Naxos Music Library now in Library Catalog
We are pleased to announce that we have added over 105,000 titles from Naxos Music Library to our Library Catalog. To be more precise, we have added cataloging records to our catalog, which will allow users to discover recordings available to them via this streaming audio database without having to go to the site first.
Here is an example of how the Naxos results will appear in what we call the brief display:
Clicking on the title will open the full catalog record, which includes a link to the recording in Naxos Music Library.
Naxos Music Library is the world’s largest online classical music library. Currently, it offers streaming access to more than 143,000 CDs with more than 2,223,000 tracks of both standard and rare repertoire. Over 600 new CDs are added every month. We hope having these appear in Library Catalog search results will increase both awareness of the recordings and usage of them. Please contact us with questions or feedback.