Staff Picks

We have instituted a new way for the public to discover the riches in our library: Staff Picks! We have many materials the public doesn’t get to browse through, let alone see–such as our thousands of CDs, DVDs, and LPs–and we wanted to increase the public’s ability to paw through our holdings. We brought back the headphone tree we once used to store all the headphones we had on hand to facilitate listening in the library back when we kept the turntables, cassette decks, and CD players behind the circulation desk and piped the sound out to carrels that had been fitted with headphone jacks and volume controllers, and we repurposed it to display our Staff Picks. Staff will be choosing favorite records, CDs, DVDs, books, and scores on an ongoing basis, and all of the selections will be available to check out. The tree is in front of our Reference section, directly across from our service desk. Each of the six levels of the tree rotates, so come on in and give our Staff Picks a spin.