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This collection contains audio recordings that do not fit into other collections.
Title | Description | Creator | Date | Length |
Hans Schneider Research Audio | Underwater sounds of the freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens). Likely related to research published in: Schneider, H., Hasler, A.D. Laute und Lauterzeugung beim Süsswassertrommler Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque (Sciaenidae, Pisces). Z. Vergl. Physiol. 43, 499–517 (1960). | Schneider, Hans | ca. 1960 | 0:07:08 |
Arthur Hasler Audio Notes | First 47s is full of audio distortion – sounds like someone adjusting the settings; ADH “confirming my telephone conversation with you about the Green Bank manuscript-” more audio distortion, “are you working, machine?” – recorded over from multiple sources; news report about the Dow Chemical protests (with National Guard and policemen); around 8m08s, the recording jumps again, back to ADH talking about bibliography works for a book he’s writing with someone else; seems to be a sort of ‘catch-all’ audio recording/journal of ADH’s responses to peers/current events. | Hasler, Arthur D. | ca. 1967 | 0:27:31 |
President Emeritus Birge Commencement Address 1937 | Commencement address of President Edward Asahel Birge of and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Birge, along with Chancey Juday, were pioneers of limnology in North America and their intensive studies of Wisconsin lakes laid the foundation for the development of the Limnology Department. Birge was a gifted public speaker with an excellent sense of humor; he good-naturedly chastises the students, faculty, and alumni for selecting him as speaker for the third time. | 1937 | 0:05:42 |