Fat LGBTQ+ People


  • Grimm, B. O., Morales, M. M., & Ferentini, T. J. (Eds.). (2021). Fat and queer: An anthology of queer and trans bodies and lives. Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
  • Pausé, C., Wykes, J., & Murray, S. (Eds.). (2014). Queering fat embodiment. Taylor & Francis Group.
  • Whitesel, J. (2014). Fat gay men: Girth, mirth, and the politics of stigma. NYU Press.


  • Davis, G. (2022). Intersexy, but fat: On the selective celebration of bodily differences. In N. L. Fischer & L. Westbrook (Eds.), Introducing the new sexuality studies: Original essays (pp. 273-281). Routledge.
  • McFarland, J., Slothouber, V., & Taylor, A. (2021). Tempo-rarily fat: A queer exploration of fat time. In J. Rinaldi, M. Friedman, E. R. M. Lind, C. Kotow, & T. Tigwell (Eds.), The future is fat: Theorizing time in relation to body weight and stigma [eBook]. Routledge. 
  • Slone, A., & Mitchell, A. (2002). Big fat femmes: Squeezing a lot of identity into one pair of control top nylons. In C. B. Rose & A. Camilleri (Eds.), Brazen femme: Queering femininity (pp. 103-111). Arsenal Pulp Press.
  • White, F. R. (2013). No fat future? The uses of anti-social queer theory for fat activism. In E. H. Yekani, E. Kilian, & B. Michaelis (Eds.), Queer futures: Reconsidering ethics, activism, and the political (pp. 21-36). Routledge.
  • White, F. R. (2021). Fat and trans: Towards a new theorization of gender in fat studies. In C. Pausé & S. R. Taylor (Eds.), The Routledge international handbook of fat studies (pp. 78-87). Routledge.