New Library Faces: Getting to know Jessica Sayer
We give a warm welcome Jessica Sayer, the new Administrative Assistant to our Vice Provost! She works closely with Lisa Carter in the continued advancement of the UW- Madison Libraries. Here are a few fun facts to help get to know her.

How long have you been working in libraries and how did this journey begin?
I’ve been here just under two months! My husband and I moved to Madison this past August so he could attend graduate school. I originally found a position in the Department of Family Medicine and Community Health but kept my eye open for other positions on campus that would align better with my interests. I’ve always loved libraries, so when I saw this position posted, I jumped at the opportunity!
What do you enjoy most about your position?
Having the opportunity to work with such wonderful and dedicated staff.
10 Quick Facts
- Most recently worked: UW Department of Family Medicine and Community Health. Before that, in the UW-Stevens Point Art and Design Department
- Previous organizations include:Portage County Literacy Council, UWSP Arts Alliance, Portage County Humane Society, and United Way of Marathon County.
- Fun fact about yourself: I was homeschooled through high school!
- Favorite book: I have too many, but, if I had to choose: Candide, Harry Potter, The Hobbit, The Man Who Laughs, and Wilderness Tips
- Tell me what a perfect day in Madison outside of the library looks like for you. A bike ride along the Lakeshore path to The Terrace to enjoy a refreshing beverage
- Looking forward to exploring…All the libraries on campus!
- Standout Wisconsin/UW-Madison fact I’ve learned since moving to Madison: The plastic flamingo being the official city bird
- Was interested to learn: UW-Madison has its own dairy and makes the most delicious ice cream!
- Favorite color: Grey and purple
- Can’t wait for: Warmer weather so I can start biking to work!