Women of Color in Higher Education


  • Benjamin, L. (1997). Black women in the academy: Promises and perils. University Press of Florida.
  • Berry, T.R. & Mizelle, N. (Eds.). (2006). From oppression to grace: Women of color and their dilemmas within the academy. Routledge. 
  • Byrd, W.C., Brunn-Bevel, R.J., & Ovink, S.M. (2019). Intersectionality and higher education: Identity and inequality on college campuses. Rutgers University Press.
  • Dillard, C.B. (2006). On spiritual strivings: Transforming an African American woman’s academic life. State University of New York Press.
  • Edwards, K.T., & del Guadalupe Davidson, M. (2018). College curriculum at the crossroads: Women of color reflect and resist. Routledge.
  • Esnard, T. (2018). Black women, academe, and the tenure process in the United States and the Caribbean. Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Fiol-Matta, L. & Chamberlain, M.K. (Eds.). (1994). Women of color and the multicultural curriculum: Transforming the college classroom. Feminist Press at the City University of New York.
  • Gadling-Cole, C. (Ed.). (2021). African American women in academia: Intersectionality of race and gender. Nova Science Publishers.
  • Gregory, S.T. (1995). Black women in the academy: The secrets to success and achievement. University Press of America.
  • Hairston, K.R. & Allen, T.G. (Eds.). (2023). The ivory tower: Perspectives of women of color in higher education. Rowman & Littlefield.
  • Hope, K.K. (Ed.). (2019). Black women speaking from within: essays and experiences in higher education. Peter Lang.
  • Ihle, E.L. (Ed.). (1992). Black women in higher education: An anthology of essays, studies, and documents. Garland.
  • Jean-Marie, G., & Lloyd-Jones, B. (2011). Women of color in higher education changing directions and new perspectives. Emerald.
  • Matthew, P.A. (Ed.). (2016). Written/unwritten: Diversity and the hidden truths of tenure. University of North Carolina Press. 
  • Paul, D.G. (2001). Life, culture, and education on the academic plantation: Womanist thought and perspective. Peter Lang.
  • Watson, Y.L. (2005). Daring to educate: The legacy of the early Spelman College presidents. Stylus.
  • Whitaker, M.C. & Grollman, E.A. (Eds.). (2019). Counternarratives from women of color academics: Bravery, vulnerability, and resistance. Routledge
  • White, D.G. (Ed.). (2008). Telling histories: Black women historians in the ivory tower. University of North Carolina Press. 


  • Greenberg, N.M. (2001). Defining differences: Feminism, race, theory, and identity politics in the academy. In D.L. Hoeveler & J.K. Boles (Eds.), Women of color: Defining the issues, hearing the voices. Greenwood Press.
  • Huang, B.L. (2017). Women of color advancing to senior leadership in US academe. In H. Eggins (Ed.), The changing role of women in higher education: Academic and leadership issues (pp. 155-172). Springer.
  • Leon, T. (2023). Home is where you are: An open letter to my academic auntie. In T.Y. Neely & M. Montañez (Eds.), Dismantling constructs of whiteness in higher education: Narratives of resistance from the academy. Routledge.
  • Marina, B., Ross, S., & Robinson, K. (2016). Voices from the margins: Illuminating experiences of African American women senior administrators in higher education. In N.N. Croom & T.E.J. Marsh (Eds.), Envisioning critical race praxis in higher education through counter-storytelling. Information Age Publishing, Inc.
  • Means, S.F. (2023). Pervasive whiteness vs. Black women in academia. In T.Y. Neely & M. Montañez (Eds.), Dismantling constructs of whiteness in higher education: Narratives of resistance from the academy. Routledge.
  • Miville, M.L., & Constantine, M.G. (2007). Sin fronteras: Negotiating administrative roles in higher education as a woman of color. In O.G. Brown, K.G. Hinton, & Howard-Hamilton, M. (Eds.), Unleashing suppressed voices on college campuses: Diversity issues in higher education. Peter Lang.
  • Muhammad, M., & López, N. (2023). Scholar while black: Theorizing race-gender micro/macro aggressions as covert racist actions for maintaining white domination in academia. In T.Y. Neely & M. Montañez (Eds.), Dismantling constructs of whiteness in higher education: Narratives of resistance from the academy. Routledge.
  • Naepi, S. (2020). “I didn’t come to play”: Pasifika women in the academy. In Moeke-Pickering, T., Cote-Meek, S., & Pegoraro, A. (Eds.), Critical reflections and politics on advancing women in the academy (pp. 52-69). IGI Global.
  • Niskodé-Dossett, A.S., Boney, M., Bullock, L.C., Cochran, C., & Kao, I. (2011). Sister circles: A dialogue on the intersections of gender, race, and student affairs. In P.A. Pasque & S.E. Nicholson, Empowering women in higher education and student affairs: theory, research, narratives, and practice from feminist perspectives. Stylus.
  • Nyachae, T.M., & Pham, J.H. (2023). Educating with collective intersectional care: Attending to, embodying, and enacting women of color feminisms in learning spaces. In P.A. Schutz & K.R. Muis (Eds.), Handbook of educational psychology [4th ed.]. Routledge.
  • Ransby, B. (2000). Afrocentrism, cultural nationalism, and the problem with essentialist definitions of race, gender, and sexuality. In M. Marable (Ed.), Dispatches from the ebony tower: Intellectuals confront the African American experience. Columbia University Press.
  • Soin, M.V., & Jackson, J.F.L. (2007). Where do South Asian American women administrators fit in?: The case of Jasmine Kaur at Mega University. In O.G Brown, K.G. Hinton, & M. Howard-Hamilton (Eds.), Unleashing suppressed voices on college campuses: Diversity issues in higher education. Peter Lang.
  • Sulé, V.T. (2011). How race matters: Race as an instrument for institutional transformation: a study of tenured Black female faculty. In P.A. Pasque & S.E. Nicholson (Eds.),  Empowering women in higher education and student affairs: Theory, research, narratives, and practice from feminist perspectives. Stylus.
  • Wallace, B.D. (2023). Threefer: Poetic reflections on resistance to misogynoir. In T.Y. Neely & M. Montañez (Eds.), Dismantling constructs of whiteness in higher education: Narratives of resistance from the academy. Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Espino, M.M., & Croom, N.N. (2022). Doing the work: Curating resistance and solidarity among black and Chicana womyn faculty. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 35(5), 510-524. DOI:10.1080/09518398.2021.1991027 
  • Henry, A. (2015). We especially welcome applications from members of visible minority groups: Reflections on race, gender and life at three universities. Race, Ethnicity & Education, 18(5), 589-610.
  • Sánchez, B., Salazar, C., & Guerra, J. (2021). “I feel like I have to be the whitest version of myself”: Experiences of early career Latina higher education administrators. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 14(4), 592–602. https://doi.org/10.1037/dhe0000267 
  • West, N.M. (2020). A contemporary portrait of Black women student affairs administrators in the United States. Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education, 13(1), 72-92. DOI: 10.1080/26379112.2020.1728699 
  • Young, K. & Anderson, M. (2021). Hierarchical microaggressive intersectionalities: Small stories of women of color in higher education. Metropolitan Universities, 32(1), 78-103. https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1295189