Theses and Dissertations Holdings List

We hold M.S. and Ph.D. theses from all Center for Limnology graduates, as well as students from other departments/institutions who conducted research at the Hasler Lab or Trout Lake Station. Our theses are cataloged in the UW-Madison library catalog and can be found there. Additionally, below is a list of our thesis holdings with some linked PDFs. Theses are shelved alphabetically, by author last name. Additional theses are housed at Trout Lake Research Station. Send email to for PDF (if not available below) or for more information on Trout Lake theses.

Abbey, D.H.1993Ph.D.Factors affecting first year growth of yellow perch in deep boreal lakes with contrasting productivityUniversity of Alberta
Ackerman, Jeffrey A.1992M.S.Extending the isotope based (d 18O) mass budget technique for lakes and comparison with solute based lake budgetsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Adinarayana, A.1965Ph.D.Nutrient utilization and phytoplankton growth in batch and continuous flow culturesUniversity of California-Berkeley
Ahman, Ulrika1994M.S.Ecosystem health and fisheries-a case study of the salmon fisheries in the Puka Bay Region, SwedenStockholm University
Aku, Peter Kofi Mawuena1995Ph.D.Ecological responses of cisco (Coregonus artedi) to hypolimnetic oxygenation in Amisk Lake, AlbertaUniversity of Alberta
Alam, Mohammad Khurshid1988M.S.Gill net selectivity along the trophic gradient in Green Bay (Lake Michigan) University of Wisconsin-Madison
Albin, Howard Thomas1972B.S.A comparative study of the behavior and ecology of two sympatric darters [Etheostoma Zonale (cope) and Etheostoma Blennioides (rafinesque)] in Ohio with special reference to competitionOhio State University
Albright, Ellen A2022Ph.D.Mechanisms of internal phosphorus loading in lentic ecosystemsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Alexander, M.L.2005Ph.D.Lake ecosystem variation across landscape position and human development gradients in Vilsa County, Wisconsin, MadisonUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Althouse, Bryan James2013M.S.Benthic and Planktonic GPP: Shifts Along a Gradient of Nutrients in Green Bay, Lake MichiganUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Anderson, D.H.1987Emergence success and phenology of a chironomus population in a Wisconsin bogNorth Dakota State University
Anderson, E.D.1969Ph.D.Factors affecting abundance of lake herring, Coregonus Artedii Lesueur, in western Lake SuperiorUniversity of Minnesota
Andrews, Jay Donald1946Ph.D.The macroscopic invertebrate populations of the larger aquatic plants in Lake MendotaUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Anglea, Steven M.1990B.S.Competitive interactions between two planktivores: yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and Cisco (Coregonus artedii) in Lake Mendota, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Arancibia-Avila, Patricia E.1994Ph.D.Physiological ecology of Mougeotia (zygnemataceae) from an experimentally acidified lake University of Wisconsin-Madison
Armitage, Kenneth Barclay1954Ph.D.The comparative ecology of the riffle insect fauna of the Firehole River, Yellowstone National park, WyomingUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Arnott, Shelley Elizabeth1998Ph.D.Species turnover and richness of aquatic communities in north temperate lakes University of Wisconsin-Madison
Arrhenius, Fredrik1995Ph.D.Feeding ecology of Baltic Sea herring (Clupea harengus L.) – field and model studies of a dominant zooplanktivorStockholm University
Arrhenius, Fredrik1994Ph.D.Food consumption of Baltic Sea herring (Clupea harengus) based on a bioenergetics model and in situ studiesStockholm University
Asplund, Timothy R.1993M.S.Patterns and mechanisms of year-to-year variability in winter oxygen depletion rates in ice-covered lakes University of Wisconsin-Madison
Attayde, Jose Luiz2000Ph.D.Direct and indirect effects of fish predation and excretion in aquatic food websUniversity of Lund
Attig, John W. Jr.1984Ph.D.The Pleistocene geology of Vilas County, Wisconsin University of Wisconsin-Madison
Backstrand, Mary Lee1973M.S.Importance of visual density on aggresion and growth among green sunfish, Lepomis Cyanellus, in the laboratoryUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Bade, Darren L.2004Ph.D.Ecosystem carbon cycles: whole-lake fluxes estimated with multiple isotopes University of Wisconsin- Madison
Bade, Darren L.2002M.S.Predicting stable isotope signatures of dissolved inorganic carbon in lakes: models to aid in the understanding of carbon cycling across many lakes University of Wisconsin-Madison
Baker, Joan Patterson1974M.S.Response of Crystal Lake (Vilas County, Wisconsin) to intensive recreational use University of Wisconsin-Madison
Balcer, Mary Delores1988PhDEcology of the crustacean zooplankton and young-of-the-year rainbow smelt populations of western Lake SuperiorUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Bardach, John Eugene1949PhDContribution to the ecology of the yellow perch (Perca Flavescens mitchill) in Lake Mendota WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Bartell, Steven Michael1978Ph.DSize selective planktivory and phosphorus cycling in pelagic systems University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bassak, Sarah B.2004B.S.Input, loss, and spatial arrangement of coarse woody habitat in lakes in northern Wisconsin University of Wisconsin-Madison
Batha, John Vincent1965M.S.Observations on movements of fresh water musselsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Batt, Ryan D.2014Ph.D.Understanding and anticipating change in aquatic ecosystemsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Baumann, Paul C.1975Ph.D.An evaluation of the use of antimycin A for stream r in the Rock River, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Baumann, Paul C.1972M.S.Distribution, movement, and feeding interactions among Bluegill and three other panfish in Lake Wingra University of Wisconsin-Madison
Baz, Amr Mahmoud Sabry1973Ph.D.Synthesis and control of scuba divers activities underwater University of Wisconsin-Madison
Beard, Jr., Thomas Douglas2002Ph.D.The roles of recruitment, angler effort response, angler perception, and exploitation limits in structuring regional walleye fisheries in Northern WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Becker, Jonathan David2017M.S. Wright State University
Begley, Danielle Rae2013M.S. Wright State University
Beitinger, Thomas Lee1974Ph.D.Influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the stability of behavioral thermoregulation in fishes, particularly the bluegill University of Wisconsin-Madison
Belby, Colin S.2009Ph.D.Human impacts on sedimentation and nutrient sequestration in the upper Mississippi river floodplainUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Bennett, Elena Michele2001Ph.D.Patterns of soil phosphorus: concentrations and variability across an urbanizing agricultural landscape University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bennett, Elena Michele1999M.S.Human impacts on erodable phosphorus and eutrophication University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bennet, John R.1972Ph.D.On the dynamics of wind driven lake currentsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Berg, Martin Barry1989PhDThe role of chironomidae (diptera) in stream insect secondary productions.University of Notre Dame
Berg, Ronald J.1969M.S.Low oxygen tolerance by Yellow Perch (Perca flavescens) from winterkill and non-winterkill lakes University of Wisconsin-Madison
Berglund, Olof1999Ph.D.The influence of ecological processes on the accumulation of persistent organochlorines in aquatic ecosystems.Lund University
Best, Cody Dean1981M.S.Initiation of artificial feeding and the control of sex differentiation in yellow perch, Perca flavescens University of Wisconsin-Madison
Beulig Jr., Alfred1966M.S.An evaluation of four devices for collecting plankton in small pondsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Beversdorf, Lucas John2013Ph.D.Spatial and temporal variation in cyanobacterial population dynamics and microcystin production in eutrophic lakesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Biggs, Reinette2008Ph.D.Uncertainty, learning, and innovation in ecosystem management University of Wisconsin-Madison
Binkowski, F.P.1975M.S.The effects of temperature on the oxygen consumption of the freshwater alewife alosa pseudoharengusUniversity of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Bjerke, J.S.1962M.S.The use of ribonucleic acid in zooplankton as an index of biological productivity in freshwater lakesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Blackburn, Samuel R.2019M.S.Floods Increase Carbon Dioxide and Methane Fluxes and Concentrations in Southern Wisconsin StreamsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Blanco, L.T.1993Ph.D.Ecology and evolution of Yucatan peninsula ArtemiaUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Blanke, Chelsey2016M.S.Compound-specific stable isotope analysis of amino acids in freshwater ecosystems from the laboratory to the Great LakesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Bocking, S.1987M.S.The origins of aquatic ecological research in the Great Lakes regionUniversity of Toronto
Boggs, Christofer H.1984Ph.D.Tuna bioenergetics and hydrodynamicsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Boggs, Christofer H.1980M.S.Feeding habits of scup (Stenotomus spp.) in a thermal front off Cape Hatteras University of Wisconsin-Madison
Boorse, Dorothy F.1999Ph.D.Faunal community ecology in prairie pothole wetlands University of Wisconsin-Madison
Boston III, Harry1984Ph.D.The contribution of crassulacean acid metabolism to the annual productivity of two aquatic vascular plants University of Wisconsin-Madison
Bott, T.L.1968Ph.D.Ecology of Clostridium Botulinum Type EUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Bouchard, Krystle A.2009M.S.Finding the trophic trickle: using herbaceous indicator species to investigate plant recovery from intense browsing by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) after the re-colonization of a top predator (Canis lupus)Wright State University
Boxrucker, J.C.1977M.S.The effects of a thermal effluent on the incidence and abundance of the gill and intestinal metazoan parasites of the Black BullheadUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Brandt, Stephen Bernard1978Ph.D.Thermal ecology and abundance of Alewife (Alosa pseudoharengus) in Lake MichiganUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Brandt, Stephen Bernard1975M.S.Acoustic determination of fish distribution and abundance in lake Michigan with special reference to temperatureUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Bratina, B.J.1992Ph.D.Determination of methanotroph profiles for different environments using molecular biological techniquesUniversity of Minnesota
Brauer, G.A.1972M.S.The effect of a power plant on the distribution and abundance of zooplankton near the plant’s thermal outfallUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Brazner, John C.1994Ph.D.Patterns in fish assemblages from coastal wetland and other littoral habitats in Green Bay, Lake MichiganUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Bruesewitz, R.E.1990M.S.Population dynamics and movement of Burbot (Lota lota) in western Lake Michigan and Green BayUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Bryan, M.D.1989M.S.The importance of nearshore aquatic vegetation to the larval and juvenile fishes of Spirit LakeUniversity of Iowa
Bryant, Richard T.1979M.S.The life history and comparative ecology of the sharphead darter, Etheostoma AcuticepsUniversity of Tennessee
Brynildson, O.M.1958Ph.D.Lime-treatment of brown-stained lakes and their adaptability for trout and largemouth bassUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Buchan, Lucy Ann Jane1997Ph.D.Predicting invasion patterns on nonindigenous aquatic speciesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Burrell, J.A.1971M.S.Distribution, ecology and taxonomy of recent freshwater ostracoda of Lake Mentoda, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Butitta, Vincent L.2022Ph.D.Natural History and Conservation of Freshwater Mussels (Order: Unionida) of WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Butts, Tyler2023Ph.D.Investigating ecosystem-scale responses to changes in lake food websUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Butkas, Katrina J.2008M.S.Methods, effort, and uncertainty in scaling from population to whole-ecosystem estimates of benthic invertebrate production University of Wisconsin-Madison
Callan, Ramana2010Ph.D. The University of Georgia
Campbell, Elizabeth Ann1989M.S.Laboratory examination of size-selective predation by small walleye (stizostedion vitreum) on yellow perch (perca flavescens)University of Wisconsin-Madison
Capelli, Gregory Martin1975Ph.D.Distribution, life history, and ecology of crayfish in northern Wisconsin, with emphasis on Orconectes propinquus (Girard)University of Wisconsin-Madison
Caplan, David Louis1982M.S.An experimental study of interactions between young of the year pike (Esox lucius) and muskellunge (Esox masquinongy)University of Wisconsin-Madison
Carline, Robert F.1975Ph.D.Influence of recruitment rates on production by three populations of wild brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis Mitchell)University of Wisconsin-Madison
Carlson, Van L.1974M.S.Preparation and evaluation of food products from fish species of the Great Lakes regionUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Carpenter, Stephen Russell1979Ph.D.Submersed aquatic vegetation and the process of eutrophicationUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Carpenter, Stephen Russell1976M.S.Some environmental impacts of mechanical harvesting of nuisance submersed vascular plantsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Champion, Glen1998M.S.Transient and steady-state flow models of a ground-water and lake system: Trout Lake Basin, northern WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Chandler, Jennifer L.2017M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cheng, Xiangxue1994Ph.D.Numerical analysis of groundwater and lake systems with application to the Trout River basin, Vilas County, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Childress, Evan S.2014Ph.D.Cross-ecosystem delivery of nutrients to streams: the role of fish migrations and landscape processesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Christel-Rose, Lynne Marie1991M.S.Monitoring the spatial distribution of aquatic macrophytes: A consideration of plant associations in Allequash Lake, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Christensen, David L.1995M.S.Implications of phytoplanktonic light limitation in stratified lakes with contrasting dissolved organic carbon content University of Wisconsin-Madison
Chulakasem, Weerawan1987Ph.D.Interactive effects of low Ph and low ion concentrations on reproduction and early life stages of Medaka, Oryzias LatipesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Cochran, Philip Andrew1984Ph.D.The foraging behavior of parasitic lampreysUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Colburn, Elizabeth Anne1980Ph.D.Factors influencing the distribution and abundance of the salt-tolerant Caddisfly, Limnephilus Assimilis, in Death ValleyUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Cottingham, Kathryn L.1996Ph.D.Phytoplankton responses to whole-lake manipulations of nutrients and food websUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Cottingham, Kathryn L.1993M.S.Effects of food web structure on the resilience and resistance of lake phosphorus cycles University of Wisconsin-Madison
Crary, Benjamin2013M.S. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Crawford, John T.2014Ph.D.Carbon gas emissions from headwater streamsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Crawford, John T.2012M.S.Hydrologic and geomorphologic controls on carbon dioxide and methane emissions from a headwater stream network of interior AlaskaUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Crestin, David S.1973M.S.Some aspects of the biology of adults and early life stages of the rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax (Mitchill), from the Weweantic River estuary, Wareham-Marion, Massachusetts, 1968University of Wisconsin-Madison
Cromwell, Kara J.2018Ph.D.Host-parasite ecology of Baetis bicaudatus mayflies and Gasteromermis sp. nematodes in high-altitude streamsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Cruickshank, Michael James1978Ph.D.Technological and environmental considerations in the exploration and exploitation of marine mineralsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Danovich, Teresa M.1976M.S.Selection criteria for Wisconsin power plants on Lake Michigan: implications of state laws on water utilizationUniversity of Wisconson-Madison
Dean, Kirk E.1994Ph.D.Phase partitioning and the fate of hydrophobic organic contaminants in Lake MichiganUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Delany, Austin2022M.S.The Influence of Carbon Cycling on Metabolism and Oxygen Depletion in
North-Temperate Lakes
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Dent, C. Lisa1999Ph.D.The effects of ecosystem configuration on nutrient dynamics in a Sonoran desert stream ecosystemArizona State University
Devlin, Shawn P.2011Ph.D. Wright State University
Diebel, Matthew Whitney2008Ph. D.Prioritizing stream restoration in agricultural landscapesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Dobosenski, Jamie Alyssa2018M.S. University of Minnesota
Doepke, Philip Arden1969Ph.D.An ecological study of the walleye, Stizostedion vitreum, and its early life historyUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Doepke, Philip Arden1963M.S.Arsenic distribution in a shallow lake treated with an herbicide of sodium arseniteUniversity of Wisconsin- Madison
Dorr, John Adam III1982Ph.D.Substrate and other environmental factors in reproduction of the yellow perch (Perca flavescens)University of Michigan
Dripps, Weston R.2003Ph.D.The spatial and temporal variability of groundwater recharge within the Trout Lake basin of Northern WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Druschke, Caroline Gottschalk.2021M.S.Geomorphic and ecological effects of restoration and flood events on streams in the driftless area of WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Eby, Lisa A.1995M.S.Dynamics of Lake Michigan forage fish populations: influence on food web interactions and PCB bioaccumulationUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
El-Shamy, Farouk M.H.1973Ph.D.A comparison of feeding and growth of bluegill (lepomis macrochirus) in Lake Wingra and Lake Mendota, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Embke, Holly2022Ph.D.Understanding Inland Recreational Fisheries in a Changing ClimateUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Engel, Sanford Schoenholz1972Ph.D.Utilization of food and space by cisco, yellow perch and introduced coho salmon, with notes on other species, in Pallette Lake, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Engqvist, Anders1994Ph.D. (?)Water exchange and nutrient balances in a Baltic estuaryGoteborg University
Erickson, Russell John1980Ph.D.Horizontal distribution and flux of phosphorus in Fish Lake, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Essington, Timothy Edwin1999Ph.DSpatial dynamics, stage-structure, and the predator-prey interactions of largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides)University of Wisconsin-Madison
Faber, Daniel James1963Ph.D.Larval fish from the pelagial region of two Wisconsin lakesUniversity of Wisconsin- Madison
Fischer, J.1994M.S.State-structured dynamics of an invertebrate predatorUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Fischer, Janet Marie1997Ph.D.Zooplankton community responses to acidification: the role of rapid evolution and compensatory dynamicsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Fisher, Dana R.2001Ph.D.Regulating the environment: the battle over the Kyoto Protocol for Global Climate Change in advanced industrialized nationsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Flynn, Curtis M.1976M.S.A quantitative assessment of polymorphism in selected species of Micrasterias (Desmidiales, Chlorophyta). II. Studies on experimental clonesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Foley, Andrea Lee-Duvall1993M.S.The factors influencing algal pigment degradation in lake sedimentsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Folke, Carl1990Ph.D.Evaluation of ecosystem life-support in relation to salmon and wetland exploitationStockholm University
Foreman, William J.1999M.S.Carp-mediated phosphorus cycling in a shallow eutrophic lake: Lake Wingra, Wisconsin, U.S.A.University of Wisconsin-Madison
Forshay, Kenneth J.2003M. S.Nitrogen dynamics in floodplain water bodies following inundation on the Wisconsin River FloodplainUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Fox, Justin M.2007M.S.Quantification of sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) damage to fishes in Lake SuperiorUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Freeman, Ross E.2000M.S.Ecological analysis of floodplain landscape change: the Wisconsin River and implications for small-scale river conservationUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Friedman, Jonathan Michael1987M.S.Gardner Marsh: drainage, subsidence and restoration of a peat depositUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Fuller, Matthew R.2009Beaver pond morphology as a tool for predicting changes downstream.University of Wisconsin-Madison
Fullerton, Michael Keith1988M.S.Particulate organic carbon in Lake Michigan: spatial, temporal, and size distributionUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Gaeta, Jereme William2009M.S.Lakeshore residential development and growth of largemouth bass (micropterus salmoides): a cross-lakes comparisonUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Gaeta, Jereme William2012Ph.D.Identifying, quantifying, and mitigating direct and indirect anthropogenic effects on North Temperate game fishesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Ganioglu, Muzaffer Binhan1986M.S.Development of a fermentation process for mass culturing live food organisms for feeding larval fishes, with an emphasis on yellow perch (Perca flavescens)University of Wisconsin-Madison
Garber, Kevein J.1981M.S.Gastric evacuation and protein energetics in yellow perchUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Gardner, Lance1990M.S.Duckweed and Ceratophyllum harvesting on Mirror Lake, Sauk County, Wisconsin: implications for nutrient removalUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Gasith, Avital1974Ph.D.Allochthonous organic matter and organic matter dynamics in Lake Wingra, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Gergel, Sarah E.1996M.S.Scale-dependent landscape effects on north temperate lakes and riversUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Gille, Caitlin2005M.S.A mass-balanced and bioenergetics approach to modeling 13C uptake and tissue turnover rates in fishUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Gille, Caitlin2003B.S.The effects of littoral zone habitat structure on the interactions of fishesUniversity of Wisconsin- Madison
Gillen, Alan L.1980M.S.Predation by pellet-reared tiger-muskies on cyprinid and centrarchid prey in experimental systemsOhio State University
Gitter, Michael J.1982M.S.Thermal distribution and community structure of Lake Michigan zooplankton with emphasis on the interactions of young-of-year fishesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Golub, Malgorzata2016Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Gonzalez L., Maria J.1988M.S.Rotifer population dynamics and food limitation in Little Rock Lake, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Gonzalez, M. J1992Ph.D.Effects of experimental acidification on zooplankton populations: A multiple-scale approachUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Goodden, J. Jason1974M.S.Sedimentological aspects of underwater copper exploration in Lake SuperiorUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Gorski, Patrick R.2004Ph.D.An assessment of bioavailability and bioaccumulation of mercury species in freshwater food chainsUniversity of Wisconsin- Madison
Gorsky, Adrianna L.2021M.S.Annual dynamics and the role of light in controlling winter greenhouse gas concentrations in small lakes in northern WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin- Madison
Greenfield, Ben K.2000M.S.Predicting mercury levels in fish: use of water chemistry, trophic ecology, and spatial traitsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Guiden, Peter W.2019Ph.D.Seasonal dynamics in the anthropocene: novel autumn and winter predation refugia modify plant-consumer interactions in temperate forestsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hagar, Jeffery M.1984M.S.Diets of Lake Michigan salmonids: An assessment of the dynamics of predator-prey interactionUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hansen, Gretchen2012Ph.D.A multi-faceted approach to understanding dtrivers and consequences of aquatic invasive species impactsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hansen, Michael Jay1994Ph.D.Dynamics of the recovery of Lake Trout (Salvelinus namaycush) in U.S. waters of Lake SuperiorMichigan State University
Hanson, Paul Conrad2003Ph.D.Metabolism in the surface waters of north temperate lakes University of Wisconsin- Madison
Hart, Julia2017M.S.Greenhouse gas formation and organic carbon dynamics in a eutrophic lakeUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Harvey, Chris J.2001Ph.D.A stable isotope analysis of food web structure in Lake SuperiorUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hasler, Arthur D.1937Ph.D.The physiology of digestion of plankton crustaceaUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
He, Xi1990Ph.D.Effects of predation on a fish community: a whole lake experimentUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
He, Xi1986M.S.Population dynamics of northern redbelly dace (Phoximus Eos), finescale dace (Phoxinus Neogaeus), and central mudminnow (Umbra Limi), in two manipulated lakesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Heald, Emily2015M.S. University of Minnesota
Hein, Catherine L.2004M.S.Rusty crayfish (Orconectes rusticus) population dynamics during three years of intensive removal in Sparkling Lake, Wisconsin University of Wisconsin- Madison
Helmus, Matthew R.2008Ph.D. University of Wisconsin-Madison
Herren, Cristina Marie2016Ph.D.Using ecological theory to investigate emergent properties of populations in aquatic ecosystemsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hinke, Jefferson T.2001M.S.Trophic interactions of juvenile yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and young-of-year largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides): the influences of density, size and growthUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hjerne, Olle2000M.S.Fish and fisheries management in an ecological context, with emphasis to the Baltic SeaStockholm University
Hoffman, Adam R.2008Ph.DBioavailability of sediment phosphorus in geochemically contrasting aquatic systemsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hoffman, Judith Irene1993M.S.Spatial and temporal distribution of Keratella hiemalis in association with temperature, oxygen, chlorophyll A, and pH in Little Rock Lake, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Horns, William H.1983Ph.D.A comparison of four stocks of lake trout with respect to early developmentUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Horrall, Ross Moody1956M.S.Introductory study of the white bass, Lapibema Chrysops (Rafinesque), in Lake Mendota, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Houk, Dennis Franklin1975Ph.D.The effects of rain on near-surface waterUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Houser, Jeffrey N.2001Ph.D.Dissolved organic carbon in lakes: effects on thermal structure, primary production, and hypolimnetic metabolism University of Wisconsin-Madison
Houser, Jeffrey N.1998M.S.Food web structure and experimental enrichment: effects on phosphorus sedimentation and retentionUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Howmiller, Richard1966M.S.Techniques for the use of Lemna Minor L. as bio-assy organismUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hrabik, Thomas R.1999Ph.D.Factors influencing fish distribution and condition within lakes and across landscapesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hrabik, Thomas R.1995M.S.Distribution patterns and feeding characteristics of rainbow smelt in Wisconsin : Effects on native fishesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hu, Jian-Hwa1983Ph.D.On the Keweenaw current: visual and numerical studies of the mean and turbulent flowsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hu, Jian-Hwa1978M.S.The Keweenaw current data analysis : by using an improved objective method for a vectorial fieldUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Huh, Hyung Tack1975Ph.D.Bioenergetics of food conversion and growth of yellow perch (perca flavescens) and walleye (stizostedion vitreum vitreum) using formulated dietsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Huitric, Miriam2004Ph. D.Masking environmental feedback: misfits between institutions and ecosystems in Belize and ThailandStockholm University
Hurley, James Patrick1988Ph.D.Diagenesis of algal pigments in lake sedimentsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Hurley, James Patrick1984M.S.Nutrient cycling in three northern Wisconsin lakesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Inskip, Peter Douglas1980M.S.Annual and seasonal variability in growth of sympatric muskellunge (Esox masquinongy Mitchell) and northern pike (Esox lucius Linnaeus)University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jacobson, Paul T.1987M.S.Size, distribution and abundance of pelagic fish by deconvolution of single-beam acoustic data: method, precision, and resultsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Jacobson, Paul Timothy1990Ph.D.Pattern and process in the distribution of cisco, Coregonus artedii, in Trout Lake, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Jech, Josef Michael1991Ph.D.On the linear relationships of acoustic backscatter to physical structure at the western edge of the Gulf StreamUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Jech, Josef Michael1986M.S.Physical oceanography of the Gulf Stream from the Research Cruise Echo Front ’85University of Wisconsin-Madison
Jensen, Olaf P.2008Ph.D.Fish movements in a predator-prey and fisheries management contextUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
John, Rahul2005M.S.Simulating respnse rates and historical transience of surface water and groundwater: Trout Lake Basin, Northern WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Johnson, Barry Leigh1989Ph.D.Evaluating management options under uncertainty: an application to the Green Bay yellow perch fisheryUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Johnson, Brett Michael1993Ph.D.Toward a holistic recreational fisheries management: Fish-angler-management interactions in Lake Mendota, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Johnson, Pieter T. J.2006Ph.D.Ecosystems and disease : Amphibian malformations and zooplankton chytridiomycosis as model systems University of Wisconsin-Madison
Johnson, Timothy Bruce1995M.S.Long-term dynamics of the zooplanktivorous fish community in Lake Mendota, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin – Madison
Jones, Stuart E.2008Ph.D.External drivers of limnetic bacterial community composition and function University of Wisconsin – Madison
Jorgensen, Jeffrey C.2004M.S.Growth potential, host mortality and size trends of the parasitic- phase of the sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus, in Lake SuperiorUniversity of Wisconsin- Madison
Kamarainen, Amy Marie2009Ph.D.Long-term trends in aquatic pollutants: Chloride and phosphorus dynamics in lakes embedded in urban and agricultural watershedsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Kang, See Whan1977Ph.D.Nonlinear dynamics of long standing wavesUniversity of Wisconsin – Madison
Kaplan, Isaac C.2004Ph.D.Ecosystem modeling of marine populationsUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Kara (married name Read), Emily Louise2012Ph.D.Eutrophication processes and microbial ecology of Lake Mendota, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Karl, Gary William1970M.S.Toxic algae in Wisconsin lakesUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Karner, Dawn A.2005M.S.Development and application of an algal probe for copper speciation in marine watersUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Kerkhove, Amanda2023M.S.Newer isn’t always better: Understanding the relationships between fishing technologies, catch expectations and trip satisfactionUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Kershner, Mark W.1992M.S.The impact of landscape pattern on the invasion of Northern Wisconsin lakes by the crayfish, orconectes rusticusUniversity of Notre Dame
Kim, Kangjoo1996Ph.D.A geochemical and flow modeling study on groundwater in a sandy, silicate aquifer, Northern Wisconsin, USAUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Kitchell, James Frederick1970Ph.D.The daily ration for a population pf bluegill sunfish (Lepomis Macrochirus Raf.)University of Colorado
Klinger, Sharon Ann1978M.S.An investigation of survival mechanisms of three species of fish inhabiting a winterkill lakeUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Klug, Jennifer L.2000Ph.D.Complex effects of colored dissolved organic matter on algal growth and community compositionUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Kluesener, John W.1972Ph.D.Nutrient transport and transformations in Lake Wingra, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Knight, Susan E.1988Ph.D.The ecophysiological significance of carnivory in Utricularia vulgarisUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Kohler, Martha Hansen1973Ph.D.Sediment dispersal in Lake Michigan between Two Rivers and Two Creeks, WisconsinUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Koning, Aaron A.2018Ph.D.Riverine reserves: the conservation benefits of spatial protection for rivers in the context of environmental changeUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Koonce, Joseph F.1969M.S.Estimations of phytoplankton production and biomass in a small acid bog lakeUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
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