Libraries Begin Master Plan Process

We need your help to shape the long-term future of physical library spaces at the UW-Madison! The Libraries are starting a master plan process to provide direction for campus library buildings through the next 20 years. Over the next six months, a team of consulting groups will be working with libraries to develop this plan. Your input is important!
A team from our consulting groups, brightspot and Engberg Anderson, will be on campus December 5-8, 2016, for the first of six monthly visits to engage with students, faculty and staff and gather information from library users. During this visit there is an opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students, as well as faculty to participate in feedback sessions.
- Monday, Dec. 5, 5:00-6:00pm, College Library, room 2252B : Undergraduate students are invited and encouraged to attend a town hall session at College Library, room 2252B from 5:00-6:00pm. Pizza will be served!
- Tuesday, Dec. 6, 1:30-2:30pm, Memorial Library, room 460: Graduate students are invited and encouraged to attend a focus group session in the Memorial Commons, on the fourth floor of Memorial Library. Pizza will be served!
- Tuesday, Dec. 6, 4:30-5:30pm, Memorial Library, room 460: Faculty are encouraged to attend a focus group in the Memorial Commons (room 460).
The consultants have five additional onsite visits scheduled from late January through the end of May and there will be many opportunities for campus engagement throughout the process. Your participation and input throughout this process is valued and will continue to be important.
If you have questions, please contact Carrie Kruse (