Bullock, M. (Host). (2023, December 5). Should you visit the Women’s Center on campus? [Audio podcast episode]. In ‘Pack career chats. NC State University Career Development Center. https://soundcloud.com/user-738690383
Georgetown University Women’s Center. (2022, March 21). Women’s Center | Dr. Annie Selak | Women’s History Month interview 2022 [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uz-lbpnLK04
UIC Disability Cultural Center. ( 2022, December 16). DCC Symposium: Welcome, day 1 & keynote conversation with Dr. Sandie Yi [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ax2PF0EczcE&list=PLpyjqB9XKIrkFe_jLZFf3ylbCIcnARAaZ(NOTE: This is the first video of a playlist for the inaugural Symposium on Disability Cultural Centers in Higher Education hosted by the Disability Cultural Center at the University of Illinois Chicago.)