Alex Stark Haffner
Head of Teaching and Learning Programs and Online Learning Strategist
Find information on spaces, staff, and services.
Head of Teaching and Learning Programs and Online Learning Strategist
Instructional Services Librarian
Instructional Design Librarian
Go Big Read Program Coordinator
Teaching and Learning Librarian
Instructional Services Librarian
Teaching & Learning Programs collaborates with faculty, instructional staff, and campus administrators to help students develop the skills, attitudes, and knowledge base needed to become efficient, effective users and producers of information.
Information literacy instruction is most effective when it is fully integrated into the goals of your class. We can assist with:
The following principles guide our instructional design:
Effective library instruction takes time to prepare and is in great demand. To ensure that your students will get the instruction they need when they need it, please contact us as far in advance as possible.
The Teaching and Learning Council assists the campus Teaching & Learning Programs Director with planning and developing the campus Teaching & Learning Program:
For more information about the campus Teaching & Learning Programs or the instruction program in individual campus libraries, please contact the Head of Programs: Alex Stark Haffner, 608-262-4308