Assorted Audio

This collection contains audio recordings that do not fit into other collections.

Hans Schneider Research AudioUnderwater sounds of the freshwater drum (Aplodinotus grunniens). Likely related to research published in: Schneider, H., Hasler, A.D. Laute und Lauterzeugung beim Süsswassertrommler Aplodinotus grunniens Rafinesque (Sciaenidae, Pisces). Z. Vergl. Physiol. 43, 499–517 (1960)., Hansca. 19600:07:08
Arthur Hasler Audio NotesFirst 47s is full of audio distortion – sounds like someone adjusting the settings; ADH “confirming my telephone conversation with you about the Green Bank manuscript-” more audio distortion, “are you working, machine?” – recorded over from multiple sources; news report about the Dow Chemical protests (with National Guard and policemen); around 8m08s, the recording jumps again, back to ADH talking about bibliography works for a book he’s writing with someone else; seems to be a sort of ‘catch-all’ audio recording/journal of ADH’s responses to peers/current events.Hasler, Arthur 19670:27:31
President Emeritus Birge Commencement Address 1937Commencement address of President Edward Asahel Birge of and at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Birge, along with Chancey Juday, were pioneers of limnology in North America and their intensive studies of Wisconsin lakes laid the foundation for the development of the Limnology Department. Birge was a gifted public speaker with an excellent sense of humor; he good-naturedly chastises the students, faculty, and alumni for selecting him as speaker for the third time.19370:05:42