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Carrels are located throughout the library and include open, reservable, and locked carrels.
No long-term locked carrels are currently available. Please check back at the beginning of March. We will post the link to the application form when carrels open.
Open carrels are distributed around the perimeters of the north and south stacks areas. These carrels cannot be reserved.
There are a number of 1-person carrels that may be reserved up to two weeks ahead of time by anyone with a NetID, much like the group study rooms. Please visit the Reserve a 1-Person Carrel page for more information.
A library-wide sprinkler installation project will begin in Spring 2026 and last for several months. It will impact carrels in the north stacks on floors 4M, 5, and 6. While work is being completed on your carrel’s floor, you will lose access to the carrel and its contents. We will alert you before the floor is closed, but it will be your responsibility to clear out your carrel of needed items.
Located on the 5th Floor. Visit the Faculty Carrels page for more information.