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Sato, M., Ludecke, M., & Saito, E. (2020). Embodied dispositions towards learning: Reading students’ embodied practice. Teachers and Teaching, 26(1), 32–49.
Shapiro, L., & Stolz, S. A. (2019). Embodied cognition and its significance for education. Theory and Research in Education, 17(1), 19-39.
Skulmowski, A., & Rey, G.D. (2018). Embodied learning: Introducing a taxonomy based on bodily engagement and task integration. Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications 3, Article 6.
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Books and Chapters
Barbour, K. (2018). Embodied ways of knowing: Revisiting feminist epistemology. In L. Mansfield, J. Caudwell, B. Wheaton, & B. Watson (Eds.), The Palgrave handbook of feminism and sport, leisure and physical education. Palgrave Macmillan.
Cupchik, E., & Schnarr, M. (2021). Embodied learning and two-eyed seeing: Indigenous and feminist perspectives in professional education. In S. Loftus, & E. A. Kinsella (Eds.), Embodiment and professional education. Springer.
Dolezal, L. (2020). Feminism, embodiment and emotions. In T. Szanto, & H. Landweer, The Routledge handbook of phenomenology of emotion. Routledge.
Kraus, A., & Wulf, C. (Eds.). (2022). The Palgrave handbook of embodiment and learning. Palgrave Macmillan.
Macrine, S. L., & Fugate, J. M. B. (Eds.). (2022). Movement matters: How embodied cognition informs teaching and learning. MIT Press.
McCarthy, J. A., Hilger, S. M., Sullivan, H. I., & Saul, N. (Eds.). (2016). The early history of embodied cognition 1740-1920: The Lebenskraft-Debate and radical reality in German science, music, and literature. Koninklijke Brill.
Pitts-Taylor, V. (2016). The brain’s body: Neuroscience and corporeal politics. Duke University Press.
Salami, M. (2020). Sensuous knowledge: A Black feminist approach for everyone. Amistad.