Embodied Pedagogies


Books and Chapters

  • Barske, V. (2018). Thinking through movement: Embodied learning as feminist pedagogy for the social sciences. In E. M. Levintova & A. K. Staudinger (Eds.), Gender in the political science classroom (pp. 237–262). Indiana University Press. https://doi.org/10.2307/j.ctv512s6c.13 
  • Cameron, E., & Russell, C. (Eds.). (2016). The fat pedagogy reader: Challenging weight-based oppression through critical education. Peter Lang.
  • Coffey, J., Budgeon, S., & Cahill, H. (Eds.). (2016). Learning bodies: The body in youth and childhood studies. Springer. 
  • Loftus, S., & Kinsella, E. A. (Eds.). (2021). Embodiment and professional education: Body, practice, pedagogy. Springer. 
  • Shapiro, S. B. (1999). Pedagogy and the politics of the body: A critical praxis. Garland.
  • Springgay, S. (2008). Body knowledge and curriculum: Pedagogies of touch in youth and visual culture. Peter Lang.
  • Springgay, S. (2022). Feltness: Research-creation, socially engaged art, and affective pedagogies. Duke University Press. 
  • Stephens, D. W., & Ott, K. M. (Eds.). (2020). Teaching sexuality and religion in higher education: Embodied learning, trauma sensitive pedagogy, and perspective transformation. Routledge. 
  • Stinson, S. W. (2016). Embodied curriculum theory and research in arts education: A dance scholar’s search for meaning. Springer.
  • Thompson, B. W. (2017). Teaching with tenderness: Toward an embodied practice. University of Illinois Press. 
  • Timperley, C. (2021). “To read what was never written”: Embracing embodied pedagogies. In K. Schick & C. Timperley, Subversive pedagogies: Radical possibility in the academy. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003217183 
  • Travis, S., Kraehe, A. M., Hood, E. J., & Lewis, T. E. (Eds.). (2018). Pedagogies in the flesh: Case studies on the embodiment of sociocultural differences in education. Palgrave Macmillan.