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Badruddoja, R. (2008). Queer Spaces, Places, and Gender: The Tropologies of Rupa and Ronica. NWSA Journal, 20(2), 156–188.
Coloma, R. S. (2009). CHAPTER 16: Putting Queer to Work: Examining Empire and Education. Counterpoints, 369, 268–286.
López, A. C. (2020). <em>Ni de aquí ni de alla</em>: A Mythohistoriography of Growing Up In-Between. QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking, 7(2), 1–24.
Bacchetta, P. (2010). Decolonial Praxis: Enabling Intranational and Queer Coalition Building. Qui Parle, 18(2), 147–192.
Verhaeghe, A., Przybylo, E., & Patel, S. (2018). On the Im/possibilities of Anti-Racist and Decolonial Publishing as Pedagogical Praxis. Feminist Teacher, 28(2–3), 79–90.