Selective Reading List, authors A-J

[This is PART ONE of the bibliography “Women and Science: Issues and Resources” that is number 34 in the series “WISCONSIN BIBLIOGRAPHIES IN WOMEN’S STUDIES,” published by the University of Wisconsin System Women’s Studies Librarian, 430 Memorial Library, 728 State Street, Madison, WI 53706; email: the Women’s Studies Librarian. It includes “A Selective Reading List” for authors whose last names begin with A-J. The bibliography was originally compiled and updated by Susan E. Searing. Since 1992 it has been updated periodically by Phyllis Holman Weisbard. This version is dated June 1997.]


This bibliography emphasizes books and special journal issues that present a feminist critique of scientific theory and practice in the past and present. Wherever possible, the contents of special issues and anthologies are listed. The bibliography also cites many journal articles, several representative biographies, reports of model courses or curricula, and works about the lives and status of women scientists. Occupational guidance materials and curricula for the K-12 classroom are generally not cited. For further research guidance, consult the reference sources highlighted in Part II.

Abir-Am, Penina G., and Dorinda Outram, eds. UNEASY CAREERS AND INTIMATE LIVES: WOMEN IN SCIENCE, 1787-1979. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1987.

Contents: Before Objectivity: Wives, Patronage, and Cultural Reproduction in Early Nineteenth-Century French Science (Dorinda Outram); Botany in the Breakfast Room: Women and Early Nineteenth-Century British Plant Study (Ann B. Shteir); The Many Faces of Intimacy: Professional Options and Personal Choices Among Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Women Physicians (Regina M. Morantz- Sanchez); Field Work and Family: North American Women Ornithologists, 1900-1950 (Marianne Gosztonyi Ainley); Nineteenth-Century American Women Botanists: Wives, Widows, and Work (Nancy G. Slack); Marital Collaboration: An Approach to Science (Marilyn Bailey Ogilvie); Maria Mitchell and the Advancement of Women in Science (Sally Gregory Kohlstedt); “Strangers to Each Other”: Male and Female Relationships in the Life and Work of Clemence Royer (Joy Harvey); Career and Home Life in the 1880s: The Choices of Mathematician Sofia Kovalevskaia (Ann Hibner Koblitz); Marie Curie’s “Anti-natural Path”: Time Only for Science and Family (Helena M. Pycior); Cecilia Payne- Gaposchkin: Astronomy in the Family (Peggy A. Kidwell); Synergy or Clash: Disciplinary and Marital Strategies in the Career of Mathematical Biologist Dorothy Wrinch (Penina G. Abir-Am).

Adam, Alison. “Constructions of Gender in the History of Artificial Intelligence.” IEEE ANNALS OF THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING 18, no. 3 (Fall 1996): 47-53.

Adams, Carol J. and Josephine Donovan. ANIMALS AND WOMEN: FEMINIST THEORETICAL EXPLORATIONS. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1995 (ecofeminism).

Ainley, Marianne Gosztonyi, ed. DESPITE THE ODDS: ESSAYS ON CANADIAN WOMEN AND SCIENCE. Montreal: Vehicule Press, 1990.

Contents: Last in the Field? Canadian Women Natural Scientists, 1815-1965 (Marianne Gosztonyi Ainley); The Public Record: An Analysis of Women’s Contributions to Canadian Science and Technology Before the First World War (Clara M. Chu & Bertrum H. MacDonald); Carrie Derick (1862-1941) and the Chair of Botany at McGill (Margaret Gillett); Women and Photography in Ontario, 1839-1929: A Case Study of the Interaction of Gender and Technology (Diana Pedersen & Martha Phemister); The Ontario Medical College for Women, 1883-1906: Lessons from Gender- Separatism in Medical Education (Lykke de la Cour & Rose Sheinin); Women in Ontario Pharmacy, 1867-1927 (E.W. Stieb, Gail C. Coulas & Joyce A. Ferguson); Women in Advertising: The Role of Canadian Women in the Promotion of Domestic Electrical Technology in the Interwar Period (Dianne Dodd); Women Sociologists in Canada: The Careers of Helen MacGill Hughes, Aileen Dansken Ross, and Jean Robertson Burnet (Susan Hoecker-Drysdale); The Heart of the Matter: Maude E. Abbott, M.D., 1869-1940 (Margaret Gillett); Harriet Brooks, 1876-1933: Canada’s First Woman Nuclear Physicist (M.F. Rayner-Canham & G.W. Rayner- Canham); Alice Wilson, 1881-1964: Explorer of the Earth Beneath Her Feet (Barbara Meadowcroft); Isabella Preston, 1881-1964: An Explorer of the Horticultural Frontier (Edwinna von Baeyer); Margaret Newton: Distinguished Canadian Scientist (Ralph H. Estey); Cypra Cecilia Krieger and the Human Side of Mathematics (Kailash K. Anand); Getting a Job Done and Doing It Well: Dr. Blossom Wigdor, Psychologist and Gerontologist (Janice Beaveridge); On Being a Woman and Studying Math (Louise LaFortune); Adolescent Females and Computers: Real and Perceived Barriers (Betty Collis); The Career Goals of Female Science Students in Canada (N. Nevitte, R. Gibbins & P.W. Codding); Women Inventors in Canada: Research and Intervention (Rachelle Sender Beauchamp & Susan A. McDaniel); Disadvantagement of Women by the Ordinary Processes of Science: The Case of Informal Collaborations (Joan Pinner Scott); Canadian Women and Careers in Chemistry (Margaret-Ann Armour); Women in Science–Are Conditions Improving? (Anne Innis Dagg); Feminist Research into Genetic Hazards in the Workplace (Karen Messing); Women and the Changing Faces of Science (Gillian Kranias); Selected Bibliography.


Allen, Nessy. “A Proposed Course on Women in Science in an Australian University.” FEMINIST TEACHER 6, no.3 (Spring 1992): 40-44.

Ar mbula-Greenfield, Teresa. “Teaching Science Within a Feminist Pedagogical Framework.” FEMINIST TEACHER 9, no. 3 (Fall/Winter 1995): 110-115.

Arditti, Rita, Pat Brennan, and Steve Cavrak, eds. SCIENCE AND LIBERATION. Boston: South End Press, 1980.

Arditti, Rita, Renate Duelli-Klein, and Shelly Minden, eds. TEST-TUBE WOMEN: WHAT FUTURE FOR WOMANHOOD? London: Pandora Press, 1984.

Arianrhod, Robyn. “Physics and Mathematics, Reality and Language: Dilemmas for Feminists.” In THE KNOWLEDGE EXPLOSION: GENERATIONS OF FEMINIST SCHOLARSHIP, pp. 41-53. Ed. by Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender. New York: Teachers College Press Athene Series, 1992.

Arnold, Lois Barber. FOUR LIVES IN SCIENCE: WOMEN’S EDUCATION IN THE NINETEENTH CENTURY. New York: Schocken Books, 1984. (Biographies of Maria Martin Bachman, Almira Hart Lincoln Phelps, Louisa C. Allen Gregory, and Florence Bascom.)

Ayers-Nachamkin, Beverly. “A Feminist Approach to the Introductory Statistics Course.” WOMEN’S STUDIES QUARTERLY 20 (Spring/Summer 1992): 86-94.

Baker, Dale R., and Rosemary Leary. “Letting Girls Speak Out About Science.” JOURNAL OF RESEARCH IN SCIENCE TEACHING 32 (January 1995): 3-27.

Baldwin, Richard S. THE FUNGUS FIGHTERS: TWO WOMEN SCIENTISTS AND THEIR DISCOVERY. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1981. (Biographies of Elizabeth Hazen and Rachel Brown.)

Balsamo, Anne. TECHNOLOGIES OF THE GENDERED BODY: READING CYBORG WOMEN. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 1996.

Barber, Leslie A. “U.S. Women in Science and Engineering, 1960-1990: Progress Toward Equity?” JOURNAL OF HIGHER EDUCATION 66, no.2 (March/April 1995): 213-235.

Barnes, Mary. “Mathematics: A Barrier for Women?” In CROSSING BOUNDARIES: FEMINISMS AND THE CRITIQUE OF KNOWLEDGES, pp. 28- 42. Ed. by Barbara Caine, E.A. Grosz, and Marie de Lepervanche. Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1988.

Barr, Jean and Lynda Birke. “Women, Science, and Adult Education: Toward a Feminist Curriculum?” WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 17, no.5 (1994): 473-483.

Baum, Joan. THE CALCULATING PASSION OF ADA BYRON. Hamden, CT: Archon Books/Shoe String Press, 1986.

Bazler, Judith A. “Gender Equity in Science Textbooks.” PROTEUS 10, no.2 (Fall 1993): 39-42.

Bell, Susan E. “Translating Science to the People: Updating THE NEW OUR BODIES, OURSELVES.” WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 17, no.1 (1994): 9-18.

Benderly, Beryl Lieff. THE MYTH OF TWO MINDS: WHAT GENDER MEANS AND DOESN’T MEAN. New York: Doubleday, 1987.

Benjamin, Marina, ed. SCIENCE AND SENSIBILITY: GENDER AND SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY. Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell, 1991.

Benjamin, Marina, ed. A QUESTION OF IDENTITY: WOMEN, SCIENCE, AND LITERATURE. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1993.

Bentson, Margaret. “Feminism and the Critique of Scientific Method.” In FEMINISM: FROM PRESSURE TO POLITICS. Ed. by Angela Miles and Geraldine Finn. Montreal: Black Rose Books, 1989. (First published under the title FEMINISM IN CANADA, 1982).

Berryman, Sue. “Integrating the Sciences.” NEW PERSPECTIVES 17 (Winter 1985): 16-22.

Berryman, Sue E. WHO WILL DO SCIENCE? New York: Rockefeller Foundation, 1983.

Biermann, Carol A., and Leslie S. Grinstein. “Despite the Odds: Women Biologists Who Succeed.” THE AMERICAN BIOLOGY TEACHER 56, no.8 (November/December 1994): 468-476. (Links attracting girls toscience.html to study of women scientists and attention to teaching styles.)


Birke, Lynda, and Gail Vines. “Beyond Nature versus Nurture: Process and Biology in the Development of Gender.” WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 10 (1987): 555-570.

Birke, Lynda. “Science, Feminism and Animal Natures I: Extending the Boundaries.” WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 14, no.5 (1991): 443-449.

Birke, Lynda. “Science, Feminism and Animal Natures II: Feminist Critiques and the Place of Animals in Science.” WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 14, no.5 (1991): 451-458.

Birke, Lynda and Ruth Hubbard, eds. REINVENTING BIOLOGY: RESPECT FOR LIFE AND THE CREATION OF KNOWLEDGE. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1995. (Essays that share the question “how do biologists conceptualize the nature of the organisms they work with, and what alternative outcomes would we expect to see if the conceptural framework or the rules of practice were different?”)

Bleier, Ruth. “The Cultural Price of Social Exclusion: Gender and Science.” NWSA JOURNAL 1 (Autumn 1988): 7-19.

Bleier, Ruth. “A Decade of Feminist Critiques in the Natural Sciences.” Ed. by Judith Walzer Leavitt and Linda Gordon. SIGNS 14 (Autumn 1988): 182-195.

Bleier, Ruth, ed. FEMINIST APPROACHES TO SCIENCE. Elmsford, NY: Pergamon, 1986.

Contents: Science Seen Through a Feminist Prism (Marion Namenwirth); Critiques of Modern Science: The Relationship of Feminism to Other Radical Epistemologies (Elizabeth Fee); Beyond Masculinist Realities: A Feminist Epistemology for the Sciences (Hilary Rose); Primatology is Politics by Other Means (Donna Haraway); Empathy, Polyandry, and the Myth of the Coy Female (Sarah Blaffer Hrdy); Sex Differences Research: Science or Belief? (Ruth Bleier); The Relationship Between Women’s Studies and Women in Science (Sue V. Rosser); Taking Feminist Science to the Classroom: Where Do We Go From Here? (Mariamne H. Whatley); Further Readings on Feminism and Science [bibliography] (Susan E. Searing).

Bleier, Ruth. “Science and Belief: A Polemic on Sex Differences Research.” In THE IMPACT OF FEMINIST RESEARCH IN THE ACADEMY, pp. 111-130. Ed. by Christine Farnham. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.


Bleier, Ruth. “Social and Political Bias in Science: An Examination of Animal Studies and Their Generalizations to Human Behavior and Evolution.” In GENES AND GENDER II, pp. 49-69. Ed. by Ruth Hubbard and Marian Lowe. New York: Gordian Press, 1979.

Braidotti, Rosi, et al., eds. WOMEN, THE ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: TOWARDS A THEORETICAL SYNTHESIS. London: Zed Books, in association with the United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women, 1994. Especially chapter three “Feminist Critiques of Science”: 29-58 and chapter four “The Relationship Between Women and Nature: Debates Within Feminism”: 59-76.

Brighton Women and Science Group. ALICE THROUGH THE MICROSCOPE: THE POWER OF SCIENCE OVER WOMEN’S LIVES. London: Virago, 1980.

Briscoe, Anne M., and Sheila M. Pfafflin. “Expanding the Role of Women in the Sciences.” ANNALS OF THE NEW YORK ACADEMY OF SCIENCES 323 (1979).

Brush, Stephen G. “Women in Science and Engineering.” AMERICAN SCIENTIST 79 (September/October 1991): 404-419.

Brush, Stephen G. “Women, Science, and Universities,” BULLETIN OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, AND SOCIETY 15, no.4 (1995):205-214. Also in WOMEN’S CONTRIBUTIONS TO CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: A HISTORICAL AND CURRENT PERSPECTIVE OF WOMEN AT THE FOREFRONT (Women’s Symposium at the 176th ACS National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 1995), pp. 2-26. Sarnia, Ontario: Polysar, 1995.

Burfoot, Annette. “Impediments to Feminist Acts in Science.” RESOURCES FOR FEMINIST RESEARCH 16 (December 1987): 25-26.

Burton, Leone. “Moving Towards a Feminist Epistemology of Mathematics.” EDUCATIONAL STUDIES IN MATHEMATICS 28, no.3 (1995): 275-291.

Byrne, Eileen M. WOMEN AND SCIENCE: THE SNARK SYNDROME. Washington, DC: The Falmer Press, 1993. Byrne, Eileen M., ed. WOMEN IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN AUSTRALIA. Philadelphia: Taylor & Francis, 1990.

Cancian, Francesca M. “Feminist Science: Methodologies That Challenge Inequality.” GENDER & SOCIETY 6, no.4 (December 1992): 623-642.

Carter, Ruth, and Gill Kirkup. WOMEN IN ENGINEERING: A GOOD PLACE TO BE? London: Macmillan (distr. by New York University Press), 1990.

“A Celebration of Women in Science” (cover story). DISCOVER 12 (December 1991): 8, 10-33+.

Contents: From the Editor: Women in Science (Paul Hoffman); The Shape of Life [on Mimi Koehl] (Deborah Franklin); Intimate Enemies [on Flossie Wong-Staal] (Yvonne Baskin); Art for Science’s Sake [on Donna Cox] (Tim Folger); The Forgotten Female [on Barbara Smuts] (Elisabeth Rosenthal); Star Spots [on Sallie Baliunas] (Sam Flamsteed); Flesh and Bone [on Adrienne Zihlman] (Ellen Ruppel Shell); Liberation Ecology [on Deborah Letourneau] (JoAnn C. Gutin); Striking a Nerve [on Avis Cohen] (Lori Oliwenstein); Wanted: Wayward Particles [on Helen Quinn] (Charles C. Mann); The Immune Challenge [on Philippa Marrack] (Mark Caldwell); Land of Bronze [on Aslihan Yener] (Thomas Bass).

CHANGING AMERICA: THE NEW FACE OF SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Washington: Task Force on Women, Minorities, and the Handicapped in Science and Technology, 1989.

Chapman, Olive. “Women’s Voice and the Learning of Mathematics.” JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES 2, no.2 (Nov. 1993): 206-222.

Chipman, Susan F., Lorelei R. Brush, and Donna M. Wilson. WOMEN AND MATHEMATICS: BALANCING THE EQUATION. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 1985. Clifford, Anne M. “Feminist Perspectives on Science: Implications for an Ecological Theology of Creation.” JOURNAL OF FEMINIST STUDIES IN RELIGION 8, no.2 (Fall 1992): 65-90.

CLIMBING THE LADDER: AN UPDATE ON THE STATUS OF DOCTORAL WOMEN SCIENTISTS AND ENGINEERS. By the Committee on the Education and Employment of Women in Science and Engineering, Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel, National Research Council. Washington: National Academy Press, 1983.

Cockburn, Cynthia and Ruza Furst Dilic, eds. BRINGING TECHNOLOGY HOME: GENDER AND TECHNOLOGY IN A CHANGING EUROPE. Buckingham: Open University Press, 1994.

Cockburn, Cynthia. MACHINERY OF DOMINANCE: WOMEN, MEN, AND TECHNICAL KNOW-HOW. London: Pluto Press, 1985. Repr. Boston: Northeastern University Press, 1988.

Cockburn, Cynthia and Susan Ormrod. GENDER AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE MAKING. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage, 1993.

Cole, Jonathan R. FAIR SCIENCE: WOMEN IN THE SCIENTIFIC COMMUNITY. New York: Free Press, 1979.

Cole, Jonathan R., and H. Zuckerman. “Marriage, Motherhood, and Research Performance in Science.” SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 256 (February 1987): 119-125.

Conley, Frances K. “Gender Stereotyping and the Medical Profession.” JOURNAL OF COLLEGE SCIENCE TEACHING 24, no.1 (Sept./Oct. 1994):17-21.

Condron, Linda. “Women and Technology: Feminist Perspectives.” BULLETIN OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, & SOCIETY 13, no.3 (1993): 139-141.

Contrucci, Joyce and Britta Fischer. “Women in a Technological World: An Interdisciplinary Course at Emmanuel College in Boston.” BULLETIN OF SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY 10, no.4 (1990): 191-195.

Cowan, Ruth Schwartz. “From Virginia Dare to Virginia Slims: Women and Technology in American Life.” TECHNOLOGY AND CULTURE 20 (1985): 51-63.

Dagg, Anne Innis. HAREM AND OTHER HORRORS: SEXUAL BIAS IN BEHAVIOURAL BIOLOGY. Waterloo, Ontario: Otter Press, 1983.

Dagg, Anne Innis and Rachelle Sender Beauchamp. “Is There a Feminist Science? Perceived Impact of Gender on Research by Women Scientists.” ATLANTIS 16 (Spring 1991): 77-84.



Davis, Fran, and Arlene Steiger. FEMINIST PEDAGOGY IN THE PHYSICAL SCIENCES. Montreal: Vanier College, 1993 (available from Vanier College, 821 Ave. Ste. Croix, Saint-Laurent, Quebec H4L 3X9, Canada).

Davis, Kathy. POWER UNDER THE MICROSCOPE. Dordrecht: Foris, 1988.

De Marco, Rosanna, et al. “Feminist Critique: Searching for Meaning in Research.” ANS, ADVANCES IN NURSING SCIENCE 16, no.2 (1993): 26-38.

Denton, Denice D. “Systemic Reform in Undergraduate Science Education.” AWIS MAGAZINE 25, no.1 (Jan./Feb. 1996): 31-32.

Didion, Catherine Jay. “The Current Climate For Women in Science.” JOURNAL OF COLLEGE SCIENCE TEACHING 23 (March/April 1994): 272-273. See also additional short articles by Didion in other issues of the journal, beginning in 1993.

DiGuiseppe, Sarah R. and Sara F.A. Pedersen. “Challenges to Equity in Science Education.” AWIS MAGAZINE 25, no. 5 (Nov./Dec. 1996): 19, 28.

Dix, Linda S., ed. WOMEN: THEIR UNDERREPRESENTATION AND CAREER DIFFERENTIALS IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING; PROCEEDINGS OF A WORKSHOP. Washington: National Research Council, Office of Scientific and Engineering Personnel, 1987.

Donawerth, Jane. “Utopian Science: Contemporary Feminist Science Theory and Science Fiction by Women.” NWSA JOURNAL 2 (Autumn 1990): 535-557.

Donini, Elisabetta. “Feminisms, Contextualization, and Diversity: A Critical Perspective on Science and Development.” WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 17, no.2/3 (Mar.-Jun. 1995): 249-56.

Dumais, Lucie. “Impact of the Participation of Women in Science: On Rethinking the Place of Women, Especially in Occupational Health.” WOMEN & HEALTH 18, no.3 (1992): 11-25.



Eisenberg, Anne. “Women and the Discourse of Science.” SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 267 (July 1992): 122.

Elia, Irene. THE FEMALE ANIMAL. New York: Holt, 1988.

Estrin, Thelma. “Women’s Studies and Computer Science: Their Intersection.” IEEE ANNALS OF THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING. 18, no. 3 (Fall 1996): 43-46.

Etzkowitz, Henry, Carol Kemelgor, and Michael Neuschatz. “The Paradox of Critical Mass for Women in Science.” SCIENCE 266 (October 7, 1994): 51-54.

Evetts, Julia. GENDER AND CAREER IN SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING. Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1996 (in-depth comparison and contrast of the career experiences of 21 scientists and 20 engineers in the U.K.; 31 females, 10 males).

Faruqui, A.M., M.H.A. Hassan, and G. Sandri, eds. THE ROLE OF WOMEN IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN THE THIRD WORLD: Proceedings of the Conference Organized by the Canadian International Development Agency and the Third World Academy of Sciences, ICTP, held in Trieste, Italy, 3-7 October, 1988. Teaneck, NJ: World Scientific, 1991.

Faulkner, Wendy. “Feminism, Science and Technology: Irreconcilable Streams?” JOURNAL OF GENDER STUDIES 4, no.3 (1995): 341-347. (Review essay on LOVE, POWER AND KNOWLEDGE: TOWARDS A FEMINIST TRANSFORMATION OF THE SCIENCES, by Hilary Rose (1994) and BRINGING TECHNOLOGY HOME: GENDER AND TECHNOLOGY IN A CHANGING EUROPE, ed. by Cynthia Cockburn and Ruza Furst Dilic (1994.)

Faulkner, Wendy, and Erik Arnold, eds. SMOTHERED BY INVENTION: TECHNOLOGY IN WOMEN’S LIVES. London: Pluto Press, 1985.

Contents: Smothered by Invention: The Masculinity of Technology (Erik Arnold and Wendy Faulkner); The Exclusion of Women from Technology (Nuala Swords-Isherwood); Medical Technology and the Right to Heal (Wendy Faulkner); Managers and Labourers: Women’s Attitudes to Reproductive Technology (Frances Evans); Who Controls Birth Control? (Elkie Newman); Housework and the Appliance of Science (Erik Arnold and Lesley Burr); Kitchen Technology and the Liberation of Women from Housework (Philip Bereano, Christine Bose, and Erik Arnold); The Green Revolution and Women’s Work in the Third World (Ann Whitehead); Microelectronics and the Jobs Women Do (SPRU Women and Technology Studies); Word Processing: New Opportunities for Women Office Workers? (Elena Softley); Women and Computers (Anne Lloyd and Liz Newell).

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. “Building Two-Way Streets: The Case of Feminism and Science.” NWSA JOURNAL 4, no.3 (Fall 1992): 336- 349. Responses: “Comments…” I. Ruth Hubbard. II. Sandra Harding. III. Nancy Tuana. IV. Sue V. Rosser and Response by A. F-S. NWSAJ 5, no.1 (Spring 1993): 45-81. “Fallible or Lovable: Response to…” by Lee Swedberg. NWSAJ 5, no.3 (Fall 1993): 389-391.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. “The Myth of Neutrality: Race, Sex, and Class in Science.” RADICAL TEACHER 19 (1981): 21-25.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. MYTHS OF GENDER: BIOLOGICAL THEORIES ABOUT WOMEN AND MEN. New York: Basic Books, 1986.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. “The New Research on Women: How Does It Affect the Natural Sciences?” WOMEN’S STUDIES QUARTERLY 13 (Summer 1985): 30-32.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. “Society Writes Biology / Biology Constructs Gender.” DAEDALUS 116 (Fall 1987): 61-76. Reprinted in LEARNING ABOUT WOMEN: GENDER, POLITICS, AND POWER. Ed. by Jill K. Conway, Susan C. Bourque, and Joan W. Scott. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press, 1989.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. “Women and Minorities in Science: An Interdisciplinary Course.” (Working paper no.154). Wellesley, MA: Wellesley Collge, Center for Research on Women, 1985; updated 1990.

Fausto-Sterling, Anne. “Women and Science.” WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY 4 (1981): 41-50. Reprinted in WOMEN IN FUTURES RESEARCH. Ed. by Margit Eichler and Hilda Scott. New York: Pergamon, 1982.

Fedigan, Linda Marie. “Science and the Successful Female: Why There are So Many Women Primatologists.” AMERICAN ANTHROPOLOGIST 96, no.3 (September 1994): 529-541.

Fee, Elizabeth. “A Feminist Critique of Scientific Objectivity.” SCIENCE FOR THE PEOPLE 14 (July/August 1982): 5-8, 30-33.

Fee, Elizabeth. “Science and the Woman Problem: Historical Perspectives.” In SEX DIFFERENCES: SOCIAL AND BIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVES, pp. 175-223. Ed. by Michael S. Teitelbaum. New York: Doubleday, 1976.

Fee, Elizabeth. “Women’s Nature and Scientific Objectivity.” In WOMAN’S NATURE: RATIONALIZATIONS OF INEQUALITY, pp. 9-28. Ed. by Marian Lowe and Ruth Hubbard. New York: Pergamon, 1983.

Feldman, Jacqueline. “Feminist Critiques of Science.” PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIAL ACTION 14 (April-June 1988): 37-52.

“Feminism and Science” (thematic issue). SYNTHESE 104, no. 3 (Sept. 1995). Ed. by Lynn Hankinson Nelson.

Contents: Preface (Nelson); Strong Objectivity – A Response to the New Objectivity Question (Sandra Harding); Objectivity and the Double Standard for Feminist Epistemologies (Elizabeth A. Lloyd); Gender, Politics, and the Theoretical Virtues (Helen E. Longino); A Feminist Naturalized Philosophy of Science (Nelson); Good Science and Good Philosophy of Science (E. Potter); The Values of Science: Empiricism From a Feminist Perspective (Nancy Tuana).

“Feminism and Science I” (thematic issue). HYPATIA 2 (Fall 1987). Ed. by Nancy Tuana.

Contents: Feminist Scholarship in the Sciences: Where Are We Now and When Can We Expect a Theoretical Breakthrough? (Sue V. Rosser); The Method Question (Sandra Harding); The Gender/Science System: or Is Sex to Gender as Nature Is to Science? (Evelyn Fox Keller); Can There Be a Feminist Science? (Helen E. Longino); Le sujet de lascience.html est-il sexue?/Is the Subject of Science Sexed? (Luce Irigaray; trans. by Carol Mastrangelo Bove); Uncovering Gynocentric Science (Ruth Ginzberg); Justifying Feminist Social Science (Linda Alcoff); John Dewey and Evelyn Fox Keller: A Shared Epistemological Tradition (Lisa Heldke).

“Feminism and Science II” (thematic issue). HYPATIA 3 (Spring 1988). Ed. by Nancy Tuana.

Contents: Science, Facts, and Feminism (Ruth Hubbard); Modeling the Gender Politics in Science (Elizabeth Potter); The Weaker Seed: The Sexist Bias of Reproductive Theory (Nancy Tuana); The Importance of Feminist Critique for Contemporary Cell Biology (Biology and Gender Study Group); The Premenstrual Syndrome: Dis-easing the Female Cycle (Jacquelyn N. Zita); Women and the Mismeasure of Thought (Judith Genova); Dreaming the Future (Hilary Rose); Feminist Perspectives on Science (Barbara Imber and Nancy Tuana); Review Essay/A Critical Analysis of Sandra Harding’s THE SCIENCE QUESTION IN FEMINISM (Jacquelyn N. Zita).

“Feminism and Science: In Memory of Ruth Bleier” (thematic issue). WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 12, no.3 (1989).

Contents: Ruth Bleier: A Passionate Vision for Feminism and Science (Sue V. Rosser); The October 29th Group: Defining a Feminist Science (October 29th Group); Feminist Critiques of Rationality: Critiques of Science or Philosophy of Science? (Helen E. Longino); How the Women’s Movement Benefits Science: Two Views (Sandra Harding); Scientific Objectivity and the Concept of “the Other” (Zuleyma Tang Halpin); Monkeys, Aliens, and Women: Love, Science, and Politics at the Intersection of Feminist Theory and Colonial Discourse (Donna Haraway); Holding the Center of Feminist Theory (Evelyn Fox Keller); Life in the XY Corral (Anne Fausto-Sterling); Hormonal Cocktails: Women as Test-Sites for Fertility Drugs (Renate Klein and Robyn Rowland); Women Biologists and the “Old Boy” Network (Suzanna Rose); A Feeling for Science: Female Students and Biology Texts (Mariamne H. Whatley); Teaching Techniques to Attract Women to Science: Applications of Feminist Theories and Methodologies (Sue V. Rosser); Feminist Critiques of Science: The Epistemological and Methodological Literature [bibliography] (Alison Wylie et al.); book reviews.

“Feminism, Epistemology and Science” (special section). COMMUNICATION & COGNITION 21 (1988).

Contents: Feminism, Epistemology and Science (Sandra Harding); Nature in Terms of Femininity: the Case of 19th Century Plant Geography (Chr. Brouwer); Reflections on the Debate within Feminist Epistemology (Hilary Rose); Some Remarks on the Need for Communication between Men’s and Women’s Ways of Cognition (K. Gorniak); Feminism, Sciences, Epistemology: Three Issues (Elzbieta Pakszys); Women Studies: Questions about This New Scientific Field (J. Klein); Feminism, Science, and Social Change (Elizabeth Gulbrandsen); Practical Consequences of Epistemological Choices (Sandra Harding); Do We Need Feminist Epistemologies? (K. Vintges).

“Feminism, Science, and the Philosophy of Science” (thematic issue). SYNTHESE LIBRARY 256 (1996).

Contents: The Feminism Question in the Philosophy of Science (R.N. Giere); Revaluing Science: Starting From the Practices of Women (N. Tuana); Cognitive and Non-Cognitive Values in Science: Rethinking the Dichotomy (H.E. Longino); The Last Dogma of Empiricism? (J. Nelson); Science as Social? – Yes and No (S. Haack); Empiricism Without Dogmas (L.H. Nelson); Underdetermination Undeterred (E. Potter); The Relativism Question in Feminist Epistemology (I. Niiniluoto); Meeting the Universe Halfway; Realism and Social Constructivism Without Contradiction (K. Barad); Feminism and the Social Construction of Scientific Knowledge (J. Rouse); Science and Anti-Science: Objectivity and its Real Enemies (E. A. Lloyd); Multicultural and Global Feminist Philosophies of Science: Resources and Challenges (S. Harding); Woman – Nature, Product, Style: Rethinking the Foundations of Feminist Philosophy of Science (S. Heinaemaa).

“Feminist and Constructivist Perspectives on New Technology” (thematic issue), Steve Woolgar, guest ed. SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & HUMAN VALUES 20, no.3 (Summer 1995).

Contents: Introduction (Woolgar); On Some Failures of Nerve in Constructivist and Feminist Analyses of Technology (Keith Grint and Woolgar); Feminism and Ecology: Realism and Rhetoric in the Discourses of Nature (Kate Soper); Feminism and Constructivism: Do Artifacts Have Gender? (Ann-Jorunn Berg and Merete Lie); The Ethics of Hybrid Subjects: Feminist Constructivism According to Donna Haraway (Baukje Prins); Shifting Sexes, Moving Stories: Feminist/Constructivist Dialogues (Stefan Hirschauer and Annemarie Mol).

“Femmes et/Women and Sciences” (thematic issue). RESOURCES FOR FEMINIST RESEARCH 15 (November 1986).

Thirty-one short articles in five sections: Women and Science: An Inside View; The Official View of Women: Its Impact; Women and Scientific Knowledge; Women’s Practices: Another Science?; Feminism and Science: A New Approach; plus book reviews and abstracts.

Fennema, Elizabeth, and Gilah C. Leder, eds. MATHEMATICS AND GENDER. New York: Teachers College Press, 1990.

Fort, Deborah C., ed., Stephanie J. Bird, project coord., and Catherine Jay Didion, exec. dir. A HAND UP: WOMEN MENTORING WOMEN IN SCIENCE. Washington, DC: Association for Women in Science, 1993.

Fox, Lynn H., et al. WOMEN AND THE MATHEMATICAL MYSTIQUE. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1980.


Garry, Ann, and Marilyn Pearsall. WOMEN, KNOWLEDGE, AND REALITY: EXPLORATIONS IN FEMINIST PHILOSOPHY. Boston: Unwin Hyman, 1989.

Contains a section headed “Philosophy of Science” with three essays: Feminism and Science (Evelyn Fox Keller); Feminist Justificatory Strategies (Sandra Harding); Can There Be a Feminist Science? (Helen E. Longino).

Gates, Barbara T. and Ann B. Shtier, eds. NATURAL ELOQUENCE: WOMEN REINSCRIBE SCIENCE. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press, 1997.

Contents: Introduction: Charting the Tradition (Gates and Shteir); The Invisible Woman (Stephen Jay Gould); Fictionality, Demonstration, and a Forum for Popular Science: Jane Marcet’s “Converstions on Chemistry” (Greg Myers); Constructing Victorian Heavens; Agnes Clerke and the ‘New Astronomy’ (Bernard Lightman); Science in Canada’s Backwoods: Catharine Parr Traill (Marianne Gosztonyi Ainley); The ‘Very Poetry of Frogs’: Louisa Anne Meredith in Australia (Judith Johnson); ‘Through Books to Nature’: Anna Botsford Comstock and the Nature Study Movement (Pamela M. Henson): Revising the Descent of Woman: Eliza Burt Gamble (Rosemary Jann); Revisioning Darwin with Sympathy: Arabella Buckley (Barbara T. Gates); Conflicting Scientific Feminisms: Charlotte Haldane and Naomi Mitchison (Susan Squier); Rachel Carson and Her Legacy (Rebecca Raglon); The Spectacle of Science and Self: Mary Kingsley (Julie English Early); ‘Ape Ladies’ and Cultural Politics: Dian Fossey and Birut‚ Galdikas (James Krasner); Interview with Diane Ackerman, 18 July 1994 (Gates and Shteir); Selected Bibliography.

Gattiker, Urs E., ed. WOMEN AND TECHNOLOGY. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1994.

“Gender and Mathematics: Multiple Voices” (thematic issue). FOCUS ON LEARNING PROBLEMS IN MATHEMATICS 18, no 1 (Winter/Summer 1996).

Contents: Moving to Second and Third Generation Feminist Research (Lyn Taylor); Women and Mathematics: Avenue of Connection (Charlene Morrow); Research on Gender and Mathematics: One Feminist Perspective (Joanne R. Becker); Our Open Ears Can Open Minds: Listening to Women’s Metaphors for Mathematics (Dorothy Buerk); Emerging From the Past: Reclaiming the Mathematician Within (Nancy Austin); Mathematics and Gender: A Case for Relational Understanding (Jean Schmittau); An Elementary Teacher’s Mathematical Life History (Lyn Taylor and Marese Shea); Gender and Mathematics: Shifting the Focus (Mary Barnes); Thoughts on Gender, Fractions and Toys (Suzanne K. Damarin); Women’s Voices and the Experience of Mathematics (Diana Erchick); Meta Analysis and Quantitative Gender Differences: Reconciliation (Lynn Friedman); Mathematics and English; Sterotyped Domains? (Helen Forgasz and Gilah Leder); Sharing Voices of Experience in Mathematics and Science: Beginning a Mentorship Program for Middle School Girls (Stacey E. Marlow and Michael P. Marlow); Reflections on an Awareness Program to Encourage Seventh and Eighth Grade Girls in Mathematics (Regina Brunner); The Development of Voices in the Mathematics Classroom (Laura Coffin Koch); Transformations: Women and Mathematics (Vera John-Steiner).

“Gender and Science” (thematic section). WOMEN & THERAPY 12, no.4 (1992): 47-125.

Contents: How Different? New Essays on Gender and Science (Georgina Feldberg); Does Gender Have an Impact on Excellence in Academic Medicine? (Rose Sheinin); Gender Bias in Medical Research (Margrit Eichler, Anna Lisa Reisman, Elaine Manace Borins); Gender Issues in the Diagnosis of Mental Disorder (Paula J. Caplan); Genes, Embryos and Public Policy: The Marketing of the New Reproductive Technologies (Patricia Kaufert); Biases in Women’s Health Research (Jean A. Hamilton); Sexism in Research the Limits of Academic Freedom (Connie Stark- Adamec); From Anti-Feminine to Anti-Feminist: Students’ Reflections on Women and Science (Georgina Feldberg).

“Gender and Technology” (thematic issue). MEDIA, CULTURE AND SOCIETY 4, no.1 (January 1992). Guest editors: Colin Sparks and Liesbet van Zoonen.

Contents: Feminist Theory and Information Technology (Liesbet van Zoonen); Trapped in Electronic Cages? Gender and New Information Technologies in the Public and Private Domain: an Overview of Research (Valerie Frissen); The Gendered Use of the Telephone: an Australian Case Study (Ann Moyal); The Case of Elletel (Chantal Rogerat).

“Gender and the Culture of Science: Women in Science ’93 (thematic issue.) SCIENCE 260 (April 16, 1993): 383-430. Ed. by John Benditt.

Partial Contents: Is There a ‘Female Style’ in Science?, The Male Box: Male Researchers Respond, Feminists Find Gender Everywhere in Science (Marcia Barinaga); Women Struggle to Crack the Code of Corporate Culture, Work and Family: Still a Two-Way Stretch, Entrepreneurs Say: ‘It’s Better to Be the Boss’ (Elizabeth Culotta); The Pipeline is Leaking Women All the Way Along (Joe Alper); Making Room for Women in the Culture of Science (John Travis); Called ‘Trimates,’ Three Bold Women Shaped Their Field, Seeing Nature Through the Lens of Gender (Virginia Morell).

“Gender Equity in Math and Science (two-part thematic issues).” INITIATIVES 55, nos. 2-3 (1993). Special issue Co-Ed. Alice Miller.

Contents Part One: Introduction (Alice Miller); Undergraduate Women in the Sciences: Removing the Barriers (Barbara F. Sloat); Diversity Among Scientists-Inclusive Curriculum-Improved Science: An Upward Spiral (Sue V. Rosser); The Limits of Intervention: Lessons From Eureka, A Program to Retain Students in Science and Math-Related Majors (Alice Miller and Catherine B. Silver); Empowering Women in Mathematics (Ann B. Oaks); Women and Computer Science (L. Anne Breene); Cultivating Scientists at Women’s Colleges (Jadwiga S. Sebrechts); Females and Minorities in Science: The Role of Community and Collaboration (Robert C. Johnson and June Parrott); Women’s Activities and Women Engineers: Expansions Over Time (Emily M. Wadsworth). Part Two: Introduction (Alice Miller); Retaining Women Science Students: A Mentoring Project of the Association for Women in Science (Stephanie J. Bird and Catherine J. Didion); Bifurcation of a Common Path: Gender Splitting on the Road to Engineering and Physical Science Careers (Hilary M. Lips); Student Ownership: The Key to Successful Intervention Programs (Suzanne G. Brainard); Minority Females in the Science Pipeline: Activities to Enhance Readiness, Recruitment, and Retention (Bernice Taylor Anderson); The Women in Science Project at Dartmouth (Carol Blue Muller); Whose Math is It Anyway: Giving Girls a Chance to Take Charge of Their Math Learning (Charlene Morrow and James Morrow); Purdue’s Commitment to Women in Engineering: Strategies That Work (Jane Zimmer Daniels); Elementary Science Education: Looking Through the Lens of Gender (Janice Koch).

Gergen, Kenneth J. “Feminist Critique of Science and the Challenge of Social Epistemology.” In FEMINIST THOUGHT AND THE STRUCTURE OF KNOWLEDGE, pp. 27-48. Ed. by Mary McCanney Gergen. New York: New York University Press, 1988.

Gergen, Mary McCanney, ed. FEMINIST THOUGHT AND THE STRUCTURE OF KNOWLEDGE. New York: New York University Press, 1988.

Partial Contents: Some Thoughts About the Masculinity of the Natural Sciences; A Feminist Perspective on Sexology and Sexuality; Feminist Critique of Science and the Challenge of Social Epistemology.

Ginorio, Angela B. WARMING THE CLIMATE FOR WOMEN IN ACADEMIC SCIENCE. Washington, DC: Association of American Colleges And Universities, Program on the Status and Education of Women, 1995 (38p.)

Giroud, Francoise. MARIE CURIE, A LIFE. Translated by Lydia Davis. New York: Holmes and Meier, 1986.

Glazer, Penina Migdal, and Miriam Slater. UNEQUAL COLLEAGUES: THE ENTRANCE OF WOMEN INTO THE PROFESSIONS, 1890-1940. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1987.

Goddard, Nancy, and Mary Sue Henifin. “A Feminist Approach to the Biology of Women.” WOMEN’S STUDIES QUARTERLY 12 (Winter 1984): 11-18.

Goodfield, June. AN IMAGINED WORLD: A STORY OF SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY. New York: Harper & Row, 1981. Reprinted with a new preface: Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1991.

Gorham, Geoffrey. “The Concept of Truth in Feminist Sciences. HYPATIA 10, no.3 (Summer 1995): 96-116.

Gornick, Vivian. WOMEN IN SCIENCE: PORTRAITS FROM A WORLD IN TRANSITION. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1983.

Growney, JoAnne. “My Dance is Mathematics.” MATHEMATICS MAGAZINE 68 (Dec. 1995):376-7. (Poem honoring Amalie Emmy Noether; theme is barriers faced by women mathematicians.)

Gross, Barry R. “What Could a Feminist Science Be?” THE MONIST 77, no.4 (October 1994): 434-444. In thematic issue on feminist epistomology. See also listings for Nelson, Jack, and Lynn Hankinson Nelson, “No Rush to Judgment,” and Soble, Alan, “Gender, Objectivity and Realism.”

Grosz, E.A., and Marie de Lepervanche. “Feminism and Science.” In CROSSING BOUNDARIES: FEMINISMS AND THE CRITIQUE OF KNOWLEDGES, pp. 5-27. Ed. by Barbara Caine, E.A. Grosz, and Marie de Lepervanche. Sydney: Allen & Unwin, 1988.

Haack, Susan. “Science From a Feminist Perspective.” PHILOSOPHY 67 (Juanuary 1992): 5-18.

Haas, Violet B., and Carolyn C. Perrucci, eds. WOMEN IN SCIENTIFIC AND ENGINEERING PROFESSIONS. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1984.

Contents: Central Issues Facing Women in the Science-Based Professions (Carolyn C. Perrucci); Professional Women in Developing Nations: The United States and the Third World Compared (Nancie L. Gonzalez); Professional Women in Transition (Lilli S. Hornig); Changing Patterns of Recruitment and Employment (Betty M. Vetter); Planning Strategies for Women in Scientific Professions (Jewel Plummer Cobb); Academic Career Mobility for Women and Men Psychologists (Rachel A. Rosenfeld); Responsibilities of Women Faculty in Engineering Schools (Mildred S. Dresselhaus); Alternative Development of a Scientific Career (Esther A. H. Hopkins); Scientific Sexism: The World of Chemistry (Anne M. Briscoe); You’ve Come a Long Way Baby: The Myth and the Reality (Naomi J. McAfee); Early Socialization: Causes and Cures of Mathematics Anxiety (Patricia F. Campbell and Susan C. Geller); Women Engineers in History: Profiles in Holism and Persistence (Martha M. Trescott); Should Professional Women Be Like Professional Men? (Ruth Hubbard); Class, Race, Sex, Scientific Objects of Knowledge: A Socialist-Feminist Perspective on the Social Construction of Productive Nature and Some Political Consequences (Donna Haraway); Evolving Views of Women’s Professional Roles (Violet B. Haas).

Hacker, Sally L. “The Culture of Engineering: Women, Workplace and Machine.” WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL QUARTERLY 4, no.3 (1981): 341-353.



Hanen, Marsha, and Kai Nielsen, eds. SCIENCE, MORALITY, AND FEMINIST THEORY. Calgary: University of Calgary Press, 1987. Partial Contents: Two Aspects: Science and Morality: Sex Inequality and Bias in Sex Differences Research (Alison M. Jaggar); The Need for More Than Justice (Annette C. Baier); Critiques: Science, Ethics and Method: The Philosophy of Ambivalence; Sandra Harding on THE SCIENCE QUESTION IN FEMINISM (Alison Wylie); Ascetic Intellectual Opportunities: Reply to Alison Wylie (Sandra Harding).

Hanson, Sandra L. LOST TALENT: WOMEN IN THE SCIENCES. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1996.

Haraway, Donna. “In the Beginning Was the Word: The Genesis of Biological Theory.” SIGNS 6 (Spring 1981): 469-482.

Haraway, Donna. “A Manifesto for Cyborgs: Science, Technology, and Socialist Feminism in the 1980s.” In FEMINISM/POSTMODERNISM. Ed. by Linda J. Nicholson. New York: Routledge, 1990.




Haraway, Donna. “Situated Knowledges: The Science Question in Feminism and the Privilege of Partial Perspective.” FEMINIST STUDIES 14 (Fall 1988): 575-599. Reprinted in FEMINISM AND SCIENCE. Ed. by Evelyn Fox Keller and Helen E. Longino. New York: Oxford University Press, 1996.

Haraway, Donna. “The Virtual Speculum in the New World Order.” FEMINIST REVIEW 55 (Spring 1997): 22-72.

Harding, Jan, ed. PERSPECTIVES ON GENDER AND SCIENCE. London: Bristol, PA: Falmer Press, 1986.

Harding, Sandra. “Feminism and Theories of Scientific Knowledge.” WOMEN: A CULTURAL REVIEW 1, no.1 (April 1990): 87- 98. (followed by “Women Look at Science: Man the Hunter, Why Science is a Woman, Discovering the Naked Truth,” excerpts from books by Donna Haraway, Londa Schiebinger, and Ludmilla Jordonava.)

Harding, Sandra. “Feminism, Science, and the Anti- Enlightenment Critiques.” In FEMINISM/POSTMODERNISM, pp. 83- 106. Ed. by Linda J. Nicholson. New York: Routledge, 1990.

Harding, Sandra. “How the Women’s Movement Benefits Science. Two Views.” WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 12 (1989):271- 283.

Harding, Sandra, ed. THE “RACIAL” ECONOMY OF SCIENCE: TOWARD A DEMOCRATIC FUTURE. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1993. Gender is especially addressed in Part 3: “Who Gets to Do Science?”

Harding, Sandra. THE SCIENCE QUESTION IN FEMINISM. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1986.

Harding, Sandra. WHOSE SCIENCE: WHOSE KNOWLEDGE?: THINKING FROM WOMEN’S LIVES. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1991.


Harding, Sandra, and Jean F. O’Barr, eds. SEX AND SCIENTIFIC INQUIRY. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1987. Articles reprinted from SIGNS.

Contents: The History and Philosophy of Women in Science: A Review Essay (Londa Schiebinger); Sexual Segregation in the Sciences: Some Data and a Model (Margaret W. Rossiter); Images of Female Medical Students at the Turn of the Century (Sandra L. Chaff); Women and the History of American Technology (Judith A. McGaw); Outrunning Atalanta: Feminine Destiny in Alchemical Transmutation (Sally G. Allen and Joanna Hubbs); Science, Politics, and Race (Inez Smith Reid); Biology and Equality: A Perspective on Sex Differences (Helen H. Lambert); Social and Behavioral Constructions of Female Sexuality (Patricia Y. Miller and Martha R. Fowlkes); Body, Bias, and Behavior: A Comparative Analysis of Reasoning in Two Areas of Biological Science (Helen Longino and Ruth Doell); The Variability Hypotheses: The History of a Biological Model of Sex Differences in Intelligence (Stephanie A. Shields); Animal Sociology and a Natural Economy of the Body Politic, Part I: A Political Physiology of Dominance (Donna Haraway); Feminism and Science (Evelyn Fox Keller); The Cartesian Masculinization of Thought (Susan Bordo); Hand, Brain, and Heart: A Feminist Epistemology for the Natural Sciences (Hilary Rose); The Instability of Analytical Categories of Feminist Theory (Sandra Harding).

Henrion, Claudia. WOMEN IN MATHEMATICS: THE ADDITION OF DIFFERENCE. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, forthcoming, 1997 (ten intensive interviews with women mathematicians).

Herschberger, Ruth. ADAM’S RIB. New York: Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1948; repr. New York: Harper & Row, 1970.

Holloway, Marguerite. “A Lab of Her Own.” SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 269, no.6 (November 1993): 94-103.

Horning, Beth. “The Controversial Career of Evelyn Fox Keller.” TECHNOLOGY REVIEW 96 (Jan. 1993): 58-68.

Hornig, Lilli S. “Women in Science and Engineering: Why So Few?” TECHNOLOGY REVIEW 87 (Nov/Dec. 1984): 31-41.

Hrdy, Sarah Blaffer. THE WOMAN THAT NEVER EVOLVED. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1981. Hubbard, Ruth. “The Emperor Doesn’t Wear Any Clothes: The Impact of Feminism on Biology.” In MEN’S STUDIES MODIFIED, pp. 213-235. Ed. by Dale Spender. New York: Pergamon, 1981.

Hubbard, Ruth. THE POLITICS OF WOMEN’S BIOLOGY. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1990.

Hubbard, Ruth. PROFITABLE PROMISES: ESSAYS ON WOMEN, SCIENCE AND HEALTH. Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press, 1995.

Hubbard, Ruth. “Some Thoughts about the Masculinity of the Natural Sciences.” In FEMINIST THOUGHT AND THE STRUCTURE OF KNOWLEDGE, pp. 1-15. Ed. by Mary McCanney Gergen. New York: New York University Press, 1988.

Hubbard, Ruth, and Marian Lowe, eds. GENES AND GENDER II: PITFALLS IN RESEARCH ON SEX AND GENDER. New York: Gordian Press, 1979.

Contents: Introduction (Ruth Hubbard and Marian Lowe); “Universals” and Male Dominance among Primates: A Critical Examination (Lila Leibowitz); Social and Political Bias in Science: An Examination of Animal Studies and Their Generalizations to Human Behavior and Evolution (Ruth Bleier); Aggression and Gender: A Critique of the Nature- Nurture Question for Humans (Freda Salzman); Sociobiology and Biosociology: Can Science Prove the Biological Basis of Sex Differences in Behavior? (Marian Lowe and Ruth Hubbard); Sex Differences and the Dichotomization of the Brain: Methods, Limits and Problems in Research on Consciousness (Susan Leigh Star); Transsexualism: An Issue of Sex-Role Stereotyping (Janice G. Raymond); Conclusions (Marian Lowe and Ruth Hubbard).

Hubbard, Ruth, Mary Sue Henifin, and Barbara Fried, eds. BIOLOGICAL WOMAN – THE CONVENIENT MYTH. Cambridge: Schenkman, 1982.

Contents: Have Only Men Evolved? (Ruth Hubbard); Boys Will Be Boys Will Be Boys: The Language of Sex and Gender (Barbara Fried); From Sin to Sickness: Hormonal Theories of Lesbianism (Lynda I.A. Birke); Social Bodies: The Interaction of Culture and Women’s Biology (Marian Lowe); No Fertile Women Need Apply: Employment Discrimination and Reproductive Hazards in the Workplace (Jeanne M. Stellman and Mary Sue Henifin); Sterilization Abuse (Helen Rodriguez-Trias); Changing Minds: Women, Biology, and the Menstrual Cycle (Lynda I.A. Birke, with Sandy Best); Taking the Men Out of Menopause (Marlyn Grossman and Pauline Bart); Displaced–The Midwife by the Male Physician (Datha Clapper Brack); Black Women’s Health: Notes for a Course (Beverly Smith); The Quirls of a Woman’s Brain (Mary Roth Walsh); Adventures of a Woman in Science (Naomi Weisstein); Bibliography: Women, Science, and Health (Mary Sue Henifin and Joan Cindy Amatniek).

Hubbard, Ruth, Mary Sue Henifin, and Barbara Fried, eds. WOMEN LOOK AT BIOLOGY LOOKING AT WOMEN. Cambridge: Schenkman, 1979.

Contents: Have Only Men Evolved? (Ruth Hubbard); Boys Will Be Boys Will Be Boys: The Language of Sex and Gender (Barbara Fried); The Politics of Right and Left: Sex Differences in Hemispheric Brain Asymmetry (Susan Leigh Star); Displaced–The Midwife by the Male Physician (Datha Clapper Brack); The Quirls of a Woman’s Brain (Mary Roth Walsh); Why Are So Many Anorexics Women? (Vicki Druss and Mary Sue Henifin); Exploring Menstrual Attitudes (Emily E. Culpepper); Taking the Men Out of Menopause (Marlyn Grossman and Pauline Bart); Adventures of a Woman in Science (Naomi Weisstein); Bibliography: Women, Science, and Health (Mary Sue Henifin). Hughes, Donna M. “Significant Differences: The Construction of Knowledge, Objectivity, and Dominance.” WOMEN’S STUDIES INTERNATIONAL FORUM 18, no. 4 (July/August 1995): 395-406.

Hughes, Donna M. “Transforming Science and Technology: Has the Elephant Yet Flicked its Trunk?” NWSA JOURNAL 3 (August 1991):382-401.

Humphreys, Sheila, ed. WOMEN AND MINORITIES IN SCIENCE: STRATEGIES FOR INCREASING PARTICIPATION. Boulder: Westview, 1982. (AAAS Selected Symposium no.66.)

Contents: Leverage for Equal Opportunity Through Mastery of Mathematics (Lucy W. Sells); Labor Force Participation of Women Baccalaureates in Science (Betty M. Vetter); EQUALS: Working with Educators (Nancy Kreinberg); Improving Minority Preparation for Math-Based Disciplines (Robert A. Finnell); A Short-Term Intervention Program: Math-Science Conferences (Ruth C. Cronkite & Teri Hoch Perl); Affirmative Action Programs That Work (Yolanda Scott George); Career Paths for Women in Physics (Claire Ellen Max); Increasing the Participation of College Women in Mathematics-Related Fields (Lenore Blum & Steven Givant); Women in Engineering: A Dynamic Approach (Jane Z. Daniels & William K. LeBold); Effectiveness of Science Career Conferences (Sheila M. Humphreys); Strategies to Increase Participation of Minorities in Medicine (A. Cherrie Epps, Joseph C. Pisano, & Jeanne G. Allender); An Evaluation of Programs for Reentry Women Scientists (Alma E. Lantz & Linda J. Ingison).


Hyde, Janet Shibley. “Meta-Analysis and the Psychology of Gender Differences.” SIGNS 16, no. 1 (Autumn 1990): 55-73. Reprinted in GENDER AND SCIENTIFIC AUTHORITY, pp. 302-320. Ed. by Barbara Laslett, et al. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1996.

Hynes, H. Patricia. “Feminism and Engineering: the Inroads.” In THE KNOWLEDGE EXPLOSION: GENERATIONS OF FEMINIST SCHOLARSHIP, pp.133-140. Ed. by Cheris Kramarae and Dale Spender. New York: Teachers College Press Athene Series, 1992.

Hynes, H. Patricia, ed. RECONSTRUCTING BABYLON: ESSAYS ON WOMEN AND TECHNOLOGY. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1991.

Contents: Lead Contamination: a Case of “Protectionism” and the Neglect of Women (H. Patricia Hynes); Lesotho and Nepal: the Failure of Western “Family Planning” (Nellie Kanno); How the New Reproductive Technologies Will Affect Women (Gena Corea); Of Eggs, Embryos, and Altruism (Janice G. Raymond); Who May Have Children and Who May Not (Gena Corea); In the Matter of Baby M: Judged and Rejudged (Raymond); The International Traffic in Women: Women Used in Systems of Surrogacy and Reproduction (Raymond); Biotechnology in Agriculture and Reproduction: the Parallels in Public Policy (Hynes); Industrial Experimentation on “Surrogate” Mothers (Corea); Testimony Before the House Judiciary Committee, State of Michigan (Raymond); Junk Liberty (Corea); Depo-Provera and the Politics of Knowledge (Corea); Maud Matthews and the Philisiwe Clinic (Hynes).

Hynes, H. Patricia. THE RECURRING SILENT SPRING. New York: Pergamon, 1989.

Jackson, Allyn. “Feminist Critiques of Science.” NOTICES OF THE AMERICAN MATHEMATICAL SOCIETY 36, no.6 (1989): 669-672.

Jacobus, Mary, Evelyn Fox Keller, and Sally Shuttleworth, eds. BODY/POLITICS: WOMEN AND THE DISCOURSES OF SCIENCE. Boston: Routledge, 1989.

Contents: In Parenthesis: Immaculate Conceptions and Feminine Desire (Mary Jacobus); Speaking of the Body: Mid- Victorian Constructions of Female Desire (Mary Poovey); Female Circulation: Medical Discourse and Popular Advertising in the Mid-Victorian Era (Sally Shuttleworth); Science and Women’s Bodies: Forms of Anthropological Knowledge (Emily Martin); Reading the Slender Body (Susan Bordo); Feminism, Medicine, and the Meaning of Childbirth (Paula A. Treichler); Investment Strategies for the Evolving Portfolio of Primate Females (Donna Haraway); Technophilia: Technology, Representation, and the Feminine (Mary Ann Doane); From Secrets of Life to Secrets of Death (Evelyn Fox Keller).

Jansen, Sue Curry. “Gender and the Information Society: A Socially Structured Silence.” JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION 39 (Summer 1989): 196-215.

Jones, M. Gail, and Jack Wheatley. “Factors Influencing the Entry of Women Into Science and Related Fields.” SCIENCE EDUCATION 72 (1988): 127-142.

Jordanova, Ludmilla. “Gender and the Historiography of Science.” THE BRITISH JOURNAL FOR THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE 26, no.91 (1993): 469-483.