Bibliographies in Gender and Women’s Studies

Beginning at its inception in 1977, the Office of the Gender and Women’s Studies Librarian has curated this series of bibliographies. The bibliographies have been prepared by librarians, women’s studies faculty members, graduate students in library and information studies, staff members of the Office of the Gender and Women’s Studies Librarian, and others.

The first 37 bibliographies spanned from 1977 through 1984; the second set of 43 bibliographies were created between 1985 and 2000. The GWS Librarian is continuing the latest set of bibliographies, which span from 2005 to the present. If you would like to request a bibliography on a new topic or an update on one of the bibliographies listed below, please contact the librarian. All of the bibliographies are numbered and are listed below in reverse chronological order. When available electronically, the bibliographies are linked.

If you would like a copy of a bibliography that is not yet available electronically, please contact the librarian to make a request. Please refer to the number and title of the desired bibliography. All are offered free of charge, except where noted.

NEW! 107. Embodying Feminism: Calling In, Calling Out, Calling to Action – A set of bibliographies supporting the 2025 Conference of the UW System Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium

a. Ingenious Embodiment: Learning from Disability Culture & Critical Disability Studies, by Helen Rottier, Miso Kwak, Kelsey Foster, & Karla J. Strand (2025)
b. Fat Studies for Liberation, by Kelsey Foster (2024)
c. Embodying Feminism in Digital Spaces, by Amelia Stephens & Kelsey Foster (2025)
d. Legislating, Surveilling, and Controlling Bodies, by Kelsey Foster (2025)
e. Embodied Transnational Feminisms, by Karla J. Strand (2025)
f. Engaged and Embodied (Feminist) Pedagogy, by Karla J. Strand (2025)

106. Palestinian Feminist Reading List, by Gayatri Sethi, Karla J. Strand, Susannah Aziz, Susan Muaddi Darraj, & Hannah Moushabeck (2024)

105. Honoring Our Past, Securing Our Future: Resilience and Reclamation in Higher Education – A set of bibliographies supporting the 2024 Conference of the UW-System Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium

a. Centering Women of Color Feminisms, by Karla J. Strand (2024)
b. Digital Spaces, Online Activism, by Amelia Teske (2024)
c. Fugitive Spaces: Feminist, Queer, and Trans Studies, by Martino Mangano (2024)
d. Resistance Across the Globe, by Karla J. Strand, Stephanie Rytilahti, and Rickie-Ann Legleitner (2024)
e. Student Center(ed), by Kelsey Foster, Martino Mangano, and Karla J. Strand (2024)
f. Feminism, Community, and the State, by Kelsey Foster (2024)
g. Feminist Pedagogy and Praxis, by Kelsey Foster (2024)
See also: 99. From Land Acknowledgement to Action, by Karla J. Strand (2022)

104. On Plurisexuality: A (Bi)bliography, by Martino Mangano (2023)

103. Sustaining Hope: Feminisms, Freedom, and the Future – A set of bibliographies supporting the 2023 Conference of the UW-System Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium

a. Abolition Feminisms, by Lachrista Greco, Amelia Teske, and Karla J. Strand (2023)
b. Climate Justice and Ecofeminisms, by Karla J. Strand (2023)
c. Critical Approaches to Trans Care and Trans Justice, by Karla J. Strand (2023)
d. Disability Justice and the COVID-19 Pandemic, by Lachrista Greco, Amelia Teske, and Karla J. Strand (2023)
e. Post-Roe Reproductive Justice, by Karla J. Strand (2023)
f. Refusing the Colonial State in (and out) of the Feminist Classroom, by Karla J. Strand (2023)
See also: 99. From Land Acknowledgement to Action, by Karla J. Strand (2022)

102. Cyber Sexual Abuse, by Lachrista Greco (2022)

101. Infertility, by Steven Miller, MS (2022)

100. Reproductive Justice in the United States, by Karla J. Strand (2022)

99. From Land Acknowledgement to Action, by Karla J. Strand (2022)

98. Centering Resistance: Imaginings of a New Feminist Future – A set of bibliographies supporting the 2022 Conference of the UW-System Women’s and Gender Studies Consortium

a. Climate Justice and Ecofeminisms, by Karla J. Strand (2022)
b. Pedagogies of Care and Equity, by Lachrista Greco (2022)
c. Refusing the Colonial State, by Karla J. Strand (2022)
d. Crip Resistance in a Post-Covid World, by Lachrista Greco (2022)
e. Queering Praxis, Expressions, and Activism, by India-Bleu Niehoff (2022)
f. Global Migration, Identity, and Freedom, by India-Bleu Niehoff (2022)

97. Queer Pulp Fiction, by India-Bleu Niehoff (2022)

IN PROGRESS 96. Sterilization and Reproductive Rights of Native American Women, by Karla J. Strand (2023)

95. Asian Women’s Representation in the Media, by India-Bleu Niehoff and Teresa Yen (2022-2023)

94. Ballroom Culture, Drag, and Queer Dance, by Teresa Yen (2021)

93. Prison Abolition, by Lachrista Greco (2021)

92. Sex Work, by Lachrista Greco (2020)

91. Women’s Suffrage in the United States: A Centennial Resource Guide, by Karla J. Strand (2019)

90. Black Women and Suffrage in the US: A Centennial Resource Guide, by Karla J. Strand (2019)

89. Disrupting Whiteness in Libraries and Librarianship: A Reading List, by Karla J. Strand (2019)

88. Women’s Suffrage in Wisconsin: A Centennial Resource Guide, by Karla J. Strand (2019)

87. School-Related Gender-Based Violence (SRGBV): A Global Bibliography, by Karla J. Strand (2018)

86. Gender and Women’s Studies: Periodicals, Programs, and Resources, by Karla J. Strand (2018)

85. Sterilization of Puerto Rican Women: A Continuation, by Lachrista Greco (2018). See also #80.

84. Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Archival Resources on the History of Jewish Women in America, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard (1997), and Annotated Bibliography, 1997-2008, on the History of Jewish Women in America: A Supplement to Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Archival Resources on the History of Jewish Women in America, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard (2008). See also #33.

83. Management, Gender, Race, by Margaret F. Karsten, with contributions from Joan E. Riedle (2005)

82. Contemporary Women Novelists: New Voices for the New Millennium: A Selected List, by Helene Androski (2005). See also #76.

81. (Inter)disciplining Chinese Women: An Introduction to the English-Language Literature on Women’s Studies in China, by Patricia Arend (October, 2000)

80. Sterilization of Puerto Rican Women: A Selected, Partially Annotated Bibliography, by Florita Z. Louis de Malave (June, 1999). See also #85.

79. Selected Recent Books and Articles on the State of Welfare and the Single Mother: An Annotated Bibliography, by Elizabeth F. Dill (October, 1998)

78. New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 1995-1997, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard, assisted by Amy Naughton (July, 1997)

77. Gender and Creative Writing: A Bibliography, by Susan Hubbard and Gail Stygall (January, 1997)

76. Contemporary Women Novelists: A Selected List, by Helene Androski (October, 1996). See also #82.

75. Mentoring Women in Higher Education: An Annotated Bibliography, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard (January, 1996)

74. Women Mystery Writers, by Helene Androski (1995)

73. Ecofeminism: An Introductory Bibliography, by Julie Knutson (Spring, 1995)

72. New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 1993-94, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard, assisted by Cynthia Weinert (September, 1995)

71. The Glass Ceiling: A Selective Bibliography, by Melba Jesudason, assisted by Janet Rother-Harris (July, 1995)

70. New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 1992-93, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard (1994)

69. Feminist Perspectives on the Ethic of Care, by Virginia Dudley (January, 1994)

68. Women’s Audio-Visuals in English: A Guide to Non-Print Resources in Women’s Studies (WAVE), edited by Linda Shult (April, 1993). $5. This publication went on to become the online resource Dorothy found here:

67. New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 1990/91-92, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard (January, 1993)

66. Selected Women’s Studies Bibliographies Published in Periodicals 1989-1992, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard (December, 1992)

65. Annotated Bibliography of Feminist Aesthetics in the Literary, Performing and Visual Arts, 1970-1990, by Linda Krumholz and Estella Lauter (November, 1992)

64. Wisconsin Women Writers of Adult Fiction and Poetry 1962-1992, by Maureen Welch (May, 1992)

63. Brave, Active, Resourceful Females in Picture Books, by Claudia Morrow (May, 1992)

62. Finding Funding: Grant-Getting Tips for Women, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard (Winter, 1992)

61. Women and World Literature: Bibliography of Anthologies of Women’s Literature in Translation, by Carolyn J. Kruse (March, 1992)

60. Women of Color and the Core Curriculum: Tools for Transforming the Liberal Arts, by Susan Searing, C. Alejandra Elenes, and Joan Ariki Varney (January, 1991)

59. New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 1989/90, by Susan Searing (October, 1990)

58. Libraries and the New Scholarship on Gender: A Selected Reading List, by Susan Searing (April, 1990)

57. Women and Addiction: A Bibliography in Progress, by Susan Searing (October, 1989)

56. New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 1988/89, by Susan Searing (October, 1989)

55. Lesbian Studies: A Reading List, by Susan Searing (Revised October, 1990). See also #31.

54. Racism and Homophobia: Readings to Raise Awareness, by Susan Searing (March, 1989)

53. New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 1987/88, by Susan Searing (October, 1988)

52. Working Women in the United States: Books on Historical and Contemporary Issues, by Susan Searing (June, 1988)

51. Women, Race, and Ethnicity: A Bibliography (Revised June 1991) – Contact us for a copy!

50. The History of Women and Science, Health, and Technology: A Bibliographic Guide to the Professions and the Disciplines (second edition), by Phyllis Holman Weisbard and Rima D. Apple (1993)

49. A Quick Guide to Library Research on Women and Literature, by Susan Searing (February, 1987)

48. A Quick Guide to Library Research on Women and the Arts, by Susan Searing (January, 1988)

47. New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 1986/87, by Susan Searing (1987)

46. An Annotated Bibliography: Mother/Daughter Relationships in Adolescent Fiction 1980-1985, by Jan Savage (April, 1987)

45. Asian Women in America: A Bibliography, by Lynn Christenson, Linda Shult, and Christina Wagner (March, 1987)

44. Goddesses and Goddess Worship: A Selected Reading List, by Susan Searing (March, 1987)

43. Canadian Feminist Periodicals: A Directory, by Eleanor Wachtel (November, 1986)

42. New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 1985/86, by Susan Searing (1986)

41. A Checklist of Recent Books Written, Edited, or Translated by Faculty and Staff Women of the University of Wisconsin System, by the Office of Academic Affairs, UW System (February, 1985; revised by the Office of the Women’s Studies Librarian, June, 1986)

40. Women and Time Management: A Reading List, by Linda Shult (June, 1986)

39. Feminist Shakespeare Criticism: A Selective Bibliography, by Ruth Schauer (October, 1985)

38. Books to Change a Woman’s Life: Self-Help Publishing in the Eighties, by Susan Searing (June, 1985)

37. Films and Videotapes About Women, by Margaret Hohenstein, UW-Platteville (1985?)

36. Nursing: A Women’s Studies Bibliography, by Emily Stier Adler, Rhode Island College (March, 1984)

35. North American Indian Women: Selected Sources, by Catherine Loeb (February, 1985)

34. Women and Science: Issues and Resources, by Susan Searing (January, 1985); revised by Phyllis Holman Weisbard (1997)

33. Jewish Women’s Studies: Selected Sources, by Catherine Loeb (October, 1984). See also #84.

32. New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 1983/84, by Susan Searing (September, 1984)

31. Lesbian Literature, 1980-1983: A Selected Bibliography, by Margaret Cruikshank (August, 1984). See also #55.

30. Recent Writings on May Sarton and Her Work: A Selected Bibliography, by Susan Searing (July, 1984)

29. Information Technology and Women’s Lives: A Bibliography, by Linda Shult (February, 1996) has over 750 citations, some annotated.

28. The Lives and Politics of Latinas in the United States: A Selective Bibliography, by Catherine Loeb (February, 1984)

27. Women and Politics in Latin America: A Selective Bibliography, by Susan Searing (February, 1984)

26. Women and Power: A Bibliography of Feminist Writings, by Susan Searing (November, 1983)

25. Women in Scientific and Technical Careers: A Basic Reading List, by Susan Searing (Revised April, 1989)

24. American Women’s History: A Basic Bibliography, by Susan Searing (August, 1983; revised August, 1986)

23. New Reference Works in Women’s Studies 1982/83, by Susan Searing (September, 1983)

22. Women’s Studies in the Traditional Curriculum: Selected Readings on “Mainstreaming”, by Susan Searing (June, 1983)

21. Women Mystery Writers: A List, by Joan Ray Yeatman (January, 1983)

20. Issues Related to Women in Management: A Selected Bibliography, by Marge Karsten (1993; fourth revision August, 1993)

19. Women and Technology: Readings on Selected Issues, by Susan Searing (September, 1982)

18. 20th Century Third World Women Writers, Black American and African: Selected Bibliography, by Nellie McKay (January, 1983)

17. Black Women’s Studies and Black Feminist Politics: Selected Sources 1970-1983, by Cathy Loeb (March, 1983)

16. Wisconsin Women’s History, by Phyllis Holman Weisbard (December, 2000; revised 2013; expanded on checklist by Linda Parker (March, 1981))

15. Women’s Studies in Wisconsin: Who’s Who & Where, seventh edition (Fall, 1993) – Contact us for a copy!

14. La Chicana: A Bibliographic Survey, by Catherine Loeb (Summer, 1980; reprint from Frontiers 5(2))

13. Current Sources on Women and Literature, by Whitney Walton, Cathy Loeb, and Esther Stineman (August, 1979). Based on Women and Literature: A Current Awareness Bibliography of Materials of Interest to Women’s Studies by Esther Stineman (1978?).

12. American Women of Color: A Bibliography of Current Sources (August, 1979) [ERIC ED 181 155]

11. Recent Sources for the Study of the Culture of Women of Color (June, 1979)

10. Short Bibliography on Assertiveness Training for Women in Health Care Fields (January, 1979)

9. Selected Bibliography: Women and American Technology (January, 1979)

8. University of Wisconsin Dissertations About Women, 1904-1978: A Computerized Listing (November, 1978)

7. Career Planning for Women: A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Sources (October, 1978) – See also #5

6. Women’s Materials on a Shoestring Budget (October, 1978)

5. Career Planning for Women: A Selective Bibliography of Sources (August, 1978) – See also #7

4. Issues of Pedagogy in Women’s Studies: A Preliminary Bibliography of Monographic Materials (1978)

3. Women’s Studies as a Discipline: A Selected Bibliography of Current Articles (1978)

2. Sex Roles in Education K-12: A Selected Source List (1977)

1. The Gerritsen Collection of Women’s History: A Short Title List, Memorial Library Purchase (November, 1977; addenda April, 1978)