Sapelo Island

Below are proposals and reports from Zoology 750, the legendary Sapelo Island field course. The course has been a rite of passage for CFL grad students for 40 years. Though listed as Problems in Oceanography in the course catalog, this is our graduate field ecology course. It involves one weekly meeting and then a ten-day field trip to Sapelo Island, Georgia. The course will introduce you to coastal marine ecosystems of Southeastern North America, but the real aim is to give you an independent research experience on a low-stakes project where you have lots of support and engagement from faculty and fellow students.

If you have questions about the Sapelo Island reports, please contact the librarian at

Document Type: project proposal; project report; boathouse report; cruise report
Discipline:behavior; chemistry; climate; ecology; economics; evolution; geology; hydrology; microbiology
Ecosystem: beach; coastal marine; creek; dune; estuary; forest; marsh; pool/runnel
Level of Organization: molecular; individual; population; community; ecosystem/landscape
Taxon: bacteria; bird; crab; fish; insect; plant; shellfish(other); snail; spartina

1972Otjen, RobertHeavy Minerals in the Swash Zonereport, chemistry, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape; snail
1972Young III, JohnWind-Transport of Beach Sandreport, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape
1974Andrews, Charles; Flesch, David; Riordan, Allen; Taloot, MichaelInvestigation of an Estuary System Near Sapelo Island, Georgiacruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, bacteria, shellfish(other)
1974Heitz, Jean; Shaffer, William; Stuntz, WarrenThe Influence of Fiddler Crabs (UCA genus) on Sediments of a Georgia Salt Marshreport, behavior, ecology, geology, marsh, population, crab, fungus
1974Whan Kang, See; Quigley, Elin; Shaffer, William; Weininger, DavidR/V Kit Jones Estuary Studycruise report, chemistry, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1974Nebrija, EdgardoTextural Analysis of the Beach Sediments of Cabretta and South Beaches, Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape
1974Weininger, DavidSalinity and Surface Pressure in Selected Sapelo Island Water Bodiesreport, chemistry, coastal marine, creek, ecosystem/landscape
1976Bryan, ToddSome Emerging Quantifiable Trends in the Relationship Between Littorina Irrorata and The Salt Marsh Environment on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, ecology, marsh, population, snail, plant
1976Byers, RobinObservations on the Heavy Mineral Content of South Beach Sands Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, chemistry, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape
1976Fiehweg, RobertA Report of Nitrogen Fixation (Acetylene Reduction) in Spartina alterniflora, and its Possible Relation to Differential Growth within a Salt Marshreport, chemistry, ecology, microbiology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant, spartina
1976Kraft, CliffordSize distribution of Littorina irrorata along a shore-level gradientproposal, behavior, marsh, population, snail
1976Kraft, CliffordDistribution of Littorina irrorata (Mollusca: Gastropoda) in an unprotected Georgia Salt Marshreport, behavior, marsh, population, snail
1976Lozano, Stephan; Vondracek, BruceBehavioral Response of Littorina irrorata to Tidal and Temperature Changes or (Nothing Could be Finer Than to Be with Littorina in the Morning)report, behavior, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape, population, snail
1976Smith, ChristyObservations and Interpretations of Backwash Antidunes, Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, chemistry, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape
1976Smith, CraigWater Potential in Spartina Alterniflora: Response to Salinityreport, chemistry, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant, spartina
1979Boggs, Chris; Rice JimOptimal Foraging and Size Selection by Boring Gastropods Feeding on Donax variabilis Say, 1822 (at Sapelo Island, Georgia)report, behavior, beach, community, snail
1979Jones, R. ChristianCarbon Fixation by Salt Marsh Algal Epiphytes and its Possible Significance to Total Marsh Primary Productivity report, spartina, s. alterniflora, oscillatoria
1979Jones, R. ChristianThe effect of duration of dessication and age of host plants on epiphytic algal productivity and community structure in a Georgia salt marshproposal, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1979Jones, R. ChristianProductivity of algal epiphytes in a Georgia salt marsh: effect of inundation frequency and implications for total marsh productivityreport, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1979Kimbel, JeffDissolved Organic Carbon Leaching In Two Salt Marsh Plants: Factors and Adaptationreport, chemistry, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1979Lange, SandraSome Parameters of Parasitism by the Oyster Crab, Pinnotheres Ostreum, on its Host, the American Oyster, Crassostrea Virginica with Possible Implications From Degrees of Infestationreport, ecology, evolution, coastal marine, creek, community, crab
1979Robertson, DaleTidal Excursion on a Small Marsh Creekproposal, geology, beach, pool/runnel, ecosystem/landscape,
1979Sowinski, K     Steinert, PAn Investigation of Littoral Drift on Sapelo Island, Georgiaproposal, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape
1979Webster, KatherineOptimal Foraging and the Predator-Prey Intertaions Between the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) and the Marsh Periwinkle (Littorina irrorata)proposal, behavior, marsh, community, crab, snail
1979Webster, KatherineForaging Strategy of the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus, and the Impact on its Prey, the Marsh Periwinkle, ittorina irroratareport, behavior, marsh, community, crab, snail
1980Hamel, MaryStudies of Migrations of Macroorganisms Through a Salt Marsh Tidal Creekreport, chemistry, beach, pool/runnel, community, fish
1982Hagar, JeffCruise Reportcruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1982Hagar, JeffAlteration of Littorina irrorata Populations Through Size Selective Predationproposal, behavior, marsh, community, crab, snail
1982Hagar, JeffAlteration of Littorina irrorata Populations Through Size Selective Predationreport, behavior, marsh, community, crab, snail
1982Hagar, Jeff; Kaplan-Wildmann, Jay; Striegl, RobertThe Boathouse Study: An analysis of fluxes in a Georgia salt marshboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1982Hamel, MaryTidal Cycle Migrations of Shrimp and Fish to the Salt Marsh Ecosystem through Southeast Creek: Correlations between Faunal Type and Size with Current Velocity and Salinityproposal, chemistry, ecology, creek, community, fish
1982Hamel, MaryCruise Report – An Analysis of Doboy Sound Mixing Dynamicscruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, fish
1982Hamel, Mary; Kenoyer, Galen; Rudstam, LarsTidal Effects in a Salt Marsh Ecosystemreport, chemistry, beach, pool/runnel, ecosystem/landscape,
1982Kaplan-Wildmann, JayTesting the Applicability of the Ghyben-Herzberg Equation and the Dupuit Assumption in Locating the Freshwater-Saltwater Interface at Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, chemistry, hydrology, coastal marine, ecosystem/landscape
1982Kenoyer, GalenCruise Report – An Analysis of Doboy Sound Mixing Dynamicscruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, fish, plant
1982Manser, RichardCruise Report – An Analysis of Doboy Sound Mixing Dynamicscruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, fish, plant
1982Manser, Richard; Kenoyer, GalenGroundwater Flux in a Spartina Marsh Determined by Direct and Indirect Methodsproposal, hydrology, beach, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartina
1982Manser, Richard; Kenoyer, GalenGroundwater Flux in a Salt Marsh on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, hydrology, beach, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartina
1982Manser, Richard; Robertson, Dale; Seirzen, Mike; Swackhamer, DeborahTidal Exchange Between a Salt Marsh and Estuary: A Mass Balance Approachcruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1982Robertson, DaleCruise Report – An Analysis of Doboy Sound Mixing Dynamicscruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1982Robertson, Dale; Striegl, RobertCurrent velocities and sediment transport on a salt marsh, Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, salt marsh, channel flow
1982Rudstam, LarsCruise Report – An Analysis of Doboy Sound Mixing Dynamicscruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1982Rudstam, Lars; Swackhammer, DeborahControl or enhancement of benthic algal and microbial biomass and productivity by fiddler crabs in a Georgia salt marshproposal, chemistry, ecology, marsh, community, ecosystem/landscape, crab, plant
1982Rudstam, Lars; Swackhamer, DeborahControl or enhancement of benthic algal and microbial biomass and productivity by fiddler crabs in a Georgia salt marshreport, chemistry, ecology, marsh, community, ecosystem/landscape, crab, plant
1982Sierszen, MichaelCruise Report – An Analysis of Doboy Sound Mixing Dynamicscruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, fish
1982Sierszen, MichaelParticle selection by Crassostrea virginicaproposal, ecology, creek, community, shellfish
1982Sierszen, MichaelParticle selection by Crassostrea virginicareport, ecology, creek, community, shellfish
1982Striegl, RobertCruise Report – An Analysis of Doboy Sound Mixing Dynamicscruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1982Swackhamer, DeborahEvaluation of mixing in an estuarine system near sapelo island, Georgiacruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, fish
1984Bailiff, MeganThe distribution of Urosalpinx cinerea on the rassostrae virginica beds of Dean Creek, Sapelo Islandproposal, ecology, creek, community, shellfish (other), snail
1984Bailiff, MeganDistribution of Callianassa Major Say in the Third Dimensionreport, ecology, creek, community, shellfish (other), snail
1984Bailiff, Megan; Chukalasem, Weerawan; Hurley, JamesTidal Exchange in the Duplin River: Physical and Chemical Characteristicscruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1984Bouchard, Roy J.Pattern Detection in Spartina alterniflora in a Georgia Salt Marshproposal, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant, spartina
1984Bouchard, Roy J.Pattern Detection in Spartina alterniflora in a Georgia Salt Marshreport, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant, spartina
1984Bouchard, Roy; Krabbenhoft, David; Medland, VickiThe Dupline River Study (1984)cruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1984Chulakasem, WeerawanAvoidance Response of the Marsh Periwinkle, Littorina irrorate, to the Predatory Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidusproposal, behavior, beach, community, crab, snail
1984Chulakasem, WeerawanAvoidance Response of the Marsh Periwinkle, Littorina irrorate, to the Predatory Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidusreport, behavior, beach, community, crab, snail
1984Hurley, JimRelative Nutrient Regeneration Rates from Decomposing Spartina alternifloraproposal, chemistry, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartina
1984Hurley, JimRelative Nutrient Regeneration Rates from Decomposing Spartina alterniflorareport, chemistry, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartina
1984Jacobson, PaulShort-term Temporal Characteristics of the Tidal Migration of Macroorganisms near Mouth of Duplin Riverproposal, chemistry, ecology, hydrology, microbiology, creek, estuary, marsh, community, crab, fish, plant, shellfish
1984Jacobson, PaulAn acoustic examination of biological transport in the Duplin Riverreport, chemistry, ecology, hydrology, microbiology, creek, estuary, marsh, community, crab, fish, plant, shellfish
1984Krabbenhoft, Dave; Stoertz, MaryQuantification of effect of crab burrows on soil water movementproposal, ecology, geology, hydrology, marsh, population, crab,
1984Krabbenhoft, Dave; Stoertz, MaryInvestigations of Infiltration Mechanisms in a Georgia Salt Marshreport, ecology, geology, hydrology, marsh, population, crab, spartina
1984Lay, BibianaVertical Migration of Intertidal Epipelic Algaeproposal, geology, beach, pool/runnel, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1984Medland, VicVertical Migration of Interstitial Fauna in Intertidal Beachproposal, geology, beach, pool/runnel, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1986Bader, JoelA Study of the Spacial Distribution of Fiddler Crabs (Uca spp.) in Reltaion to the Proximity to Point Source Predation and Visible Cover Provided by each Marsh Plant Species Presentproposal, ecology, pool/runnel, population, crab
1986Bader, JoelThe Effect of Point Source Predation on Two Sand Fiddler Crab (Uica pugilator) Populations on Sapelo Island, GAreport, ecology, pool/runnel, population, crab
1986Bader, Joel; Campbell, Beth; Crane, Judy; He, Xi; Ibarra, Myriam; Janowiak, Matt; Jech, Mike; McLain, Ann; Meeker, Jim; Sabin, ZviStudy of the Darien River-Doboy Sound, Georgia Estuarycruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, bacteria, fish, shellfish (other)
1986Bader, Joel; Janowiak, Matt; Jech, Mike; McLain, Ann; Sabin, KeithBoat House Report: Salt Marsh Dynamicsboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1986Campbell, ElizabethInterpretation of predation events recorded on the shells of Polinices duplicatus at Blackbeard Island, Georgiaproposal, behavior, pool/runnel, community, crab, snail
1986Campbell, ElizabethInterpretation of predation events recorded on the shells of Polinices duplicatus at Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, behavior, pool/runnel, community, crab, snail
1986Campbell, Beth; Crane, Judy; He, Xi; Ibarra, Myriam; Meeker, JimA Mass Balance Approach to Tidal Exchange Between a Salt Marsh and Estuarycruise report, chemistry, climate, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1986Crane, JudyComparison of Membrane Filter Pore Size and Tidal Cycle on Reactive Orthophosphate and Total Filtrable Phosphate in the Duplin River, Sapelo Island, GAproposal, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1986Crane, JudyComparison of Membrane Filter Pore Size and Tidal Cycle on Dissolved Reactive Phosphate in a Salt Marsh of Sapelo Island, Goergiareport, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1986Fritz, Carl; Wiegert, RichardTagging juvenile blue crabs, Callinectes sapidus, with microwire tage: retention, survival and growth through multiple moltsreport, ecology, beach, population, crab
1986Ibarra, Myriam; Sabin, KeithPersistance in the Structure of Fish Communities of High Marsh Intertidal Poolsproposal, chemistry, ecology, beach, pool/runnel, community, fish
1986Ibarra, Myriam; Sabin, KeithFish Assemblages of Intertidal Ponds of Coastal Georgia: Spatial and temporal Patternsreport, chemistry, ecology, beach, pool/runnel, community, fish
1986Janowiak, MattSand Sources in a Salt Marshproposal, geology, dune, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1986Janowiak, MattSand Sources in a Salt Marshreport, geology, dune, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1986Jech, MikeSuspended Particle Concentration during Spring Flood Tide Conditionsproposal, geology, creek, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1986Jech, MikeSuspended Particle Concentration during Spring Flood Tide Conditionsreport, geology, creek, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1986Knight, Susan E.; Waller, Donald M.Genetic Consequesnces of Outcrossing in the Claistogamous Annual, Impatiens capensisreport, impatiens capensis, population
1986McLain, Ann; He, XiEffects of predation and competition on behavior of Littorina irrorataproposal, behavior, beach, population, crab, snail
1986McLain, Ann; He, XiSpacial Distribution and Size of Burrow Openings as Indicators of the Ecology of the Ghost Crab, Ocypode quadratareport, behavior, beach, population, crab, snail
1986Meeker, JimVegetational Dynamics Along a Dune and Swale System-Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, geology, dune, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1986Striegl, RobFlow and Transport in a Tidal Creekproposal, geology, hydrology, creek, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1986Vondracek, BruceTranslocation of Uca Pugilator and U Pugnaxproposal, behavior, beach, community, crab
1989Bouwes, NicolaasObservations of predator-prey interactions, between Callinectes sapidus and Polinices duplicatus, through paleoecological and experimental evidencereport, behavior, beach, community, crab
1989Gardner, LanceDo ghost crabs (Ocypode quadratus) exhibit a definitive preference for food types?report, behavior, beach, dune, population, crab
1989George, JudySome Morphological Relationships between oysters found in the center and on the edge of a bed of Crassostrea virginicareport, ecology, creek, population, shellfish (other)
1989Gonzalez, MariaEffect of shell injuries on shell selection by hermit crab (Pagarus sp.) and blue crab (Callinectes sapidus)report, behavior, pool/runnel, community, crab
1989Gonzalez, Maria (Team Leader); Allen-Rentmeester, Yvonne; George, Judy; MacKay, Neil; Vandrey, RossEl Estudio de la Casa do los Botesboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1989MacKay, NeilThe Effect of Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) Predation on the Vertical Distribution and Size Distribution of the Salt Marsh Periwinkle (Littorina irrorata Say)proposal, behavior, marsh, population, crab
1989McTigue, KathleenSize and Density Distribution of Ocypode quadrata (Fabricius) on Three Sandy Beach Zones of Sapelo Islandreport, ecology, geology, beach, population, crab
1989Soranno, PatriciaThe Effects of Beach Slope and Food Quality on Ghost Shrimp (Callianassa major) Abundance on Beaches on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, ecology, geology, beach, population, crab
1989Soranno, Patricia (Team Leader); Bouwes, Nicolaas; Drzewiecki, Peter; Gardner, Lance; McTigue, KathleenEl Estudio de la Casa do los Botesboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1991Arancibia, Patricia; Christenson, Solveig; Johnson, Timothy, Trebitz, AnettBoathouse Study 1991boathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1991Asplund, Timothy; Cottingham, KathyThe Distribution and Tidal Response of Epipelic Algae on an Intertidal Beach, Sapelo Island, Georgiaproposal, geology, beach, pool/runnel, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1991Asplund, Timothy; Cottingham, KathyThe Distribution and Vertical Migration of Interstitial Algae on an Intertidal Beach, Sapelo Island, Goergia, Using Chlorophyll a as an Indicatorreport, geology, beach, pool/runnel, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1991Asplund, Timothy; Dunning, Chuck; Gilson, John; Johnson, BrettUne Etude du Maison des Bateauxboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1991Brazner, John; Cottingham, Katrin; Elston, Susan; Hoffman, JudithHouse Boat Study 1991boathouse report, salt marshes, tidal creek
1991Brazner, John; Hoffman, JudithIs wading bird density and distribution in the intertidal salt marsh a function of forage fish density and availability?proposal, behavior, geology, beach, pool/runnel, population, bird
1991Brazner, John; Hoffman, JudithResource use patterns of the wading bird communities at two intertidal salt marshes on Sapelo Islandreport, behavior, geology, beach, pool/runnel, population, bird
1991Christenson, SolveigInvestigations of wave attenuation by marsh grassesproposal, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartina
1991Dunning, CharlesObservation of changing foreshore slope as a function of tidal cycleproposal, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape
1991DuVall, AndreaMetabolic Intensity as Indicated by Carbonate Chemistry in an Early Winter Salt Marshproposal, chemistry, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1991DuVall, AndreaMetabolic Intensity as Indicated by Carbonate Chemistry in an Early Winter Salt Marshreport, chemistry, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1991DuVall, Andrea; Harrison, Elizabeth; Palmer, Todd; Schindler, DanielThe Definitive Boathouse Report:  What the Flux is Going On??boathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1991Gilson, John; Elston, SusanObservational Study of Tidal Slope and Tidal Lagproposal, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape
1991Gilson, John; Elston, SusanObservational Study of Tidal Slope and Tidal Lagreport, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape
1991Harrison, ElizabethPorewater Chemistry Dynamics Near a Tidal Creek Bank at Sapelo Island, Georgiaproposal, chemistry, hydrology, creek, ecosystem/landscape
1991Harrison, ElizabethPorewater Chemistry Dynamics Near a Tidal Creek Bank at Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, chemistry, hydrology, creek, ecosystem/landscape
1991Johnson, Brett; Schindler, Daniel; Kitchell, James; MacKay, NeilA Salt Marsh Predation Intensity Gradient: Field and Individual-based Modeling Evidencereport, behavior, creek, estuary, marsh, population, crab
1991Johnson, BrettTesting for a Salt Marsh Predation Gradient: Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) preying on Littorina irrorataproposal, behavior, marsh, community, crab, snail
1991Johnson, TimothyOptimal Foraging Theory as it Applies to the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, at Sapelo Island, Georgiaproposal, behavior, marsh, community, crab, snail
1991Johnson, TimothyPrey Preference Studies with the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus Rathbun: A Test of Optimal Foragingreport, behavior, marsh, community, crab, snail
1991Juanes, FrancisWhy do decapod crustaceans prefer small-sized molluscan prey?report, behavior, creek, estuary, marsh, community, crab, shellfish (other)
1991Palmer, ToddShell selection, utilization and predation in the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus Say at Nannygoat beach, Sapelo Island, Georgiaproposal, behavior, beach, population, crab
1991Palmer, ToddShell selection, utilization and predation in the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus Say at Nannygoat beach, Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, behavior, beach, population, crab
1991Schindler, DanielSize – Limited Predation by the Blue Crab (Callinectes sapidus) on Moonsnails (Polinices duplicatus) and on the Marsh Periwinkle (Littorina irrorata)proposal, behavior, beach, marsh, community, crab, snail
1991Trebitz, AnettThe Role of Competition in the Zonation of Spartina and Juncus?proposal, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant, spartina
1991Trebitz, AnettThe Role of Competition in the Zonation of Spartina and Juncus?report, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant, spartina
1993Boorse, Dorothy; Cashman, Eileen; Fischer, Janet; Thomas, DaveBoathouse Studyboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1993Bube, Jon; Essington, Tim; Holloway, Sue; Peyer, SuzanneThe Boathouse Study part XXXVIIboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1993Cashman, EileenA Field Experiment on the Statistical Distribution of Wave Runupproposal, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape
1993Cashman, EileenA Field Experiment on the Statistical Distribution of Wave Runupreport, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape
1993Christensen, DaveDistributional Factors for Epipelic Algaeproposal, behavior, beach, marsh, population, crab, plant
1993Christensen, DaveEpipelic algal response to fiddler crab grazing and environmental controls: What controls them critters anyway?report, behavior, beach, marsh, population, crab, plant
1993Christiensen, Dave; Michaud, Bernie; Sanderson, Beth; Wilson, KarenWhat goes in must go out? (or The life and tides of South End Marsh)report, chemistry, geology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1993Eby, LisaHabitat Partitioning by Fiddler Crabs in a Salt Marshproposal, behavior, marsh, population, crab
1993Eby, LisaHabitat Partitioning by Fiddler Crabs in a Salt Marshreport, behavior, marsh, population, crab
1993Eby, Lisa; Hrabik, Thomas; Post, David; Storlie, ChristineThe Boathouse Studyboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1993Fischer, JanetWrack distrubance, multiple stable states and vegetation species diversity in a southeastern salt marshproposal, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1993Fischer, JanetVegetation pattern in a southeastern salt marsh: the role of disturbance and the importance of scalereport, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1993Hrabik, Tom; Wilson, KarenThe Effects of Predation on the Distribution of the Common Killifish, Fundulus heteroclitus, in a Saltwater Tidal Creekproposal, ecology, creek, population, fish
1993Hrabik, Tom; Wilson, KarenDistribution and predation of the common mummichog, Fundulus heteroclitus, in a saltwater tidal creek (The Marsh Pollywogs of Sapelo Island)report, ecology, creek, population, fish
1993Kimbel, JeffDissolved Organic Carbon Leaching From Spartina alternifloraproposal, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant, spartina
1993Michaud, BernardComparing Sediment Transport During Ebb and Flood Tides in a Salt Marshproposal, chemistry, geology, creek, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1993Michaud, BernardA Study of the relationships between current velocities, sediment transport and the ebb and flood tide in a salt marshreport, chemistry, geology, creek, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1993Post, DavidThe Role of Guano Inputs on Primary Productivityproposal, chemistry, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape, bacteria
1993Post, DavidEffects of Guano Inputs on Primary Productivity and Nutrient Cyclingreport, chemistry, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape, bacteria
1993Sanderson, BethEcology and distribution of the ribbed mussel along a tidal elevation gradient: effect of predation and submergence timeproposal, ecology, beach, pool/runnel, population, shellfish (other)
1993Sanderson, BethEcology and distribution of the ribbed mussel along a tidal elevation gradient: roles of predation, submergence time, and Spartinareport, ecology, beach, pool/runnel, population, shellfish (other)
1993Schindler, Daniel; Johnson, Brett; MacKay Neil; Bouwes, Nicholaas; Kitchell, JamesCrab: Snail Size Structured Interactions and Salt Marsh Predation Gradientsreport, behavior, marsh, community, crab, snail
1993Storlie, Chris; Boorse, DorothyFish Species Assemblages in Intertidal Ponds of a Barrier Islandproposal, behavior, pool/runnel, community, fish
1993Storlie, Chris; Boorse, DorothyDiel Migrations of Invertebrates and Fishes in Dean Creek, Sapelo Island, GAreport, behavior, pool/runnel, community, fish
1993Thomas, DavidThe interactions of salinity and soil drainage as factors influencing the phenotypic variation in Spartina alternifloraproposal, chemistry, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartina
1993Thomas, DavidPhenotypic variation in Spartina alterniflora: interactions of salinity and soil drainage effectsreport, chemistry, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartina
1995Eckrich, Nathan; Lausterm, George; Lewis, David; Reed, TaraOld Man Boathouse: A study like no otherboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1995Essington, TimBiotic and Abiotic factors affecting the spatial distribution of sandy beach infaunareport, behavior, geology, hydrology, beach, community, bacteria, shellfish (other)
1995Foreman, BillPatterns of early secondary succession in a Georgia (USA) barrier island salt marshreport, ecology, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1995Houser, Jeff; Klug, Jen; Needham, Cathy; Nibbelink, Nate; Webster, MichaelBoathouse Study Sapelo Island, GA – 1995boathouse report, chemistry, coastal marine, molecular, bacteria
1995Houser, Jeff; Webster, MichaelThe influence of Spartina alterniflora density, height and biomass on Littoraria irrorata distribution and abundancereport, ecology, creek, marsh, community, snail, spartina
1995Nibbelink, NathanDistribution patterns of epibenthic algae on intertidal sands: The influence of slopereport, chemistry, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape
1997Bennett, ElenaLongshore distribution of Callianassa major burrows on a sandy beach in Georgiareport, ecology, pool/runnel, population, shellfish (other)
1997Foreman, Bill; Pollard, Amina; Scheele, Carrie; Willis, TheoBoathouse Study 1997boathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1997Greenfield, BenPeriwinkle resistance to blue crab predation: the influence of prior attacksreport, behavior, marsh, community, crab, snail
1997Greenfield, Ben; Bennett, Elena; Harvey, ChrisBoathouse study – the legacy continuesboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1997Greenfield, Ben; Lewis, David B.; Hinke, Jefferson T.Effects of injury in salt marsh periwinkles (Littoraria irrorata Say) on resistance to future attacks by blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun)littoraria irrorata, callinectes sapidus, injury, predation
1997Harvey, Chris J.Use of runnel habitat by surf-zone fishes on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, behavior, pool/runnel, community, fish
1997O’Keefe, ThomasSpatial distribution of macroinvetebrates on a sandy beach at Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, behavior, beach, community, bacteria, shellfish (other)
1997O’Keefe, Thomas; Schreiber, Madeline; Schwar, MichaelThe boathouse study 1997boathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1997Pollard, AminaHermit crab shell propensity: an investigation of resource usereport, behavior, beach, population, crab
1997Schwar, Michael; Schreiber, MadelineFlow and hydrochemical patterns along the bank of Dean Creek, Sapelo Island, GAreport, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartina
1997Willis, Theodore V.; Scheele, Carrie E.Spatial distribution of gost crabs (Ocypode quadrata) under a density perturbation on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, ecology, geology, beach, population, crab
1999Derrig-Green, RebeccaThe possible role of groundwater in determining the pattern and importance of wrack disturbance in Atlantic salt marshesreport, chemistry, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
1999Freiheit, JimTaphonomic potential of hermit crabs at Sapelo Islandreport, ecology, beach, community, crab
1999Hammarsten, KariThe association between size and burial speed for Donax variabilis and Polinices duplicatusreport, behavior, beach, pool/runnel, community, shellfish (other), snail
1999Hinke, JeffersonCrab effects on the morphology and vulnerability of snail shells: the influence of predation gradients and non-lethal interactionsreport, ecology, marsh, community, crab, snail
1999Klug, Jen; Reed, TaraSpatial and temporal vegetation patterns: the roles of wrack disturbance along Dean Creek, Sapelo Island, Georgiaproposal, chemistry, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant
1999Luebke, Michelle AnneSpatial and temporal variation of productivity in an intertidal systemreport, chemistry, geology, pool/runnel, ecosystem/landscape
1999Roth, BrianPart I: The effect of structural complexity on blue crab (Callinectes sapidus) predation on mummichogs (Fundulus heteroclitus) Part II: Territorial burrowing of ghose crabs (Ocypode quadrata) near immobile carrionreport, behavior, creek, community, crab, fish
1999Sass, Greg G.Factors influencing the body condition of the Sheepshead Minnow, Cypinodon variegatus, within and across ecosystems: a comparison of salt marsh and mangrove habitatsreport, chemistry, climate, ecology, community, fish, spartina
1999West, JonathanSize distribution and burrow spacing of ghost crabs (Ocypode quadrata) in three different habitatsproposal, behavior, beach, pool/runnel, population, crab
1999West, Jonathan; Schoen, KurtSize distribution and burrow spacing of ghost crabs (Ocypode quadrata) in three different habits on Sapelo Islandreport, ecology, beach, pool/runnel, population, crab
2001Bade, DarrenPredation upon fiddler crabs (Uca pugnax) by two species of mud crabs (Eurytium limnosum and Panopeous herbstii) and its influence on fiddler crab population characteristicsreport, behavior, pool/runnel, community, crab
2001Bade, Darren; Colby, Alison; Forshay Ken; Herbert, Eli; Orr, CailinThe first boathouse study of the new millenniumboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
2001Colby, Alison C.C.Salt marsh fish assemblages along a connectivity gradient on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, ecology, microbiology, estuary, marsh, molecular, bacteria
2001Dussaillant, Alejandro R.Oyster beds in tidal channels in Sapelo Island, GA: shape, position and effects on channel morphology and flow OR How to definitively get very muddy easily and knowinglyproposal, ecology, geology, creek, estuary, marsh, community, shellfish (other)
2001Dussaillant, Alejandro; Flaherty, Colleen; Hoehne, Suzanne, Kaplan, IsaacThe most notorious Problem in Oceanography: The boathouse study 2001boathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
2001Flaherty, ColleenPhotosynthesis inhibition in a dynamic estuarine environment: ultraviolet radiation vs turbidityreport, chemistry, coastal marine, molecular, bacteria
2001Forbes, AndyVarying consequences of possessing spiny seeds for three species of Cenchrus sandbur and its impact on species distributionreport, geology, dune, ecosystem/landscape, plant
2001Forbes, Andy; Havlicek, Tanya; Johnson, Pieter; Yannarell, TonyBoathouse Study 2001, Sapelo Island, Georgiaboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
2001Forshay, Kenneth J.Is shorebird foraging related to the distribution of amphipods on a sandy beach of Sapelo Island, Georgia?report, ecology, beach, community, bird, shellfish (other)
2001Havlicek, TanyaRhythmic shoreline formations on Nannygoat Beach, Sapelo Island GA: patterns and processesreport, chemistry, geology, beach, pool/runnel, ecosystem/landscape
2001Hoehne, Suzanne; Hebert, EliSalinity levels and how they relate to elevation and vegetation in a Sapelo Island salt panreport, ecology, geology, marsh, community, plant, spartina
2001Johnson, Pieter T.J.Deviant sex ratios in sand fiddler crabs: the role of differential predationreport, ecology, marsh, community, crab
2001Yannarell, AnthonySize distribution of the salt marsh periwinkle Littoraria irrorata on stems of Spartina alterniflora: factors influencing the distribution of periwinkles between live and dcead cordgrass habitatsreport, ecology, pool/runnel, community, crab, snail
2003Diebel, MatthewMorphology of meandering tidal channels on Sapelo Islandreport, geology, hydrology, creek, ecosystem/landscape
2003Diebel, Matthew; Harvey, Chad; Rogers, KristySapelo Island boathouse report 2003boathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
2003Gille, Caitlin M.; Helmus, Matthew R.; Solomon, Christopher T.Mass balance for a Goergia salt marsh, Boathouse Study 2003boathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
2003Hein, CatherineSpatial patterns of predation on the common mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus) in a salt marsh on Sapelo Islandreport, ecosystem, creek, community, fish, spartina
2003Hein, Catherine; Jorgensen, Jeffrey; Mercado-Silva, NormanThe boathouse study: integrating nine approaches of data collection, summary, data entry, filing and interpretationboathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
2003Jorgensen, JeffreyClimbing response of shell-scarred marsh periwinkles in a blue crab predation gradientreport, behavior, marsh, community, crab, snail, spartina
2003Orr, Cailin; Kaplan, IsaacEffects of resource availability and territoriality on ghost crab Ocypode quadrata burrow distributionreport, behavior, beach, population, crab, snail
2003Rogers, KristyFiddler crabs (Uca pugilator) as a control on chlorophyll concentration in Georgia salt marsh sedimentsreport, ecology, beach, pool/runnel, community, crab, plant
2003Solomon, Christopher T.Do small-scale differences in elevation on mussel mounds affect the fitness of ribbed mussels, Geukensia demissa?report, ecology, creek, estuary, marsh, community, shellfish (other)
2005Butkas, Katrina JuneAn assessment of adult anisopteran abundance among available habitats on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, ecology, geology, beach, forest, marsh, community, population, insect [dragonfly]
2005Butkas, Katrina; Hospital, Justin; Jensen, Olaf; Van de Bogert, Matt; Weidel, BrianBoathouse!…Oh! to abuse (anagram)boathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
2005Fox, Justin; Jones, Stuart; Kamarainen, Amy; Powers, Steve; Watters, JeffAlligators, oranges and moonshine: the boathouse study 2005boathouse report, chemistry, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
2005Gilroy, DavidExploration into the behavioral ecology of planthoppers (Delphacidae: Prokelisia marginata) and mummichogs (Cyprinodontidae: Fundulus heteroclitus) during tidal inundation of a salt marsh on Sapelo Island, GAreport, behavior, creek, estuary, marsh, community, fish, [planthopper]
2005Gilroy, David; Lottig, Noah R.; Preston, Nicholas D.; Schmidt, Stephanie N.Long term analysis of stream biogeochemical characteristics in a salt marsh tidal creek on Sapelo Island, Georgia USAreport, geology, hydrology, creek, ecosystem/landscape
2005Hospital, JustinGot crabs? Blue crab management issues and regulatory impactsreport, behavior, economics, creek, estuary, marsh, pool/runnel, community, crab
2005Jensen, Olaf P.Move when you’re hungry: A simple behavioral rule that reduces starvation risk in antlionsreport, behavior, dune, community, insect
2005Jones, Stuart; Weidel, BrianFish community composition and structure in the fall in Oakdale Creek, Sapelo Island, GAreport, ecology, creek, estuary, community, fish
2005Lottig, Noah R.; Fox, Justin M.A proposed mechanism for disturbances mediated bank failure in a southeastern salt marshreport, wrack, disturbance, salt marsh tidal creek, channel migration, erosion
2005Lottig, Noah R.; Fox, Justin M.Spatial distribution of wrack disturbance sites along tidal creeks: the role of tidal creek hydrogeomorphic characteristicsreport, chemistry, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plants
2005Powers, Stephen M.Diel variability in the lowering rate of an elevated water table at the upland-estuary interfacereport, geology, hydrology, creek, estuary, marsh, ecosystem/landscape
2005Preston, Nicholas D.Indirect effects of predators on Prokelisia distributionreport, ecology, marsh, community, insects [spiders, Prokelisia], spartina
2005Schmidt, Stephanie N.Refuge, food or both? Understanding Spartina as a habitat preference for periwinkle snailsreport, ecology, marsh, community, crab, snail, spartina
2005Watters, Jeff; Kamarainen, AmyThe paradox of the periwinkle snails: ecological implications of mutualism between Guekensia demissa and Spartina Alterniflorareport, ecology, marsh, community, crab, shellfish (other), spartina
2007Gilman, R. Tucker; Gaines, Hannah R.Sexual segregation of foraging grounds in time and space fy the fiddler crab Uca pugilatorreport, behavior, marsh, community, crab
2007Kara, Emily; Shade, AshleyExploring the importance of scale in tidal creek bacterial community dynamicsreport, chemistry, creek, ecosystem/landscape, bacteria
2007Kornis, Matthew S.; Gaeta, JeremeDifferences in the percent frequency occurrence and vertical distribution of stem-boring insect larvae in a Spartina alterniflora salt marshreport, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartina
2007Schmitz, JenniferCondition index of the eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) and the ribbed mussel (Geukensia demissa) along a tidal creek reachreport, ecology, creek, community, shellfish (other)
2007Shade, AshleyOpuntia cactus health and distribution in the context of Cactoblastis cactorum invasion at Ssapelo Island, Georgiareport, ecology, marsh [Lighthouse Road], community, insect, plants
2007Tennessen, Jennifer BeissingerHermit crab mania: exploring natural patterns of shell abundance and occupation in P. longicarpus on Nannygoat Beach, Sapelo Island, GAreport, ecology, beach, pool/runnel, community, crab, snail
2007Van Egeren, Scott; Langman, OwenEvidence for increased erosion on disturbed tidal creek banksreport, geology, creek, ecosystem/landscape
2009Batt, RyanInundation tolerance and coma exhibition among Sapelo spidersreport, salt marsh, spiders
2009Beversdorf, Lucas J.Littoraria behavior across contrasting landscapes of a Western Atlantic salt marsh: detritivore, bactivore, and fungal farmer report, periwinkles, spartina, salt marsh
2009Hansen, Gretchen A.; Dryer, Jamin R.Ghost crab (Ocypode quadrata) burrow distribution and the influence of artificial carrion additionsreport, ecology, beach, pool/runnel, population, crab
2009Hansen, Gretchen A.; Dryer, Jamin R.Linked distribution of mussels (Geukensia dimissa), periwinkles, (Littoraria irrorata), and mud crabs (Xanthidae) in a salt marshsalt marsh, spartina, mud crabs, p. herbstii, geukensia dimissa, trophic cascade, periwinkles, mussel bed, SMP
2009Read, Jordan S.; Yeo, Sara K.Physical characteristics influencing microbial community structure and spatial variability in a tidal creek: Explanatory power of Markov chain simulationsreport, chemistry, geology, creek, ecosystem/landscape, bacteria
2009Winslow, LukeExploring variability of grazers (Littoraria irrorate) driving variability of salt-marsh cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) at small spatial scalesreport, ecology, marsh, community, snail, spartina
2011Childress, EvanHabitat requirements and colony characteristics of the ant Crematogaster pilosa in a tidal salt marshreport, ecology, marsh, community, insectData
2011Crawford, John T.; Stone, Amanda G.; Kraemer, Benjamin M.Relationships between soil composition and Spartina alterniflora dieback patchiness in an Atlantic salt marsh complexreport, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartinaData
2011Cromwell, KaraEvidence for facilitative trophic interactions among smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) herbivores in a southern Atlantic salt marshreport, ecology, marsh, community, ecosystem/landscape, spartina, snail, insectData 1

Data 2

2011Fan, HuanHow steep can they go: the angle of repose in antlion pitsreport, behavior, beach, individual, insectData
2011Hahn, PhilRide the tide: predation rates depend on distance from a tidal creek in a Southeastner, USA saltmarshreport, behavior, beach, marsh, community, crab, snail, spartina
2011Koning, Aaron A.Utilization of constructed oyster reef habitat by blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus) at two sites, Sapelo Island Georgiareport, ecology, beach, marsh, community, crab, shellfish (other)Data 1

Data 2

2011Kraemer, Ben and the SISTERS (Cromwell, Mikulyuk, Rienzo-Stack)Community-level biogeomorphology in an Atlantic salt marshreport, beach, geology, community, ecosystem/landscape, shellfish (other), snail, spartinaData 1

Data 2

2011Latzka, Alexander W., Oele, Daniel L.Body condition of intertidal mummichogs, Fundulus heteroclitus, across an elevation and connectivity gradient: effects of inundation frequencyreport, creek, marsh, behavior, individual, fishData
2011Mallinger, RachelDune Vegetation and Insect Communities Vary with Barrier Beach Geomorphic Setting on Sapelo Island, United Statesreport, geology, beach, ecosystem/landscape, insect, plantData
2011Mikulyuk, AlisonSnail survival strategies: Evidence for multiple predator avoidance traitsreport, behavior, marsh, community, crab, snail, spartinaData 1

Data 2

2011Qiu, JiangxiaoSpatial scale of soil texture variation and its relationship with environmental variables in tidal salt marshes: a case study in Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartinaData
2011Rienzo-Stack, KaitlinKeep your friends close and your enemies closer: does neighboring vegetation increase resistance to herbivory?report, ecology, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, community, insects, spartinaData 1

Data 2

2011Walsh, Jacob R.Factors driving the microhabitat of antlions in the dunes of Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, ecology, dunes, individual, insectData
2011Webert, KyleNutritive and structural effects of wrack depositions on ghose crab (Ocypode quadrata) burrow distribution and maintenancereport, geology, beach, pool/runnel, community, crabData
2013Crary, BenjaminProtection, shade, and substrate: factors influencing pit construction and pit abandonment in larval Myrmeleon, behavior, geology, marsh, community, insectData
2013Fluet-Chouinard, EtienneUtilization of marsh surface and drainage channel micro-habitats by juvenile and adult mummichog (Fundulus heteroclitus)report, behavior, geology, marsh, community, fishData
2013Frock, Cat; Herren, CristinaMultiple biotic stressors on smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) are positively asssociated at the individual plant levelreport, geology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartinaData 1

Data 2

Data 3

Metadata 1

Metadata 2

2013Golub, GosiaDetecting Spartina recovery from die-backs in a salt marsh complex with vegetation spectral signaturesreport, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, spartinaData
2013Loken, Luke; Oliver, SamanthaSpartina alterniflora vertical vegetation densities define habitat for Crematogaster pilosa ants within Sapelo Island salt marshesreport, ecology, creek, community, insectData
2013Oliver, SamanthaStrength of gastropod shells used by hermit crabs (Pagurus longicarpus) on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, behavior, beach, community, crabData
2015 Butitta, VinceSelectivity on Interspecific Prey and Cannibalism of Neverita duplicatareport, ecology, behavior, beach, coastal marine, community, shellfish, snailMetadata 1

Metadata 2

Metadata 3

2015Crittendon, AimeeBurying behavior in response to temperature in Pagurus longicarpus on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport,Data 1

Data 2

2015Drown, DianthaCoquina clams (Donax variabilis) distribution and potential relationships to grain size at Nannygoat beach on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport,Metadata 1
2015Hart, Julia Allometry and Herbivory: Estimating S. Alterniflora Biomass In the Presence of Stem-Boring Insectsreport, ecology, marsh, community, ecosystem/landscape, spartinaData 1
2015McCormick, AmandaHow does habitat influence organism behavior and microhabitat preference? Transplant experiments of upper and lower marsh Littorina irrorata populations in a tidal salt marshreport, behavior, marsh, individual, snailMetadata 1
2015Mooney, RobTo autotomize or not to autotomize: willingness of wolf spiders to autotomize multiple legsreportMetadata 1
2015Perales, MartinRole of biogenic structure in mediating predation: does cordgrass get in the way of crabs searching for mussels?report, ecology, marsh, population, crab, spartina, shellfish (other)Data 1
2015Peterson, BenjaminSoil Composition and Plant Characteristics in Former Spartina Diebackreport, ecology, marsh, individual, community, landscape, plant, spartinaData 1

Data 2

Data 3

2015Phillips, JosephPredation drives spatial-size distribution of snail populations in two coastal salt marshesreport, behavior, ecology, marsh, individual, population, community, crab, snail, spartinaData 1
2015Spear, MikeTrophic Vertical Zonation in the Sandy Intertidal Zone of Sapelo Island, GAreport, ecology, beach, population, community, insectData 1
2015Stevens, AndyTemperature influences on crab predation: an interesting consideration for biotic resistance to invaders reportData 1
2018Blackburn, SamDoes the carbon content and production rate of ghost shrimp fecal pellets vary on diel and spatial scales? proposal, ecology, beach, population, crustacean
2018Blackburn, SamDoes the organic matter content of ghost shrimp fecal pellets vary on temporal and spatial scales? report, ecology, beach, population, crustaceanData 1

Data 2

2018Botsch, JamieImpacts of Spartina alterniflora engineering on algal communities proposal, ecology, behavior microhabitats, salt marsh, Sapelo Island, population, epizoic algae, snail, littoraria irrorata
2018Botsch, JamieHost behavior and habitat may shape epizoic algal biomass on snails in a tidal salt marshreport, ecology, behavior microhabitats, salt marsh, Sapelo Island, population, epizoic algae, snail, littoraria irrorataData 1
2018Embke, HollyThermal heterogeneity across and within tidal salt marsh island habitatsproposal, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plant
2018Embke, HollyFine-scale habitat variation results in thermal heterogeneity within a salt marshreport, ecology, marsh, ecosystem/landscape, plantData 1
2018Harnsberger, SkyeCactoblastis ovipositional preference on Opuntia humifusasize and long-term cactus survival assessmentproposal, ecology, dune, marsh, individual, population, community, ecosystem/landscape, insect, plant, ?Opuntia humifosa?, Cactoblastis cactorum
2018Harnsberger, SkyeEffects of ?Opuntia humifusa? size and color on ?Cactoblastis cactorum? presence and assessment of long-term cactus damage on Sapelo Island, United Statesreport, ecology, dune, marsh, individual, population, community, ecosystem/landscape, insect, plant, Opuntia humifosa, Cactoblastis cactorumData 1
2018Iuliano, BenPLAN A: Potential bottom-up effects of mussels on ?Spartina? herbivore communitiesproposal, ecology, marsh, community, Geukensia demissa, Spartina alterniflora, various insects
2018Iuliano, BenPotential effects of ribbed mussel mutualism on Spartina insect herbivore communities in an Eastern salt marshreport, ecology, marsh, community, Geukensia demissa, Spartina alterniflora, various insectsData 1
2018Kieft, KristopherStem borer larvae invasion of smooth cordgrass (Spartina alterniflora) and correlation to dieback zonesproposal, ecology, marsh, community, invertebrates, spartina
2018Kieft, KristopherSpatial distribution of salt marsh benthic Invertebrates across spartina alterniflora gradientsreport, ecology, marsh, community, invertebrates, spartinaData 1
2018Kneer, MarissaSurvey study of iron root plaques in a Sapelo Island salt marshproposal, chemistry, marsh, community, spartina
2018Kneer, MarissaStudy of iron root plaques in a Sapelo Island salt marshreport, chemistry, marsh, community, spartinaData 1
2018Kochanski, JadePlan A: Does year affect how dune vegetation and insect communities vary with barrier beach geomorphic setting?proposal, dune, beach, insects, communities
2018Kochanski, JadeDune vegetation and insect communities change following a hurricane on a barrier beach on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, dune, beach, insects, communitiesData 1
2018Martin, BenBody Size’s Influence on Instigating Combat among Fiddler Crabsproposal, behavior, evolution, ecology, marsh, population, individual, crab
2018Martin, BenHandedness, Autotomy, and Running Velocity in a Sexually Dimorphic Crustacean report, behavior, evolution, ecology, marsh, population, individual, crabData 1
2018Olmsted, CharlesMain Proposal Title: Selection Pressure of Sapelo Antlionson Ant Behaviorproposal, behavior, dune, ecosystem, population, individual, Antlion Myrmeleontidae, ant Formicidae, harvester ant Pogonomyrmex badius,  fungus gardener ant Trachymyrmex septentrionalis, fire ant Solenopsis invicta, pyramid ant Dorymyrmex bureni, trap-jaw ant Odontomachus brunneus, Forelius pruinosus
2018Olmsted, CharlesDefense Mechanisms Utilized Effectively against Antlionsin Sapelo Georgia by Trachymyrmex septentrionalis and Pogonomyrmex badiusreport, behavior, dune, ecosystem, population, individual, Antlion Myrmeleontidae, ant Formicidae, harvester ant Pogonomyrmex badius,  fungus gardener ant Trachymyrmex septentrionalis, fire ant Solenopsis invicta, pyramid ant Dorymyrmex bureni, trap-jaw ant Odontomachus brunneus, Forelius pruinosusData 1
2018Tran, PatriciaEffect of top-down control on quality of Spartina alterniflora at two scales (regional and local) and its effects on community composition and distribution of stemborer insects and Spatial distribution of macroinvertebrates on Nanny Goat Beach of Sapelo Island, after 20 years of environmental disturbancesproposal, ecology, beach, population, crab, ghost crab, ocypode quadrata
2018Tran, PatriciaFine-scale distribution and activity of Atlantic ghost crabs (Ocypode quadrata) burrows on Nanny Goat Beach, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USAreport, ecology, beach, population, crab, ghost crab, ocypode quadrataData 1
2018Whitaker, EmilyPlan A: Is there Tidal Dependence of Littoraria irrorata Velocity?proposal, salt, soil, beach, roads, climate, ecology, ecosystem
2018Whitaker, EmilySpatial Measurement of Soil Salinity across Sapelo Island, Georgiareport, salt, soil, beach, roads, climate, ecology, ecosystemData 1
2021Briggs, JessicaPlan A: Shell Selection of Hermit crabs, Pagurus longicarpus, on Sapelo Island, Georgiaproposal
2021Briggs, JessicaSpatial Variability of sand organic matter and chlorophyll concentrationsreportData
2021Gorsky, AdriannaSpatial heterogeneity of temperature across elevation gradients in Dean’s Creek Marsh, Georgiaproposal
2021Gorsky, AdriannaSpatial variability of temperature across a Spartina Alterniflora marsh on Sapelo Island, GeorgiareportData
2021Kibler, Krystyn & Schmidt, Ella10-year revisit of S. alterniflora alterniflora dieback sites within salt marshes at Sapelo Island, Georgia shows recovery in organic soil composition and S. alterniflora alterniflora growthreportData
2021Link, ArielleIron Root Plaques on Spartina alterniflora in Sapelo Island, Georgiaproposal
2021Link, ArielleDistribution of iron root plaques on Spartina alterniflora in a Sapelo Island, GA salt marshreportData
2021Ortiz, DavidSex dimorphic impact on running velocity on Atlantic Sand Fiddler Crabproposal
2021Ortiz, DavidRunning Velocity Sex Differences and Personality Traits of the Atlantic Sand Fiddler Crab (Leptuca pugilator)reportData
2021Rexroade, Adam3D Spatial Variation of Stem-Boring Insects in Spartinaproposal
2021Rexroade, AdamThree-dimensional distribution of stem boring insects in a Spartina alterniflora dominated salt marsh in southeastern United StatesreportData
2021Schmidt, Kathryn C.PROJECT I: Examining evidence for the Stress Gradient Hypothesis and herbivory in a coastal sand dune system proposal
2021Schmidt, Kathryn C.Plant biotic stress (herbivory) follows the Stress Gradient Hypothesis in a coastal sand dune system reportData
2021Solokas, MarySpatial variation of ribbed mussels (Geukensia demissa) within a tidal salt marsh on Sapelo Island, Georgiaproposal
2021Solokas, MarySpatial variation of ribbed mussels (Geukensia demissa) within a tidal salt marsh on Sapelo Island, GeorgiareportData
2021Szydlowski, Daniel & Scheel, Nicholas Ebb and flow: quantifying the flux of microplastics in a southern salt marshproposal
2021Szydlowski, Daniel & Scheel, NicholasEbb and flow: quantifying the flux of microplastics in a southern salt marshreportData
2021Widell, SydneyFrom mangrove to marsh: Tracking the abundance of mangrove tree crabs along a shifting range marginproposal
2021Widell, SydneyHow Aratus recovered their range: Investigating the effects of habitat analogues and disturbance on a range-shifting speciesreportData
2022Cartwright, MarissaAbiotic Influences on Biota in Runnelsreport
2022Ceballos, CassandraAnalysis of aboveground and belowground morphological characteristics of Spartina alterniflora associated with ribbed mussel bivalves (Geukensia demissa) in Dean Creek Marsh, Sapelo Island, Georgia, USAreport
2022Huff, CelesteDrivers of wading bird abundance and diversity on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport
2022Jain, AnuprekshaAtlantic mud fiddler crab (Minuca pugnax) behavior: individual personality and bias by sampling methodreport
2022Kerkhove, AmandaEffects of Diatoms on Chlorophyll and Organic Matter in Sandreport
2022Knowlton, Garrett J.Drivers of plant community diversity in the coastal dunes of Sapelo Island, Georgia, USAreport
2022Melone, GraceDensity-dependent dispersal in batch-released hermit crabs, Pagurus
2022Smith, Quinnlan C.Effects of short-term anthropogenic disturgances on ghost crab (Ocypode quadrata) burrow density and diameter report
2024Blackford, EmmaInvestigating Microbial Communities and Water Quality of Shallow High Marsh Ponds on Sapelo Island, GeorgiareportProposal
2024Bollini, KatieFear response of Periwinkle Snails (Littorina irrorata) to Blue Crabs (Callinectes sapidus) on Sapelo Island, Georgiareport Proposal
2024Braatz, Elizabeth Y.Does Cooperation Extend to Cohabitation? Space-sharing Among Marsh Crabs (Armases cinereum) in the face of PredationreportProposal
2024Campbell, Mary Habitat heterogeneity influences thermal refugia of burrowing crabs in salt marshesreportProposal
2024Conowall, PeterDune and Climate Conditions Drive Ghost Crab (Ocypode quadrata) Distribution and Response to Experimental Wrack AdditionsreportProposal
2024Kuru, KeeleyInvestigating the Effects of Abiotic Disturbance and Simulated Rainfall on Antlion Larvae (Myrmeleon crudelis) Pit Density and Movement in Sapelo Island, GeorgiareportProposal
2024Marchisin, EmmaExploring temperature gradients created by wrack deposits in relation to fiddler crab burrowing behaviors in the salt marsh ecosystem of Sapelo Island, Georgiareport Proposal
2024McAfee, BennetVariation in spider web site selection behavior among salt marsh vegetation zonesreport Proposal
2024McCarthy, MoiraRelationship between beach topography and sand dollar distribution on Sapelo Islandreport Proposal
2024Nguyen, Jaden Influence of Soil Density (and other factors) on Sapelo Crab Burrow Sizereport Proposal
2024Pieper, Anna L. No evidence on the presence or effectiveness of associational defense of Opuntia spp. against the Cactus moth on Sapelo Island, GAreportProposal
2024Quiroz, Cody S.Analysis of the Root Tensile Strength of Spartina alterniflora along the Marsh Edge on Sapelo Island, GeorgiareportProposal
2024Schank, Lexi Determinant of Armases cinereum size: habitat type or invasive species expansion?report Proposal
2024Skoglund, Sophia A first look at the pollination network of southern Sapelo Island, Georgiareport Proposal
2024Teter, Madison Aratus pisonii food preference in novel salt marsh ecosystem on Sapelo Island, Georgia, USAreport Proposal