Music & Dance

The Music collection consists of approximately 500,000 items in a wide variety of formats, including books, journals, sheet music, recordings and electronic resources. Special strengths include the Wisconsin Music Archives, Americana, musical theater, recorded sound, and ethnomusicology. Items cover all languages and geographic areas, ranging from the local to the international in scope. The vast majority of this material is housed at the Mills Music Library, but additional items can be found in other campus libraries, especially Memorial Library and College Library.

Subject Specialist: Tom Caw

The Dance collection follows the curriculum of our School of Dance which includes the study of modern dance, ballet, jazz and Asian, African and African-American dance. Materials focus on three concentrations: performance and choreography; education; and interarts and technology. Books, journals, videos and electronic resources make up the bulk of the collection.

Subject Specialist: Anna Lewis

Research Guide: Dance Resources