CHPDC Happy Hour!
Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture (CHPDC) Happy Hour
Friday, March 12, 2021 4-5pm CT
Virtual (Zoom)
Please join the Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture for a relaxing hour on March 12 (4-5 pm) socializing with books and other library and archival materials!
Tom Caw, Music Public Services Librarian, will join librarians and archivists from Special Collections, Ebling Library, the Cooperative Children’s Book Center, and Wisconsin Historical Society to hang out and talk about some recent acquisitions. Caw will be talking about and playing excerpts from a rare record we acquired last month: an RCA Victor Record Prevue Disc Jockey Sample record released in 1952 with one side being “A Little Bit About Myself (Phonobiography),” by Pee Wee King, and the other having unreleased material not included on the Pee Wee King & the Golden West Cowboys 6-CD box set released in 1994 by Bear Family Records we have as part of our Wisconsin Music Archives.

Pee Wee King was the pseudonym of Julius Frank Anthony Kuczynski (February 18, 1914 – March 7, 2000). He was born and raised in Abrams, Wisconsin, and then his family moved to Milwaukee when he was 10. He talks about growing up in Wisconsin on this record. He’s most famous for having written the music for “Tennessee Waltz,” but he had a long successful career. He was inducted into the Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame in 1970 and the Country Music Hall of Fame in 1974.