Kohler Art Library Opens New Exhibit – Title/Tidal: Book Arts and Water

July 22, 2016
Karen Hackenberg. Watershed. Seattle : Paper Hammer, 2013.

Water is elemental to every form of life on our planet. It also serves as a crucial and enduring motif for artistic production. The Kohler Art Library and Wisconsin Water Library have teamed up to present this inspiring exhibit of artists’ books that spotlights a number of important and complex issues surrounding the topic of water. The multi-faceted works convey the wide range of ways that book artists, at times collaborating with writers, have interpreted water, rendering it elemental to creative life.

By revealing similarities between water scientists, books artists, and creative writers, this exhibit also brings into clear view the intersections of art and science. Each group is motivated by an urgency to protect oceans, lakes, rivers, streams, watery atmosphere and habitats from climate change-induced degradation. They each wish to inspire public attention to emotional and practical aspects of water. The titles on display showcase these various aspects: water as place and site for memory formation; water as witness to the passing of time; water as life-giving and life-taking; water as inspiring feats of technological engineering; water as source of human labor; water as driver of economies; and water as journey.

Margaret Prentice. “End of Day” in Innovative printmaking on handmade paper. Washington, D.C. : Hand Papermaking, 2003.

Book artists and writers in the exhibit: Margaret Wise Brown (author), Julie Chen, Emilie Clark, Stephanie Copoulos-Selle, Diane Fine, Colin Finlay, Hermine Ford, Kathleen Fraser (poet), Dan Giancola (poet), Karen Hackenberg, Lyn Hejinian (poet), Susan Johanknecht, Babette Katz, Michael Kuch, Mario Laplante, Clifton Meador, Sarah McDermott, Margaret Preston, Barbara Tetenbaum, Walter Tisdale, and Claire Van Vliet.

Colin Finlay. 12°N x 23° E, 64°S x 60° E. S.l.: Definitive Stories, 2007.
Colin Finlay. 12°N x 23° E, 64°S x 60° E. S.l.: Definitive Stories, 2007.

Co-curators: Sigrid Peterson (SLIS graduate student); Anne Moser (Head, Wisconsin’s Water Library), and Lyn Korenic (Director, Kohler Art Library).

Special thanks: Sigrid Peterson for text labels; Dan Joe (Memorial Library) for graphic design assistance; and Yael Gen (Wisconsin Water Library) for exhibit title.

The exhibit runs from July 5 – October 30, 2016


The Kohler Art Library regularly exhibits materials from its collections, such as artist books and illuminated manuscript facsimiles. Occasionally the library exhibits materials from other sources.

Lyn Hejinian and Emilie Clark. The lake. New York : Granary Books, 2004.
Lyn Hejinian and Emilie Clark. The lake. New York : Granary Books, 2004.
Walter Tisdale and Barbara Tetenbaum. Fishtales. Bangor, ME. : Tatlin Books ; Madison, WI: Triangular Press, 1993.
Margaret Wise Brown. The little river. Rockport, ME : Two Ponds Press, 2013.
Margaret Wise Brown. The little river. Rockport, ME : Two Ponds Press, 2013.