The Klezmer Clarinet in All Its Colors and Moods
Join Mayrent Institute founder Sherry Mayrent and founding director Henry Sapoznik for three fabulous FREE events:
The Klezmer Clarinet in All Its Colors and Moods
Thursday, November 20, 2014
7pm reception, 7:30pm Sound Salon, live concert following
University Club, 432 East Campus Mall
A unique swing through the lush history of the klezmer clarinet. Mayrent and Sapoznik will discuss the lives and careers of great klezmer clarinetists, with audio illustrations from historic recordings.
Klezmer Music workshops
Wednesday, November 19, 7:30pm — open to all
Friday, November 21, 2–3:30pm — for advanced musicians
Participatory workshops on playing klezmer music, the traditional music of Yiddish culture. Ms. Mayrent will teach several tunes to the group, contextualizing each with discussion of klezmer music theory and performance style. For details and to RSVP, please see the Mayrent Institute website.
Mayrent Collection of Yiddish Recordings
The Mills Music Library is fortunate to hold Sherry Mayrent’s unique collection of Yiddish 78-rpm recordings. A digital collection is in the beginning phases. For more information on the Collection and more klezmer material, please come by the Mills Music Library.
The Mayrent Collection of Yiddish Recordings is unique in its comprehensive scale and scope. The over 9,000 78rpm discs include Yiddish theater, popular and traditional music, cantorial songs, klezmer music, poetry, drama, and event ballads and from locations as diverse as the United States, Eastern Europe, Latin America, South Africa and Israel. The contents offer an unparalleled audio entrée into the vibrant, fascinating cultural practices of early- mid 20th century Yiddish life.Sherry Mayrent, collector and musician, gives an engaging account of the collection’s origin and its educational and cultural potential in this video interview.
The Mills Music Library and General Library System gratefully acknowledge Ms. Mayrent’s generosity in donating this unique collection. The Marinus and Minna B. Koster Foundation, the Littauer Foundation and Ms. Mayrent have generously provided essential support for cataloging, access, and preservation.
In partnership with the Mayrent Institute for Yiddish Culture, the collection will include:
Catalog record – with Yiddish, Hebrew script, translated title(s)
Label image
Digital audio – remastered and speed corrected
Lyrics in English
Contextual information
Sheet music (when available).
Please note that this is a long-term project! For questions and access to recordings not yet represented online, please contact the Mills Music Library.