Note: Staff must retrieve these items for patron use.
Locked Case: houses materials prone to theft and mutilation; ask at Circulation Desk; items may circulate.
Shelving Facility: off-site shelving houses earlier theses and dissertations, low-use materials, journals whose contents are available online. Circulation policies vary. Materials may be requested.
UW-Madison affiliates and community card holders should request through the Library Catalog.
Special Collections – (976): sometimes called Rare Books. Materials do not circulate.
Microform Media Collection: houses microforms and other media. Ask at the Circulation Desk for assistance. Microform readers are in 262D/E.
Reference Non-Current Collection: reference materials currently located in the Basement Stacks. Ask at the Circulation Desk for assistance. Items do not circulate.
Storage Collection: items moved to temporary shelves; ask at Circulation Desk; items may circulate.