The Center for Limnology Library is a NON-CIRCULATING library.
All UW campus affiliates and visitors are welcome to use our materials in the library, however, they cannot be taken out of the building.
General campus users/visitors may not check out materials
Center for Limnology faculty, staff, graduate students, and post-doc researchers may check out materials for use in the building (see instructions below).
A scanning station is available to users with a email address.
CFL Affiliate Checkout Instructions
All items taken out of the library must be checked out!
Items may be kept as long as they are needed, however, please be considerate of your colleagues and return items as soon as you are finished with them.
A librarian may contact you to confirm that items checked out for more than 1 academic term are still in your possession.
All items must be returned before you leave your appointment at the CFL.
Electronic Checkout
For barcoded items only (books, theses, maps)
If you don’t already have one, contact a librarian to get a checkout system user ID.
At the checkout station (computer behind the printer), log into the checkout system with your user ID.
Scan or type in an item’s barcode and click “Add book.” Repeat for additional items.
When you’ve finished adding items, click “Finish checkout.”
Checked out items appear in the “Books out” list; use this list to determine the whereabouts of items that are not on the shelf.
Paper-based Checkout
For items without barcodes (reprints, journals, government docs)
Fill out a checkout card from the box on the librarians’ desk.
File the completed card in the same box (alphabetically by author last name or journal title).