Papermaking: Friends Appreciation Night
Last month, the Friends of the Libraries hosted a special event for Friends Appreciation night: an opportunity for Friends members to learn about the art of handmade paper at the UW Art Lofts. The workshop included a tour of the facility, an exhibition of examples of handmade paper (including paper dresses), and a hands-on workshop during which Members made their own sheets of paper from old cotton t-shirts and linen napkins.
Art Professor Jim Escalante runs the paper mill and papermaking classes at the UW Art Lofts, and was joined by Professor and master papermaker Mary Hark during the event to explain the processes to the Friends and to supervise the hands-on portion.
Tracy Honn of Silver Buckle Press organized the event with Lyn Korenic of the Kohler Art Library as part of Text Support: A Library Exhibit About Paper, and also assisted with the hands-on workshop. Here’s how she summed up the experience:
“The Friends event went so well–there were a number of students volunteering, two of whom are graduate students who had just finished busy semesters. Another was Katie Garth, who worked at Silver Buckle Press (and became an excellent papermaker working with Prof. Mary Hark last semester). I was pleased Friends had an opportunity that night to see engaged faculty and students in an unusual classroom.” ~Tracy Honn