-1782) (Gale)
Additional modules added to archive of British State Papers and government documents (1509 to 1782) and the Royal Archive’s Stuart and Cumberland Papers.
ProQuest History Vault. Slavery, the Slave Trade, and Law and Order in 19th Century America (1636-1880) (ProQuest)
Digitized collection of primary source materials documenting the international and domestic traffic in slaves in Britain’s New World colonies and the United States.
ProQuest History Vault. Japanese Incarceration: Records of the War Relocation Authority, 1942–1946 (ProQuest)
Archival records from the War Relocation Authority documents the day-to-day running of the 10 relocation camps that housed persons of Japanese heritage from the West Coast states between 1942 to 1946.
ProQuest History Vault. American Indians and the American West, 1809-1971 (ProQuest)
Digitized records, correspondence, and personal narratives document Indian Wars, westward migration, and the interaction among white settlers, the U.S. federal government, and Indian tribes.
Encyclopedia of Social Work (Oxford University Press)
Online encyclopedia covering all facets of social work policy and practice.
Women and Social Movements : Development and the Global South, 1919-2019 (Alexander Street)
Document archive of feminist activism related to development efforts of women in the Global South and their allies working to balance economic growth and social improvement while navigating equity and fairer allocation of resources.
Black Women Writers (ProQuest)
Collection of literature and essays on feminist issues, written by Black women from North America, Africa, the Caribbean, and the rest of the African Diaspora.
Witchcraft in Europe and America (Gale)
Document collection on witchcraft dating from 1500 to 1930 includes classic texts, anti-persecution writings, works by penologists, legal and church documents, and transcripts of trials and exorcisms.
The Changing Men Collection Vertical Files (Gale)
Research collection of materials about the modern men’s movement in the United States and throughout the world.
ProQuest History Vault: Americans for Democratic Action Records, 1932-1999 (ProQuest)
Collection of archival records document the administration, legislative lobbying, and political activities of an organization devoted to promoting progressive issues.
Women, War and Society, 1914-1918 (Gale)
Materials in the Imperial War Museum document social, political, military and gender history during World War I, and the situation of women and men, soldiers and civilians in wartime society.
LGBT Studies in Video (Alexander Street)
Now includes content in Volume II. Documentaries, interviews, and feature films explore the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people, LGBT history and culture, civil rights, marriage equality, families, AIDS, and more.
Black Freedom Struggle in the 20th Century (ProQuest)
Now includes Supplement to Federal Government Records module. Primary sources from the African-American struggle for freedom and equality from 1790 to the contemporary period.
Oxford Encyclopedia of EU Law (Oxford University Press)
Articles on topics in European Union (EU) law, from foundational concepts to high-level analysis.
Science of Synthesis (Thieme)
Online reference work of evaluated methods in organic synthesis developed for the field of organic and organometallic chemistry
Water Rights and Resources (HeinOnline)
Focuses on state and federal legal issues surrounding access to and the delivery of water. Includes government documents, reports, legislative histories, books, and scholarly articles.
CSMAR: China Stock Market and Accounting Research Database
Research-oriented database focusing on China Finance and Economy and contains macroeconomic and industry statistics.
Real time data to research and analyze private and public companies, startup trends, private equity and venture capital financing deals, VC and PE investment funds, investors, and service providers. Registration required. All users must create an account using a valid email account.
Macmillan Cabinet Papers, 1957-1963 (Adam Matthew)
Official government files and correspondence related to the Cabinet of Harold Macmillan, the Prime Minister of the British Government from 1957 to 1963.
Artforum Archive (ProQuest)
Digitized archive of leading magazine for international contemporary art in all media, with coverage from 1962 to 2020.
North-China Daily News & Herald Newspapers and Hong Lists (1850-1951) (Shanghai Tuqing)
Collection of historical Chinese newspapers published in English and Chinese, from 1850 to 1951.
LGBTQ+ Rights (HeinOnline)
Legal materials and supporting documents charting the LGBTQ+ rights movement in the United States and legal aspects of gender identity and sexual orientation.
NK Pro (NK Consulting)
Information service on North Korea presents current news, opinion, analysis, research tools, and data in English, for research and business.
Dar Almandumah
Databases of Arabic scientific conferences, dissertations, and academic journals, 1921-present, covering arts, humanities, Islamic and legal studies, Arabic language and literature, economics.
New York Times
New York Times newspaper on (1851-present); includes International, Spanish, Chinese editions; Requires registration with email account; Not included: NYT Games or NYT Cooking.
ProQuest Indian Claims Insight (ProQuest)
Documentation of specific claims made by tribal nations against the United States; includes docket histories, court documents, treaties, congressional publications, and maps.
Cuban Periodicals: Cultural Magazines Published by Casa de las Américas, 1960–2009 (Brill)
Digitized archive of four highly influential Cuban cultural magazines, including the journal Casa de las Américas.
Visual History Archive (USC Shoah Foundation)
Primary source collection of streaming video testimonies of survivors and witnesses of genocide and crimes against humanity.
Anthropological Fieldwork Online (Alexander Street)
Primary source collection of the fieldwork behind the great ethnographies of the early 20th century, including key field notebooks, images, and recordings of the early- to mid-20th century.
Gender: Identity and Social Change (Adam Matthew)
Collection of primary sources for the study of gender history, women’s suffrage, the feminist movement, and the men’s movement.
Research Methods Primary Sources (Adam Matthew)
A platform of online learning tools designed to introduce humanities and social science students to key approaches and methodologies of working with primary source material.
Oxford Bibliographies: International Relations (Oxford University Press)
Reference tool of authoritative research guides designed to support the study of international relations, combining aspects of an annotated bibliography and a high-level encyclopedia.
Security Issues Online (Alexander Street)
Multimedia collection of video, government documents, and speeches exploring events and themes related to global security issues such as terrorism, cybersecurity, drugs, epidemics, the environment.
Mass Incarceration and Prison Studies (Alexander Street)
Multimedia collection of text, government documents, ephemera, interviews, and documentaries covering historical and contemporary themes of mass incarceration and prison infrastructure.
ICE Virtual Library – Complete eBook Collection (Institution of Civil Engineers)
Online content platform from the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) of their journals, papers, e-books, and conference proceedings.
GeoScienceWorld Books (GeoScienceWorld)
Collection of e-books in the geosciences from multiple scientific societies.
Encyclopedia of Public International Law in Asia Online (Brill)
A detailed description of the practice and implementation of international law in various Asian states.
ProQuest History Vault. Revolutionary War and early America: collections from the Massachusetts Historical Society: 1721-1860 (ProQuest)
Digitized primary source materials from Colonial America and the Early Republic: personal papers, diaries, and governmental records pertaining to the Revolutionary War and the French and Indian War.
Foreign Law Guide (Brill)
Current sources of codes and basic legislation in jurisdictions around the world.
George H. W. Bush and Foreign Affairs: Fall of the Berlin Wall and the Reunification of Germany (Gale)
FOIA files, memcons and telcons from the George H.W. Bush Presidential Library documenting the events leading up to the fall of the Berlin Wall and its implications for U.S.-German relations.