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Presenter: Amanda Lee Practicum Location: Lawrence University-Academic Library Lawrence University has a robust archives full of local history and primary resources. Unfortunately one must go to a different website than the library’s search box to see what they have cataloged. The goal of this project was to convert archival finding aids into MARC21 format using AACR2 standards and import them into the library’s catalog. This will allow researchers to find these resources in the same place they find the rest of their resources. | |
Presenter: Andrea Parmentier Practicum Location: Arthur H. Robinson Map Library My practicum was at the Arthur H. Robinson Map Library at UW-Madison, were I converted an “Introduction to GIS” workshop from the proprietary software, ArcGIS, to an open source alternative, QGIS. In the course of this project, we realized we didn’t know if the data and metadata of the library’s geoportal, GeoData@Wisconsin, were accessible in QGIS. I discovered that the data is, but the metadata for the geoportal’s files must be downloaded separately in XML format. | |
Presenter: Logan Rains Practicum Location: Library Technology Group, Memorial Library My practicum took place in the Library Technology Group on Memorial Library’s 3rd floor on the campus of UW-Madison. The primary focus of the practicum was deriving data from MARC records by using the Ruby programming language. My position paper explored the question ‘what do we do with the data after we’ve obtained it?’ Without a good visualization of your research data, you’re left with a spreadsheet that requires a lot of attention to make sense of. For my project, creating a bar chart was the best solution because of the data I had, and because while exploring the topic of data visualization there was a particular emphasis in the literature on clear and concise graphs. | |
Presenter: Morgaine Gilchrist-Scott Practicum Location: University of Wisconsin Library Technology Group Coding has become an integral part of life in the 21st century and libraries are no exception. With more than 256 programming languages available from which to choose, it becomes hard to know which is the correct choice. In this paper and poser I present the Ruby programming language as an ideal candidate for working with library data. I also outline the ways in which programming/coding can be made collaborative. Finally, I include some examples of collaboratively coded data visualizations. | |
Presenter: Jeremy Petersen Practicum Location: University of South Dakota via Wegner Science Center in Sioux Falls, SD. The internet and open access publishing gives academics a renewed opportunity to have their work and data viewed by as many colleagues and interested parties as possible. Academic librarians can play a vital role in promoting this form of publishing. This poster gives two strategies used to help promote this trend in academia. | |
Presenter: Courtney Kramer Practicum Location: Augsburg College in Minneapolis, MN. For my practicum placement, I worked at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, MN. During my time there, I examined how librarians could market their services to faculty in creative and innovative ways other than the standard email. Through my research, I came to two recommendations: first, to hold an optional in-service for faculty in August each year; and second, to create short, instructional videos on library services relevant to instructors. | |
Presenter: Angela Bouque Practicum Location: Elgin Community College – Renner Learning and Resource Center The Elgin Community College Library serves over 16,000 students where 62% transfer to four universities. The librarians’ concern is that not all students get to attend an information literacy session in the library, and the students are not prepared when they transfer to other schools or go out into the workplace. Why teach critical analysis of the news? Living in a world saturated in social media and misinformation, the librarians were concerned that students understand the difference of credible news sources and “Fake News”. I created a resource guide to help identify and practice discerning reliable news from other sources. | |
Presenter: Brian Jahnke Practicum Location: College Library, UW-Madison College Library is a large academic library that specializes in general undergraduate research and information literacy. I noticed during my time at the reference desk that several students were unaware that research guides existed or how they worked, and I wanted to understand why this was the case. I worked to help reformat the research guides to make them easier to use, but I propose that College Library begin including them in their library instruction curriculum in order to increase usage and encourage repeat visits. |
Presenter: Morgan Paavola Practicum Location: Records Management Compliance In order to better assess the effectiveness of the Records Management Program at the UW-Madison an audit program or procedure should be added. Since the department consists of a single full time employee this audit would cover university departments awareness of records retention schedules, rules and guidelines that are provided by the Records Management Program. A more in-depth records audit will better help university departments comply with state and federal recordkeeping laws.
Presenter: Rebecca Klein Practicum Location: Jasper County Historical Museum, Newton, Iowa A significant portion of historical collections are housed in small museums and archives. Limited resources at these small organizations create challenges when it comes to processing archival collections. My research project focuses on the creation of a finding aid template that can be utilized by the volunteers at my practicum location, the Jasper County Historical Museum in Newton, Iowa. This poster highlights how archival practices can be adapted to suit the needs of small archives. |
Presenter: Pa Thao Practicum Location: T.B. Scott Free Library I worked on creating the Senior Moments program for the older adult community at TB Scott Free Library. The research question is: As the aging population grows, will its library needs increase too? The Senior Moments program is centered on the five senses: touch, smell, taste, sight, and hear. It includes read-out-loud story time, music, food, and other activities that allows participants to see and touch. The conclusion is that the “one-size fit all” program may no longer match the characteristics of the “now” older adult community.
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Presenter: Kathryn McKenna Practicum Location: Fitchburg Public Library Bookmobiles have been an integral part of many library’s outreach efforts since the early 1900s. Outreach efforts are expanding to provide library services to diverse populations and showcasing services the library offers that community members may not know about. In an age where collaboration of programs is at the forefront, this paper discusses the best practices a public library should consider after they recently acquired their first bookmobile. | |
Presenter: Hollie Dabb Practicum Location: Public Library of Logan UT The Logan Library has a foundation of active programming that needs to be built upon. There needs to be an evaluation of the needs and interests of our adult patrons in regards to this programming. There needs to be a movement of better marketing of our programs to our active users. Thus the Logan Library will be able to continue its mission of enriching lives and fostering lifelong learning. | |
Presenter: Sarah Poppie Practicum Location: Stoughton Public Library The Stoughton Public Library in Stoughton, WI, needed a system for assessing its community needs and wants regarding adult library programs. Comprehensive community assessments tend to be impractical for small libraries whose staff is already stretched thin with other responsibilities. I propose an adaptation of the community assessment that is compiled into 5 simple and realistic steps that librarians with limited resources can take to evaluate their community’s programming needs. | |
Presenter: Mark Jochem Practicum Location: South Central Library System (Wisconsin) The topic of my research and practicum was community engagement. During my practicum, I researched the concept of community engagement, the different types and applications, in addition to cultural competence. I consulted research published in journals and in non-academic library magazines. The resulting paper and poster reflect my findings about community engagement. |
Presenter: Robin REN Practicum Location: Murfie Music Database The goals of this article are to demonstrate problems I encountered in Murfie Music database and overview strategies to improve the quality of this database. After analyzing the problems and current situation in the company, I draw the conclusions that minor problems can be fixed on DBMS but It is hard to improve the data structure. It’s better to redesign it by applying a new model named Entity-Relationship model. Because it cost effectively and relative easy to complete. | |
Presenter: Kathleen Norris Practicum Location: Catholic Research Resource Alliance, cultural heritage institution The CRRA is a non-profit organization comprised of member institutions across the country. Their goal is to increase access and digitization of rare and hard to find Catholic resources. For this project, I chose to research the use of social media in a cultural heritage institution, specifically CRRA. My position discusses the range of benefits included in social media use, and how to achieve those benefits. | |
Presenter: Jack Dorr Practicum Location: WiLS This poster examines how project-based organizations transfer their institutional knowledge and provides future recommendations for WiLS based on previous case studies. The main issue I came across during my practicum is the inability to initially understand what’s being discussed during their weekly staff meetings. This poster includes some of the background behind my practicum and the organization. |