Project Assistant Librarian Position

Job title: Project Assistant Librarian

Contact information: Ruth Thomas –

Location: Hasler Laboratory of Limnology, Rm 211, 680 N Park St, Madison, WI 53706

CFL Library website

DEADLINE: October 31, 2024

A librarian project assistantship will be available at the UW-Madison Center for Limnology (CFL) beginning winter 2024-2025. This is a 33.4% Project Assistantship (PA), which includes tuition remission, health benefits, and bi-weekly stipend. The ideal candidate would be able to start in December and will not be graduating in the spring or summer of 2025 (i.e. ability to stay in the role for at least one full academic year).

This is a great opportunity to gain experience and skills in all areas of academic librarianship as the sole librarian of a small research library, including both public and technical services, with opportunities to spearhead projects in within your own areas of specialization.

About the Center for Limnology (CFL)

  • The CFL is an inter-departmental research center devoted to the study of lakes, inland waters and freshwater bodies.
  • The CFL is made up of 2 facilities: the Hasler Lab located at UW-Madison and the Trout Lake Station in Bolder Junction, WI.
  • The CFL is comprised of 8 faculty/emeritus and approximately 40 researchers (grad students and full time).

About the Limnology Library

  • The Limnology Library houses a non-circulating collection of books, journals, and government documents focused on limnology and freshwater ecology.
  • The library maintains a collection of student theses (Masters and Ph.D.), as well as a large collection of journal article reprints.
  • The Trout Lake Station facility has a small research/reading collection that is managed by the Limnology Library.
  • In addition to the print collections, the library also collaborates with the graduate student archivist to maintain the online photograph and media collections.
  • Patrons will include faculty and students from the CFL, as well as many affiliated departments on campus, such as zoology, biology, marine science, and civil engineering, researchers from government agencies, such as the WI Department of Natural Resources and from national and international NGOs, such as the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography.


  • Approximately 13-14 hours/week; primarily during the library’s open hours of M-F, 8:00 am-5:00pm


  • Responsible for the daily operations of the library.
  • Manage library collection development, including resource purchases and donations, and process new materials such as books, journals, government documents, article reprints, theses, and newsletters.
  • Provide reference support via email, phone and in person, including assist patrons in locating online and print materials, and processing reprint requests.
  • Maintain digital library holdings, including a digital reprint library and digital photo collections.
  • Maintain Limnology Library websites using WordPress.
  • Travel to Trout Lake Research Station in Boulder Junction, WI, once per semester to help maintain the library collection there (lodging provided, transportation and meals will be reimbursed).
  • Work with CFL staff to strategically plan for the role of the library based on the needs of the center.
  • Develop and implement solutions for various information resource management needs.
  • Prepare annual reports, grant proposals, and budget requests.
  • Chair and oversee the CFL Library and Archives Committee, including set agendas, facilitate committee meetings, and spearhead volunteer projects.
  • Assist in hiring of the next project assistant librarian at the end of the appointment.
  • Participate in CFL Outreach initiatives.
  • Other duties as assigned.

Required Qualifications:

  • UW-Madison graduate student enrolled in at least six credits per semester. Preference will be given to students enrolled in the School of Library and Information Studies.
  • Strong and demonstrated knowledge of UW Library services, such as the library catalog and electronic databases.
  • Excellent communication, time management, and problem solving skills.
  • Capacity to work independently and as a team member.
  • Ability to develop and manage projects individually.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Experience using Alma or other bibliographic utility, especially circulation and cataloging modules.
  • Availability for at least one full academic year.
  • Interest in or experience with STEM librarianship.

How to apply:

  • Application deadline:  October 31 for guaranteed consideration.
  • Email cover letter and resume to Ruth Thomas at

The University of Wisconsin is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.