Syllabi on the Web for Women – and Gender-Related Courses, maintained by Joan Korenman, Center for Women and Information Technology, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County. These are arranged in broad subject areas (last updated in 2006)
Teaching with Gender: The ATHENA thematic network and ATGENDER bring together specialists in women’s and gender studies, feminist research, women’s rights, gender equality and diversity. In this book series, the partners in this network have collected articles on a wide range of teaching practices in the field of gender. It includes:
Teaching with Memories discusses the ways in which one can use the assignment to write the life story of a ‘foremother’ as an educational tool.
Teaching Gender, Diversity and Urban Space. This is a collective volume presenting a theoretical framework and diverse educational tools that can be used to incorporate gender and sexuality into Spatial Disciplines and the concepts of space and urbanity into Women’s and Gender Studies.
Teaching Gender in Social Work. Social work education often fails to incorporate gender, even though most of the people that use social work services are women, a majority of social workers are women, and women have had throughout history a significant role in the establishment of social work.
Teaching Subjectivity. This collection of essays moves from a nodal point that regards the process of constructing women’s “nomadic” identities as informed by the notions of geographical and cultural dislocation, transcultural hibridity, history, loss, memory, contamination and their effect in the subject’s perception of the Real.
Teaching with the Third Wave. New Feminists’ Explorations of Teaching and Institutional Contexts is a collection of the work of young feminist scholars united in their interest in a Third Wave perspective of teaching which continues feminists’ struggles for equality and female empowerment.
Teaching Empires critically examines questions about imperial effort, as remembered, displayed, denied, mythologized or obscured in various European contexts.
Teaching Intersectionality. Putting Gender at the Centre reviews recent discussions about intersectionality departing from the insights from gender studies.
Teaching Gender with Libraries and Archives. The Power of Information was conceived of as a pedagogical tool, aimed at stimulating gender studies teachers to critically reflect, together with their students, on libraries and archives as profoundly gendered knowledge spaces.
Teaching Against Violence. The mission of this volume was to collect the contributions of academics and researchers who face the issue of violence from various perspectives, to present the state of the art research in multiple fields of study and to suggest some educational best practices that can be used where this problem is particularly severe.
Teaching With Feminist Materialisms. This volume of the Teaching With series assembles a collection that works to map European Feminist Materialisms across a diversity of classrooms, and to demonstrate the contribution these current approaches make in thinking and transforming pedagogical praxis.
OER Commons (Open Educational Resources) contains course-related material for K-university (level, full course vs. module, conditions of use, etc. can be specified in the advanced search. Search for “women” or “gender.”
Restoring Women to World Studies seeks to address new educational requirements and the current regional bias in available resources.