

  • Beauchamp, T. (2019). Going stealth: Transgender politics and U.S. surveillance practices. Duke University Press.
  • Fischer, M. (2019). Terrorizing gender: Transgender visibility and the surveillance practices of the U.S. security state. University of Nebraska Press.
  • Sears, C. (2014). Arresting dress: Cross-dressing, law, and fascination in nineteenth-century San Francisco. Duke University Press.
  • Vogler, S. (2021). Sorting sexualities: Expertise and the politics of legal classification. The University of Chicago Press.


  • Beauchamp, T. (2022). Artful concealment and strategic visibility: Transgender bodies and U.S. state surveillance after 9/11. In S. Stryker & D. M. Blackson (Eds.), The transgender studies remix (eBook). Routledge.
  • Cowan, S. (2016). Sex/gender equality: Taking a break from the legal to transform the social. In D. Cowan & D. Wincott (Eds.), Exploring the ‘legal’ in socio-legal studies (pp. 115-134). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Samuels, E. (2014). DNA and the readable self. In E. Samuels, Fantasies of identification: Disability, gender, race (pp. 185-212). NYU Press.