Support the Friends

There are two easy ways to donate to the Friends of the Library Fund: 

  • Give online through the University of Wisconsin Foundation.
  • Send your check, payable to: University of Wisconsin Foundation

    US Bank Lockbox

    Box 78807

    Milwaukee, WI 53278-8807
    • In the memo note: “Friends of the Libraries Fund

Library Borrowing Card – Beginning January 3, 2022:
An annual donation of $50 or more to the UW-Madison Libraries entitles the donor to a UW-Madison Libraries Borrowing Card. This provides borrowing privileges to all campus libraries.

After making your donation, if you wish to receive a library card please fill out the online borrowing card application. On that form, select “Friends of the Library” as your affiliation. You will receive an email notice when your borrowing card is ready.

Libraries Magazine
Friends receive e-mail notification of new issues of Libraries, a magazine of the UW-Madison Libraries that is published twice a year. This expository magazine includes special news from the Friends, recent library news, and information on events, exhibits, and collections.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Friends:
Phone: (608) 265-2505
Fax: (608) 265-2754
E-mail the Friends

All donors to any UW-Madison Libraries fund are considered to be a Friend of the Libraries.