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100 Women: ‘Why I invented the glass ceiling phrase’. Marilyn Loden. BBC News. December 13, 2017.
After the Glass Ceiling, a Glass Cliff (recording and transcript of podcast), by Stephen J. Dunbar, produced by Matt Frassica. Freakonomics Radio. February 14, 2018.
The Asian Glass Ceiling. Ellen McGirt. Fortune. June 4, 2018.
For Women of Color, the Glass Ceiling is Actually Made of Concrete. Jasmine Babers. The Aspen Institute. April 19, 2016.
The Glass Ceiling: A Fact Sheet. Linda Levine. January 14, 2000. CRS Report for Congress.
The Glass Ceiling and Women’s History: An Invisible Barrier to Success. Jone Johnson Lewis. Thought Co. December 31, 2017.
Glass Ceiling Commission (1991-1996) documents. Cornell University. 2008.
The Glass Ceiling: How women are blocked from getting to the top, part of Feminist Majority Foundation’s Empowering Women in Business. 2014? (NOTE: No longer available 1/4/2022)
The glass-ceiling index (article and charts). The Economist. February 15, 2018.
The Glass Ceiling Initiative. A Report. US Department of Labor. 1991. ERIC ED340653.
Glass Ceilings and Sticky Floors: Barriers to the careers of women in the Australian finance industry. Leonie V. Still. 1997.
Good for Business: Making Full Use of the Nation’s Human Capital and The Environmental Scan: A Fact-Finding Report of the Federal Glass Ceiling Commission Washington, D.C. US Department of Labor. March 1995.
The Nordic Glass Ceiling. Nima Sanandaji. Cato Institute, policy analysis #835. March 8, 2018.
#Pride: How are LGBT politicians cracking the glass ceiling? (video) Al Jazeera. June 28, 2018. (NOTE: No longer available 1/4/2022)
A Question of Equity: Women and the Glass Ceiling in the Federal Government. US Merit Systems Protection Board. October 1992.
She coined the term ‘glass ceiling.’ She fears it will outlive her (article and podcast). Theresa Vargas. The Washington Post. March 1, 2018.
Smashing IT’s Glass Ceiling: Perspectives from leading women CIOs. Deloitte Development. 2018.
What the Term “Glass Ceiling” Means. Korin Miller. Teen Vogue. November 2, 2016.
Women Leaders on the Glass Ceiling (video). Time Firsts, Time Magazine. August 31, 2017.