Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL)


  • Behari-Leak, K. (2020). Toward a borderless, decolonized, socially just, and inclusive scholarship of teaching and learning. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 8(1), 4-23. 
  • Borshuk, C. (2017). Managing student self-disclosure in class settings: Lessons from feminist pedagogy. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 17(1), 78-86. 
  • Harde, R. (2015). Team-Based Learning in the Humanities Classroom: “Women’s Environmental Writing” as a Case Study. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 6(3), Article 11. 
  • Hassel, H., & Launius, C. (2017). Crossing the threshold in introductory women’s and gender studies courses: An assessment of student learning. Teaching and Learning Inquiry, 5(2), 30-46. DOI: 
  • Hassel, H., Reddinger, A., & van Slooten, J. (2011). Surfacing the structures of patriarchy: Teaching and learning threshold concepts in women’s studies. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 5(2), Article 18. 
  • Lawrence, J., & Herrick, T. (2020). Supporting wellbeing through scholarship of teaching and learning. Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education, 12(5), 871-881. 
  • McKinney, K., and Chick, N. (2010). SoTL as women’s work: What do existing data tell us? International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning,  4(2), 1-14.
  • Myers, C. (2012). College Faculty and The Scholarship of Teaching: Gender Differences Across Four Key Activities. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 8(2), 38–51. 
  • Reinke, J., Muraco, J., & Maurer, T. W. (2016). The state of the scholarship of teaching and learning in family science. Family Science Review, 21. 
  • Simoes, S., & Gray, S. (2009). Combining academic service-learning and information literacy: A new framework for an introductory women’s studies course. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning at EMU, 2, Article 8. 
  • Todorova, M. (2024). Facing the limitations of teaching and learning committed to solidarity and social justice: A feminist approach. The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 15(1). 
  • Wade, J. M., Bean, A., & Teixeira-Poit, S. (2019). Students, universities and employers: Why we all win when we promote social justice through SoTL. International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 13(3), Article 2. 

Books and Chapters

  • Scholarship of Teaching and Learning book series from Indiana University Press: 
  • Atkinson, M., & Grether, S. T. (2017). The scholarship of teaching and learning and the status of women. In D. D. Liston & R. Rahimi (Eds.), Promoting social justice through the scholarship of teaching and learning. Indiana University Press.
  • Barske, V., Levintova, E., Murrenus Pilmaier, V., & Thoune, D. (2019). SoTL and the gendered division of labor on our campuses. In H. Hassel & K. Cole (Eds.), Academic labor beyond the college classroom (Chapter 10). Routledge.
  • Hassel, H. (2021). A guide to teaching introductory women’s and gender studies: Socially engaged classrooms. Palgrave Macmillan.  
  • Liston, D. D., & Rahimi, R. (Eds.). (2017). Promoting social justice through the scholarship of teaching and learning. Indiana University Press.
  • Staudinger, A. K. (2018). Beyond gender neutrality in the scholarship of teaching and learning and the classroom. In A. K. Staudinger & E. M. Levintova (Eds.), Gender in the political science classroom (pp. 214–236). Indiana University Press.