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Books and Chapters
Blackwell, J., & Holmes, T. (2020). An archive assignment in Women’s Studies 101: Designing hands-on learning in a large class. In E. Sengupta, P. Blessinger, & M. D. Cox (Eds.), International perspectives on improving student engagement: advances in library practices in higher education (pp. 145-165). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Halsell, T. Y., and Gallant, D. J. (2022). Black undergraduate women: Intersectionality and engagement with high impact practices. In R. D. Mayes, M. C. Shavers, & J. L. Moore (Eds.), African American young girls and women in PreK12 schools and beyond (pp. 161-184). Emerald Publishing Limited.
Kim, S., Beverly, S. P., & Ro, H. K. (2020). How many Latinas in STEM benefit from high-impact practices? Examining participation by social class and immigrant status. In E. M. Gonzalez, F. Fernendez, & M. S. Wilson (Eds.), An asset-based approach to advancing Latina students in STEM: Increasing resilience, participation, and success (pp.75- 93). Routledge.
Manke, B., Gasior, B., & Chang, M. (2024). Internships, high-impact practices, and provocative praxis in higher education: A social justice framework based on equity, diversity, inclusion, and access. Routledge.
Reilly, S., & Langley-Turnbaugh, S. (2021). The intersection of high-impact practices: What’s next for higher education? Lexington Books.
Halsell, T. Y. (2017). High impact practices: A mixed methods study of engagement among Black undergraduate women (Order No. 29262203). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global. 2669610595.
McClair, T. (2020). High impact practices—Encouraging empowerment and self-care through participatory women’s groups and group antenatal care: Supporting women to be at the center of their own care as active participants. Hypertensive Disorders in Pregnancy brief. Population Council.
Njei, A. (2023). STEM education and retention for Black women using high-impact practices: Historically Black colleges and universities vs. predominantly white liberal arts colleges. CMC Senior Theses. 3095.